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Growling Gut / Webcomics

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  • Freefall: In this strip, Florence Ambrose's stomach growling is misinterpreted by a bystander as a regular wolf growl, and accordingly makes himself scarce in spite of Florence's yelled (and ultimately futile) reassurance that it was just her stomach growling.
  • Housepets!: Truck the raccoon manages to play music on his growling stomach in the strip "Stuff 'Em In Yer Craw"
  • Grrl Power: The increasing volume of Sidney's growling stomach is used as a gag. It starts off as a humble chihuahua growl, before progressing to a more imposing bear growl. After it continues to a Godzilla growl, Sydney states "At least it can't get any louder than..." before being interrupted by a full-blown Fus Ro Dah!
  • In one El Goonish Shive strip, Elliot and Ashley are on a date at the mall, and are discussing whether to go directly to the food court, or to wander around a bit first. Both mistakenly assume that the other is not hungry, and suggest looking around a bit, before being interrupted by simultaneous stomach growling. Needless to say, they immediately go get food.
  • Chapter 39 of Yumi's Cells shows how hunger works in a world where cells are microscopic humans: when Yumi's hungry, her Hunger Cell freaks out and starts playing a "Belly Flute" that translates into stomach noises. And in the issue in question, Yumi's stomach lets out a loud growl in the middle of a date as a result of skipping breakfast and only eating a light lunch that day.

Gas and/or gut trouble
