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Nightmare Fuel / Sacrifice Girl

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What happens when Fox Eye takes their already Darker and Edgier Holdover, and makes it into a full-fledged Survival Horror? You get this game. With a subtitle like The Curse of Demon Snake, there's bound to be some creepy elements in Sacrifice Girl that will keep somebody awake at night.

  • The demon snakes are the first and foremost example of Nightmare Fuel this in the game. You could be minding your own business, such as unlocking/bombing a wall or swimming towards an air pocket. Then suddenly, the Scare Chord plays, and one of these monsters appear from a wall to give chase to Miyo. Your only way of defeating them (for most of the game) is to swim away from them, and towards a blind spot, then wait for them to crash into a wall and slowly disappear along with their Scare Chord. If you can't do that, then prepare to be the snake's bloody snack. Depending on how you swim away from the snake, it may even be impossible to get away from it, and you're just Forced to Watch as Miyo helplessly gets eaten.
  • Remember on Holdover's Nightmare Fuel page where it described how Marie drowns in a realistically-graphic way? Miyo here has it worse. She has two stages of distress as her Oxygen Meter runs low. She first gets an Oh, Crap! expression and starts using her arms to swim faster in an anxious rush to find an air pocket (it also works well as showing her swimming for her life against the aforementioned demon snakes). Then, when her Oxygen Meter is nearly depleted, she covers her mouth and nose while shaking her head in pain as she desperately resists taking a breath. Then when she actually drowns, she tries to prolong it for about 10 more seconds before her lungs finally give out, leaving her floating motionlessly in the water. On top of all of this, unlike Marie, Miyo has an actual voice actress this time, which means you get to graphically hear her cough and strain her lungs through all of this, too. How delightful!
  • Not only the demon snakes, but every other attack in the game makes Miyo bleed out, as well. Her Oxygen Meter is also her Life Meter, so even if she does well of not drowning, she is still likely to receive a lot of scars and cuts from things such as the spiked boulders and the beams from the Faceless Eye monsters. If Miyo is killed by being Eaten Alive by the snakes or the skeletal fish, she'll scream out in horror while her own blood almost entirely obscures the player's sight of her. The blood can be toggled off, at least...
  • Later on in the game after getting a special item that doubles the length of Miyo's Oxygen Meter, she starts encountering red seaweed that hurts her as she swims through it. In order to progress further through the game, the player is forced to have the poor girl swim through a lot this deadly seaweed, having her yell out in pain every time. It's hard to imagine just how much she's hurting these sections. And if that wasn't enough, for some reason, this seaweed also has multiple eyes, making them even more unnatural.

  • The events that start off the game: Someone traps Miyo into a coffin-esque encasing and drops her into the watery abyss. Of course, once she breaks free, she will be have to face potentially suffocating underwater as well as all the demonic monsters the watery deep has to offer. Drowning in the coffin would have been a kinder fate.
