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Nightmare Fuel / OverSimplified

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  • Oversimplified doesn't sugarcoat how violent the French Revolution was, nor how Jean-Paul Marat was encouraging the violence.
  • Tsar Alexander II's burned, bloody, veiny face after getting blown up by anarchists. Poor Nicolas is shown wide-eyed and scared out of his wits after his Abusive Dad forces him to look upon Alexander II.
  • The Cold Opening of the Russian Revolution video counts as well if you put yourself in Jimmy's shoes: After visiting three prosperous countries, you come across Tsarist Russia, which is a wasteland with the only sign of life being a female serf that hasn't eaten in three days and is starving to the point that she contemplates eating you as soon as you show up. To top it off, Jimmy's a kid.
  • When Rasputin turns out to be the Anti-Christ, his eyes turn blue, his jaw widens and he makes inhuman noises. Once his body is dumped in the river, ghosts emerge from his body as it sinks.
  • Just wait until you get to the end of the Russian Revolution series, when the narrator talks about how Stalin would take the Soviet Union in a different direction, and the world to the brink of nuclear annihilation. That's right, he's talking about:
    Screen: THE COLD WAR
  • In The Pig War, Griffin's version of Lyman shooting his pig despite it offering him 3 wishes if he spared its life ends with the atmosphere darkening, the camera zooming in on Lyman, and Lyman himself laughing evilly while sporting a truly creepy Nightmare Face.
    • Lyman’s version is worse, with the pig threatening to eat both Spuddy and Lyman himself while dressed as a gangster and sporting his own Nightmare Face, the music making things worse.
  • Hannibal's eye infection from crossing the Arno marshes is not pretty at all. Even less so is his solution: to gouge his own eye out. No wonder his Carthaginian soldiers were horrified.
    • The trek through the Arno Marshes was a nightmare for Hannibal's troops. The water was so deep (up to their necks in places) that they could not rest or even sit down, for three days straight. The water was filthy, not helped by the soldiers having to urinate and defecate in the water as they walked. Some soldiers would climb onto clumps of mud to rest, only to sink into the swamp and drown. If any of the pack animals died, the soldiers would try to climb onto their floating corpses to sleep, only to be forced back into the march by their commanders. It's a miracle anyone made it to the other side at all, let alone be able to fight the Romans afterwards.
  • The aftermath of the Battle of Lake Trasimene; even with OverSimplified's cartoony art design, seeing dozens of dead Romans floating in a lake that has turned red from the amount of blood spilled is a shocking sight (and sends the rest of Rome into a panic, to boot).
  • The video sums up what an unprecedented and horrifying disaster the Battle of Cannae was for Rome. A total of 80 senators dead (around a fifth of the ruling body), much of their military leadership and 20% of Rome's male population of fighting age wiped out, all while having started the battle with an army twice the size of Hannibal's. Even though he was destined to lose, Cannae sealed Hannibal's place as the single most feared figure in Rome's entire history.
    • After Hannibal's forces manage to envelop the Romans, they proceed to squeeze their formation so tight that most Roman soldiers can't even move, let alone lift their arms to fight. Being killed in battle is bad enough, but being crushed in by your fellow soldiers, unable to fight or flee, while the enemy hacks your comrades apart as they slowly make their way towards you for hours? Horrifying. It is said that 30,000 gallons of blood covered the ground at Cannae and that even the Carthaginians searching the battlefield for their wounded were unsettled by the carnage they had unleashed.
