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Nightmare Fuel / The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

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  • Griffin - a giggling, amoral psychopathic sociopathic murderer and rapist who just happens to be invisible.
  • Fu Manchu in Volume I. He's introduced writing on a man's bare skin with acid. He commands an army with just a hand gesture. He's silent and stoic. It's easy to see why everyone's terrified of The Devil Doctor.
  • Volume II features beloved children's characters like Rupert Bear, Beatrix Potter characters and the cast of The Wind in the Willows as creations of Doctor Moreau.
    • Alan Moore once explained the reason for Rupert Bear's appearance - if you performed operations on a polar bear, it would shit itself, it would ruin its clothes and it would look fucking horrible.
  • Griffin's death, while well-deserved, is gruesome as hell. Hyde is jovially talking at dinner when Nemo notices small drops of blood on Hyde's shirt. Then the stains get bigger and bigger until he's covered in the stuff, as is a good stretch of the tablecloth. When the horrified guests ask what's going on, Hyde reveals to them what we already know; that after finding out Griffin sided with the Martians and beat Mina within an inch of her life, he decided to rape him to death as revenge! We never find out the details of what Hyde did, but given that the sight of Griffin's body was enough to drive Nemo into a murderous rage (plus the fact that, even after losing a colossal amount of blood, Griffin took several hours to die) then it's definitely for the best.
  • The dead bodies fused to the remains of the remains of the Hogwarts Express in Century 2009, to say nothing of the flashback panels to the events of the massacre that caused that. It's a testament to the skills of Alan Moore and Kevin O'Neill as artists that it's so effective in what it portrays. The Anti-Christ didn't just wipe out Hogwarts, he killed every living thing in the area, Hogsmead included. Wizards, witches, magical beings, the living tapestries, everything!
  • The brief images of Harry Potter murdering his classmates in the same manner as a school shooting.
  • The Reveal of the identity of the Anti-Christ in 2009 might resonate stronger with modern audiences, but The Black Dossier is no slouch for older readers, or people with knowledge of older pop culture. Imagine growing up reading a series about adventurous school boys, only to see your childhood favorites in this series instituting a fascist, genocidal government, namely Ingsoc from Nineteen Eighty-Four. The likeable Harry Wharton, once top student and The Ace of the Greyfriars books, is in fact the monstrous Big Brother, with the once-cheerful and boisterous Bob Cherry as the head of the Thought Police. Or, as you might otherwise know him, Harry Lime...
    • It's revealed that much like Hogwarts, Greyfriars was never what it seemed at all; it was essentially a recruitment ground for British Intelligence, grooming promising students into spies and government agents, possibly as early as the 17th century when Queen Gloriana visited the school.
    • After the Ingsoc regime fell apart, Alan and Mina return to England, and we get to see a few fragments of its reign, including what had been done with their old headquarters - it had been converted into The Ministry Of Love, complete with Room 101.


  • As gonky as the super-Hyde is, he is still full of this, especially when he is threatening Hyde and Nemo, where the normally confident Hyde is crying for help from Nemo (Or warning him to run as Hyde was rather out of breath when he was calling out for the man) then after he backs Nemo and the changed back Jekyll into a corner he prepares to impale them on a huge icicle and all the two men can do is cling to each other.
  • Hyde jumpscaring the audience, calling Jekyll out on his attraction to Mina before leaping out of NOWHERE to choke his other half who appears to be in real physical pain from the attack despite it being all in his head.
  • Dorian Gray's death by Rapid Aging, being forced to look at his portrait by Mina and getting reduced to a charred skeleton while the portrait becomes young and beautiful again after absorbing all his sins and aging all these years.
