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Funny / Mario's Mystery Meat

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"Could it be... God?"note 

  • The first (and only titled) level of the game? "GREEN GRASS EAT MY A"
  • What plays once Meat reveals itself? The PlayStation bootup music!
  • After the Nightmare Fuel section of Daksu's closet, you end up sliding to what seems like a normal quiet cave area. Then after a few seconds, you're presented with this gem of a scene:
    Narrator: "Suddenly, just when he thought all hope was lost, Sponge heard a voice resonating from above. Could it be ... God?"
    Cue a stream of urine from above the pit and quickly filling up the pit.
  • Mr. Dink has some amusing dialogue for a Warmup Boss, asking Sponge (who he mistakes as Douglath) to sit on weird creepy chairs shaped as him. The "fight" then ends with Mr. Dink realizing that Sponge wasn't Doug and then leaves.
  • The Mario's Early Years segment starts off as a faithful recreation of that game, but then it gets bizarre rather quickly:
    • The narrator's voice goes through Manipulative Editing to have her say things like "They are listening," or "Go back!" like a bad creepypasta game.
    • One of the questions is to pick "the opposite of funny." The answer is Jay Leno - more specifically, Vinny's impression of him.
      Vinny, during his Let's Play: Oh, fuck off!
    • The wrong answer for this question is Pissing Mario. If you chose it, the voiceover tells you "You chose pipi. It is funny"
    • It eventually culminates in Mario and Luigi exchanging their opinion on CBT (Cock-and-Ball-Torture). Mario argues it is against the teachings of Christ, and that torture of the male genitalia is a sin. To which Luigi responds: "YEET that MEAT!"
  • Will Smith coming out of nowhere and hijacking the Vinerizon Fortress, changing the mooks to represent him and making the music a remix of the Super Mario World castle theme and his infamous YouTube Rewind video.
  • In the final area before Meat, you have a choice to access two pipes. One of them is "Incognito Mode" and the other one is "Sicko Mode." The "Sicko Mode" is a Disney Acid Sequence with several dancing Marios from Super Mario Maker 2 with part of the The Super Mario Bros. Super Show! introduction with a Default Dance remix of Despacito. Compared to what's on the other end of the pipe, it's worth a good laugh.
