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Tear Jerker / Catscratch

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  • In "A Wooly Adventure", the cats find a mammoth (Waffle names him Mitchell) who's really attached to Blik. At first, he's really annoyed by it, but slowly starts warming up to it. But when Mitchell accidentally attacks the city, people are chasing it down. Mitchell ends up falling into the ocean, and Blik is completely heart-broken, even crying about it in his sleep. Luckily Blik wakes up to find the stick on his windowsill, revealing that Mitchell was still alive.
    Gordon: Where's Mitchell?
    Mr. Blik: (Beat, then starts tearing up) I don't wanna talk about it... Stupid animal! Should've run when he had the... (sobs)
  • In "Core-Uption", Gordon finds Kimberly in tears after she fails her science project. When Gordon tries to tell her what the Earth's core is made of, she interrupts and says that it's made of magical sparkles, candy, and unicorns all while asking Gordon if she's right. Not wanting to upset her any further, (cue Kimberly shedding a Single Tear), he agrees with her and says that is what the core is made of. Kimberly, unconvinced, looks at her project again, smashes it, and runs in her house sobbing.

  • Even though it could be Played for Laughs, Gordon and Blik crying in "To The Moon" when they think that Waffle didn't make it.
