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Nightmare Fuel / Fargo

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The film:
Carl Showalter's fate.

  • The page picture: Carl's body being stuffed into a woodchipper.
  • The scene where Marge goes after Grimsrud, a very big and utterly unscrupulous felon, alone and seven months pregnant. She pulls it off masterfully, but has close calls with the terrain under her feet and the log he throws at her, narrowly missing. She manages to wound him in the leg with her pea-shooter-type revolver, and apprehends him off-screen, presumably before backup arrives. Now just recapitulate all that could have gone wrong but didn't, and Marge seems to be one lucky officer.
  • Grimsrud in general. He goes from stoic, pancake-craving giant to Ax-Crazy in zero-point-two-five seconds. The biggest one is when he pursues the couple who saw Carl trying to move the body of the state trooper. It's telling that even Carl is genuinely disturbed by Grimsrud's total lack of remorse or restraint.
  • The three innocent bystanders who were killed for simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time. The two motorists who were chased down and killed by Grimsrud because they happened to drive by when Carl was hiding the body of the state trooper he shot and the parking garage attendant who was killed by Carl after his gunfight with Wade. It's not too farfetched to imagine that you can simply be doing your job at work or just going for a drive and then suddenly getting killed by a murderous criminal without a second thought just because you saw too much.
  • The last scene with Jerry getting arrested while he futilely tries to escape. The sheer emotion and desperation is just simply excruciating (also could count as Tear Jerker).

The series:
