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Funny / Catscratch

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  • When Mr. Blik and Gordon were trapped in rising lava, Waffle manages to save them with his new lobster friends. How? By having them form a ladder.
    Mr. Blik: There's something you don't see everyday.
    • Gordon, thankful of the lobsters' help, renounces from ever eating them again... but not before the awkward moment of where he describes how delicious they are cooked, and they all took a few steps away from the cats.
  • Mr. Blik and Waffle begrudgingly agree to disguise themselves as a unicorn to impress the Human Kimberly. Waffle 'calls frontsies" but Mr. Blik wouldn't have any of that.
    • And then when they're wandering around in the costume.
      Mr. Blik: What are you doing?
      Waffle: Leaving a trail so we can find our way back. I'm laying eggs!
      Mr. Blik: Unicorns don't lay eggs!
      Waffle: How do you know?!
      Mr. Blik: Because I'm the head. That's where the brains are!
  • The Kracken being voiced by Maurice LaMarche doing his Orson Welles voice. It works remarkably well.
    • Especially when it shows up at the cats' house, seemingly for revenge... until it breaks down and cries.
  • Waffle's laser show involves REAL lasers. They were helpful in stopping a zombie outbreak (also Waffle's fault) but the first time used they pretty much scared and harmed a good number of people, prompting Mr. Blik and Gordon to warn him not to use them ever again.
    Gordon: Laddie, I said blue cookbook, green room. Green cookbook, blue room is... The Scottish Book of the Dead!
    Waffle: Oh. That explains the long and mysterious incantation with sour cream.
  • Concerning the issue of their robot selves.
    Mr. Blik: How do we usually get out of situations before?
    Waffle: We don't. We just make a bigger mess that cancels the first one out.
    Mr. Blik: Right! (proceeds to make a Humongous Mecha, which may or may not be worse than A.I. Is a Crapshoot)
  • The following exchange:
    Gordon: That's our brother you're talking to!
    Snooty Rich Guy: That's not MY fault.
    Waffle: Yes it is, FATHER!
    (crowd gasps in horror)
    Gordon: Um...he's not our father, Waffle.
    Waffle: Oh. False alarm!
    (crowd sighs in relief)
  • The entirety of "Core-Uption", where the entire world turns into a sickeningly sweet wonderland. Especially funny are Gordon, Waffle and Mr. Blik's transformations into a Pikachu expy, potted plant and pull-string doll respectively.
    Mr. Blik: Waffle, touch that string and you're mulch.
  • In the episode where the cats went to the moon, there was a part where Mr. Blik and Waffle were walking together, when Mr. Blik saw something:
    Mr. Blik: Waffle, look! (points)
    Waffle: (Gasps) A finger!
    • In the same episode, the whole sequence where Waffle plays zero-gravity basketball. Eventually, Mr. Blik stands on the hoop and tells Waffle to give him the ball, and there's a brief scuffle that ends with Mr. Blik and the basketball falling through the hoop and Waffle happily sitting on top.
      Waffle: Two!
    • Also, when Waffle gets on the microphone before they blast off to space earlier in the episode:
      Gordon: Communication systems, on!
      (suddenly grabs the mike from Mr. Blik)
      Waffle: Hello, Class of 1985. Today, we say goodbye to our school, and hello to our future: MAKING FRENCH FRIES!
  • From the slumber party episode:
    Human Kimberly: This is Kaitlin, Caitlin, and Charlotte.
    (Charlotte is revealed to be a giant girl for no explicable reason.)
  • The episode "Charge!" Where Mr. Blik becomes magnetized. At one point he opens the front door, sees a tractor flying toward him, and immediately closes it back. When Waffle opens the door the tractor is gone and he's greeted by a guy who gives him a giant check, then when Blik opens the door again his alarm clock finally returns, then the tractor reappears and nails him.
    • The part where Blik makes a giant out of root beer cans. Waffle is thirsty and takes a can making up part of the giant's finger, which makes it roar in pain and fall apart.
      Waffle: Sorry!
  • When Waffle and Mr. Blik battle each other as giant floats in "King of All Root Beer" they start by turning each other into a dog and mouse respectively before really starting to beat the crud out of each other.
    Mr. Blik: Bring it on blimp-boy! (grabs Waffle and twists him into a dog shape) Haha! I turned you into a stupid dog.
    Waffle: Oh yeah?! (grabs Blik and twists him into a mouse shape)
    Mr. Blik: A mouse?! I have no brother.
  • This from "Tale of The Tail":
    Waffle: I'm not leaving without Gordon! It's my ship too!
    Mr. Blik: Well, I'm taking control of it! It's called mutiny!
    Waffle: Well, if you can mutiny, so can I. I mutiny, mutiny!
    Mr. Blik: Then I mutiny, mutiny, mutiny!
    Waffle: Then I mutiny, mutiny, mutiny, mutiny!
    (both continue to shout "mutiny" over and over)
  • This:
    Waffle: You lied to Gordon?
    Mr. Blik: Call it what you will!
    Waffle: ...But I call it lying! Liar!
