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Funny / Mickey's Christmas Carol

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  • Scrooge remarks that Jacob Marley's will left Scrooge enough money to buy Jacob a tombstone. Then Scrooge chuckles, "And I had him buried at sea!"
  • After Scrooge kicked Fred out of his workplace.
    Fred: (quickly hangs the wreath on the door and leaves) Merry Christmas!
    Scrooge: And a bah humbug to you!
  • Scrooge's masterful use of the Chewbacca Defense mixed with Insane Troll Logic to get the charity workers out of his face.
    Mole: We're collecting for the poor.
    Scrooge: Oh! A-ha. Well, um, you realize if you give money to the poor, they won't be poor anymore, will they?
    Mole: Well uh...
    Scrooge: And, if they're not poor anymore, then you won't have to raise money for them anymore.
    Ratty: Well, I suppose...
    Scrooge: And if you don't have to raise money for them anymore, then you would be out of a job. Oh, please, gentlemen, don't ask me to put you out of a job. Not on Christmas Eve.
  • Scrooge forgets that he gave Bob Cratchit a half-penny raise three years ago... since he started doing his laundry as well as his bookkeeping.
  • Bob Cratchit getting ready to leave after Scrooge lets him leave two minutes early:
    Bob: Oh, thank you, sir! You're so kind!
    Scrooge: Never mind the mushy stuff, just go!
  • As he puts his hat on to leave two minutes early, Bob Cratchit's slip of the tongue when he almost says "and a bah humbug" to his boss instead of "and a Merry Christmas".
  • Jacob Marley's entire scene, on account of him being played by Goofy.
    • Scrooge's doorknocker morphs into Marley's face. Skeptical, Scrooge pinches Marely's nose, causing him to yelp in pain. Scrooge screams and hauls inside his house, slamming the door behind him. Marley then gives a simple "Oh, darn."
    • When Jacob Marley finally appears before Scrooge:
      Marley: Ebenezer, remember when I was alive how I'd rob from the widows and swindle the poor?
      Scrooge: Yes, and all in the same day. Oh, you had class, Jacob.
      Marley: [proudly] Hyuk! Yup!... [remembering why he's here] Uh, no, no! I was wrong! And so as punishment, I'm forced to carry these heavy chains through eternity!...maybe even longer.
    • Scrooge is briefly wrapped in Marley's chains and shakes a piggy bank to see how much is in it.
      • Also, when Marley wails that he's doomed, he accidentally chokes Scrooge.
    • Scrooge's reaction when Marley warned that his chains will be heavier than Marley's if he doesn't change.
    • His exit is the best part.
      Marley: Farewell, Ebenezer... [carefully steps over Scrooge's cane to avoid tripping over it again] Farewell....
      Scrooge: Marley! Watch out for that first-
      Marley: Whooaaa! YAAAAAA-HA-HA-HA-HOOOOEEEEEEEY! [Off-screen crashes can be heard from behind the door.]
      Scrooge: ...step. [thud!]
  • As the Ghost of Christmas Past (Jiminy Cricket) is about to take Scrooge on his journey, we get this exchange:
    Ghost of Christmas Past: C'mon, Scrooge, it's time to go.
    Scrooge: Then go!
  • Then later when they see Scrooge's younger self at Fezziwig's.
    Ghost of Christmas Past: That was before you became a miserable miser, consumed by greed.
    Scrooge: Well, nobody's perfect.
  • Though it’s surrounded by a sad scene, when Isabelle leaves the counting-house after Scrooge breaks her heart, her slamming the door causes the stacks of gold he was counting to collapse. In response, Scrooge defeatedly tosses the coin he was holding over his shoulder.
  • The Ghost of Christmas Present, as played by... Willie the Giant.
    • After over 35 years, Willie the Giant finally gets to say the line most associated with the character he's based upon, even if he's changing the last part just slightly.
      Ghost of Christmas Present: Fee fi fo fum, I smell... I mean, I smell... [spies Scrooge] a stingy little Englishman! [picks up Scrooge by the back of his shirt] I think I do... [sniffs] Yeah, I do.
      • During that part, Scrooge closes his drapes fast when the Ghost was about to get a closer look at him. When Scrooge opens the drapes a little bit to peek, he's startled by the Ghost's giant eye.
    • Scrooge begs the Ghost of Christmas Present not to eat him.
      Ghost of Christmas Present: Why would the Ghost of Christmas Present—that's me—want to eat a distasteful little miser like you?
    • The Ghost of Christmas Present using a lamppost as a flashlight. And peeping around houses. He lifts up one roof and peeks in. A woman is heard screaming. The Ghost quickly slams the roof back down and gives an embarrassed glance towards the camera before moving on.
  • Scrooge is so excited about going out to wish Merry Christmas to the city that he almost leaves only wearing his hat, pajamas, slippers, scarf, and robe. He goes out the door, we hear him go down the stairs, then we hear him come back up the stairs. He reenters his room and says "I can't go out like this!" He grabs his cane and is very self-satisfied that now he's properly attired.
  • Meta-Example involving the story about Clarence Nash reprising his role as Donald Duck. Since the studio didn't have enough money to hire a legit cast at the time, they instead decided to hire people from within the vicinity to voice the characters. They found one for everybody except Donald because nobody there could do his voice, so in desperation, they called up the then 78-year-old Clarence and asked if he'd come out of retirement briefly to reprise the role, to which he agreed. The directors were nervous to tell him he was too old to do the role, and everybody else crammed into the recording studio to see the old master at work. He hobbled to the mic, started to speak, then suffered a coughing fit that scared everyone in the booth. Then, in a perfect Donald Duck voice, he exclaimed, "Son of a goddamn bitch". The animators lost it.
