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Literature / Star Wars Jedi: Battle Scars

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Star Wars Jedi: Battle Scars is a novel set in the Star Wars universe written by Sam Maggs. It serves as a bridge between Jedi: Fallen Order and Jedi: Survivor, being set in the years between the two games. It was released on March 7th, 2023.

Several years after their narrow escape from Darth Vader and Fortress Inquisitorius, the crew of the Stinger Mantis continue their crusade against the Empire while dealing with the pursuit of the bounty hunters of the Haxion Brood. One operation against the Brood goes sideways when an Imperial defector appeals to join the crew, claiming to know of a technology being developed by the Empire that could shift the balance of power in the struggle against them. With tensions high amongst the divided crew on whether to trust the defector and what their ultimate goals as a crew are, they must test their luck once more against the Empire.

Tropes in this novel include:

  • Arc Villain: The Fifth Brother serves as the book's primary villain, picking up where Trilla and the Ninth Sister left off in hunting Cal and the Stinger Mantis's crew.
  • Canon Immigrant: The Keshiri - and by extension, their homeworld of Kesh - are brought into the current canon by this novel, courtesy of Chellwinark "Fret" Frethylrin.
  • Continuity Nod: Merrin brings up her survival of the Separatists' genocide of the Nightsisters on Dathomir, which was mentioned in Fallen Order.
  • A Day in the Limelight: The Fifth Brother receives a significant amount of focus here. Not only is he the story's central antagonist, the novel reveals the name of his homeworld and delves into his backstory as a former Jedi.
  • Hero with Bad Publicity: Bail Organa is mentioned in this light, with Qeris Lar saying he left Alderaan after realizing that Bail was happy to be an Imperial senator and lapdog after the fall of the Republic, not knowing that Bail is secretly one of the primary organizers of what will become the Rebel Alliance. Of course, whether Lar seriously believes that or it's just another lie he made to the Mantis crew is unclear.
  • Hotter and Sexier: The novel has more sex than many other novels in the franchise, with Merrin's attraction to Fret, her thoughts about her being fairly explicit, and their eventually hook-up progressing a bit before getting to a Sexy Discretion Shot. Merrin at one point cuts off her own thoughts after realizing how far she was going after thinking about how Fret could crush her head between her thighs.
  • Interquel: Serves as one to bridge the gap between Jedi: Fallen Order and Jedi: Survivor, exploring how the crew's relationship has evolved in the years since the first game.
  • Orbital Bombardment: During the Clone Wars, the Republic bombarded Murkhana, which had gone over to the Separatists, causing the once pristine tourist destination with its black beaches, huge oceans, and coral reefs to become a toxic wasteland, presently seen in Tarkin.
  • Running Gag: People who see the Fifth Brother's headpiece are not impressed, their inner thoughts generally going to how silly it looks. As it's lightsaber-resistant, however, they learn to respect it. Slightly.
  • We ARE Struggling Together: The Stinger Mantis crew is torn on if they should trust Fret, but also on what their ultimate goal is a crew, with Cal wanting to bring down the Empire, Merrin seeking revenge, Cere wishing to restore the Jedi, and Greez just wishing to survive.
