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Nightmare Fuel / Sonic Generations

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Happy Birthday, Sonic, hope that age doesn't slow you down now...

Sonic Generations

  • The Time Eater kidnapping note  Eggman after the Death Egg Robot boss fight. Hearing him begging Sonic to save him doesn't help at all.
    • It later becomes downplayed when Classic Eggman is revealed to be A-okay and working with the true power behind the Time Eater: His future self!
  • The appearance of the Time Eater. We find out that it's actually an Eldritch Time-Destroying Mecha found and utilized by Dr. Eggman of the future right after his recent defeat from Sonic Colors. Even worse, when Eggman explains how he found the Time Eater, the player is shown gray scale images that show the rotund scientist discovering said monster in deep space with Orbot and Cubot, as is their fate at the end of Sonic Colors. However, once Eggman sees the Time Eater, he goes after it on his own, leaving Orbot and Cubot in deep space forever.
    • Despite this, the robot duo somehow manages to return to Earth.
  • The gate to the Final Boss fight with the Time Eater looks huge and daunting, the music stops when you're around it, and until you insert all seven Emeralds, it's completely silent.
  • The implications that Sonic's friends may actually be self-aware while petrified: According to Tails, when he was petrified, he felt like he was helplessly floating in a limbo without a body. Tails even says he's going to have nightmares from it, and we can't blame him.
    • If that doesn't convince you, also consider Cream's line if you complete Speed Highway with Modern Sonic.
      Cream: Thanks for saving me, Sonic. (shudders and gives a sad look to Cheese) It was scary in the dark but I tried to be brave.
  • The newly designed GUN military truck. After exploring the high-def redesign of City Escape, a player who hasn't seen previews would expect the truck to simply drive down a hill at reasonable speed like the original, but now it is much bigger, faster, and equipped with three gigantic saw blades and rocket boosters, with the worst regard to human safety, as it proceeds to smash through a building quickly. As for all those cars that were just knocked about, they explode upon touch.
    • It's also pretty frightening during the Classic Stages. It skirts the line of the Sliding Scale of Comedy and Horror, where its sporadic slamming into walls, crashing into you and anything else around you, actually smashing and flattening you against the wall if you aren't careful, and trying to drive into a wall while you're not even there is either terrifying or hilarious.
  • Upon starting a new game, the game will send you to its brightness setting; however the way the background is darkened and Modern and Classic Sonic giving a new look induced a bit of a Jump Scare.
  • During the end of the Boss Trailer, the Time Eater darkens the skies around Green Hill Zone with Sonic and Classic Sonic ready to fight the monster while their Tails look scared. Of course, this isn't in the final game, but it can still be frightening for people waiting to play it...

Sonic X Shadow Generations
