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Playing With / Redemption Rejection

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Basic Trope: Evil character is offered a chance to Heel–Face Turn, but refuses.

  • Straight: Magical Girl Ichigo offers Miyako a chance to stop serving Queen Suzume and join her team. Miyako laughs at the thought, telling her she's sticking with the winning side — and anyway, she's never felt so alive...!
  • Exaggerated: Every time Ichigo, Rin or Mitsuko face Miyako, they beg her to stop serving the evil Queen before it's too late. She rejects them every single time.
  • Downplayed: Miyako was offered by the heroes to change her ways, but although she realized her evil, she eventually forgets about it and remains evil.
  • Justified:
    • Miyako sees no reason to turn against the Queen; after all, the only thing standing in their way are three pathetic little girls in silly dresses...!
    • Miyako is an honourable villain with an Undying Loyalty towards the Queen.
    • Miyako is an unrepentant, self-aware villain.
    • Ichigo is either just as bad as the Queen or otherwise morally bankrupt, or at least Miyako thinks so. Miyako believes that joining her would not actually be a form of redemption.
    • Miyako has a personal grudge against Ichigo, justified or not.
    • Miyako is a Complete Monster of a Heavy who will stop at nothing to let the Queen, also a Complete Monster, accomplish whatever her evil goals are. This means that for Miyako, redemption is never an option.
  • Inverted:
  • Subverted: When Ichigo offers her a Last-Second Chance, Miyako accepts.
  • Double Subverted: ...However, she only says that to get Ichigo to turn her back for a moment...
  • Parodied:
    • Ichigo offer Miyako a chance to repent, and the latter refuses. Then Ichigo asks her to don't not repent, and Miyako nearly accepts...
    • Ichigo offer Miyako a chance to repent, and the latter refuses. Then ichigo threatens her with more firepower and she's suddenly very repentant...
  • Zig Zagged: During her Dark Magical Girl phase, Rin rejected Ichigo's initial attempts to redeem her, first because she honestly believed the queen cared for her, then because she felt she didn't deserve any second chances. Mitsuko immediately jumped at the offer, but only because she was planning to serve as The Mole. But she quickly became the mask and turned on Suzume for real. In fact, Ichigo doesn't even want to redeem Miyako, who she thinks crossed the Moral Event Horizon; she's only offering because she converted Rin and Mitsuko, and doesn't want them to feel like she didn't do all she could to help Miyako...
  • Averted: Ichigo does not offer Miyako any chance of redemption at all.
  • Enforced: Miyako has become a Draco in Leather Pants in the fandom, but the author doesn't feel she's redeemable. He only has Ichigo make the offer so that Miyako can reject it, cementing herself as a villain who must be defeated.
  • Lampshaded: "Why do you insist on hating us? Was it something I said?"
  • Invoked: Miyako randomly acts slightly repentant or hesitant, just so she can slam the door into Ichigo's metaphorical face every time.
  • Exploited: Ichigo knows Miyako's too haughty and overconfident and will reject the offer; she also knows that if Miyako thinks she's trying to 'redeem' her, she's underestimate just how fiercely Ichigo will be fighting, and won't expect her to bust out her strongest magical attacks.
  • Defied: Miyako accepts Ichigo's offer to join her team.
  • Discussed: "If she's going to refuse every time, why do you even ask?"
  • Conversed: "Y'know, in most show's I've seen, the villains are often willing to repent...Miyako obviously doesn't watch much television."
  • Played For Laughs: Ichigo asks Miyako to join her team, but she firmly refuses... Only because they made her drop her favorite flavor cake when they coincidentally met in a cake shop... She will never forgive them for that.
  • Played For Drama:
    • Ichigo and Miyako are locked in battle, both seriously injured. As she charges her strongest spell, Ichigo calls out to Miyako, offering her one final chance to turn back from this course. The other girl stops and considers, feeling her wounds... but then sneers at her foe's perceived weakness, taunting her. As if she's in any position to bargain—! But then light erupts around the magical girl, and Miyako stares in horror at the approaching firestorm...
    • Miyako is at the mercy of Ichigo. Ichigo offers her to reform her ways, but Miyako tells her that while she may want to, she can't because she has gone way beyond the Moral Event Horizon and asks Ichigo to kill her right away because she deserves to be killed. Ichigo does what she requested and walks back feeling uncomfortable for what she did to Miyako.

You fool! I am a Wikipedian to the last! Take your Last-Second Chance and shove it back to Redemption Rejection, you Troper scum!
