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Funny / B-Daman Crossfire

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  • Riki’s reaction in episode 1 when he finds out Dracyan can’t move.
  • In episode 2, Kaito warns Riki that everyone has a crush on Rory. His reactions is priceless.
  • From episode 3, everything Simon.
    • Frustrated that he lost, Simon throws his B-Daman at the wall, only for it to bounce back and hit him in the head.
    • Simon accidentally bumps into Sumi. Then he realizes he’s talking to a girl. His face is priceless.
    • At the end of the episode, he starts questioning friendship while on a broken Ferris Wheel. Then Sumi shows up to befriend him again, and somehow, he jumps out, running away while Sumi runs after him.
  • In episode 5, Hugo shows up in front of a store howling like a wild beast.
    • When Yuki overhears Hugo challenging Riki to a battle, he start to follow them, then realizes he has to use the bathroom.
      • Later on, Yuki arrives and is amazed with Hugo’s training spot. But then Hugo shows him his motto, “King Of a Hundred and Ten Beasts”, only to have Yuki correct him.
    Yuki: There’s a mistake. Its not King of 110 beasts, its King of 100 Beasts. Its another way to say King of all Beats. You got a typo.
    Hugo: (shocked). I…didn’t…know. All this time I thought it s was King of 100 and 10 Beasts, but its actually 100. (sobbing) I have 10 more beasts then I know what to do with. HHAAAAAAI! (runs away).
    Yuki: Well you certainly don’t see that every day.
    Hugo: Hey Shirogane!
    Reggie: It’s Shigami idiot.
    • Samuru’s original Japanese name is Subaru Shirogane. They parodied Dub Name Change.
  • At the beginning of episode 7, all the B-Shots from East and West block, including ''Samuru'' “convince” Takakura to make up for no one receive points in the EW-Crossfire event. His tone at the end is serious funny and concerning.
    • Also from the same episode, Dracyan blushing when Riki cleans him.
    • After Novu’s introduction at Riki’s school, Riki becomes distracted while thinking about him from the other day, but he’s gym class and Novu accidentally strikes him dead in the head with a ball.
    • Later on, the entire East block finds out about Novu’s reputation from Takakura and Rory. Then Dragren boats how Novu could easily win first place. Cue everyone sans Riki and Rory Burning with Anger with Slasher Smiles.
      • After Novu completes the Space Revolution Attack and makes it into first place, he ends up completely dizzy, rolling eyes and blue forehead as he falls to the ground.
    • Dracyan’s reaction when he realizes Riki isn’t prepared for Space Revolution.
  • From episode 8, we have the East B-Shots asking Novu to talk normal.
    • Then when he promises to stop, he starts doing it again.
  • Kaito tries to eat curry with his right hand. ONLY HIS RIGHT HAND.
  • After Hugo beats Reggie's score in the West block, Reggie promises that next time they battle, Hugo will feel like he ran into a brick wall, then he accidentally walks into a wall.
  • Derek shows up riding like a psychopath on a skateboard, wipes out, and forces a guy out of the game with his "Tiger Hyp-No-Stare". Then we learn he's the former South block champion.
  • Episode 9: Hugo’s face as he intimidates a B-Shot into giving up his term.
    • Derek meeting Rory, complete with a Dynamic Entry Epic Fail. Then his introduction when fighting Riki.
    • Dracyan requesting to help Riki with his chores.
    • After stealing Rory’s B-Daman Derek issues the East block “The Tiger Letter of Challenge. They open it, only to find his writing is incredibly horrible.
      • And somehow, Yuki is able to read it.
    • Riki and Dracyan begin preparing their strategy for their next battle.
    Riki: By the way, who am I facing next?
    Cue Simon appearing like a creep in a dark aura ”Sha-Sha”
    Dracyan: Oh great.
    Riki: Exactly.
    • Novu decides to give Riki a magazine to help him with rapid fire with his match against Simon. Unfortunately, Riki fails at it on his first try, with Simon calling him out on being an amateur easily winning a match. Yes Simon ''WAS ABLE TO BEAT RIKI''. Novu’s Oh, Crap! face sells it.
    Novu: I will not forgive you Simon Sumiya.

    • Novu’s revenge was incredibly hilarious and awesome. He calls Sumi, taking complete advantage of Simon's crush on her AND his gynophobia. Then his face when Sumi drags him to help out the little kids to volunteer.
  • Episode 10: Novu chillaxing like a villain.
    • Sumi trying to catch the king of the lake.
    • The gang, minus Sumi trying to sleep with Akira, who then farts after Yuki mentions the beans. Meanwhile, Derek and Tigalou, watching them fall asleep, snoring and going into resting mode.
    • The guys trying to pull Grizz out of the secret exit.
  • Episode 11. After Riki and Samuru defeat Novu and Derek, Riki asks Takakura not to ban them forever. Takakura asks for Samuru’s input.
    Samuru: I really don’t care.
  • Episode 12:
    • Riki fanboying over Samuru’s father, and adventurer. Samuru’s dad asks him if Riki is his friend. Samuru grabs Riki’s hand and walks away with him. Priceless.
    • Samuru’s cold demeanor scaring Sumi off.
  • Episode 15: Riki and the rest joke about Riki's popularity developing into gaining his own fan club. Ironically, Asuka debuts with his own fan club not to long later.
    • Dravise asking Samuru if he wants to join Riki and the others.
  • Episode 16 is full of laughs.
    • Sumi asks Akira and Riki to help use the amusement park they previously used to hold another Crossfire promoting fair. Riki asks her if she wants to use it to go back and get 6 bags full of chocolate popcorn. Sumi instantly refuses and forces Riki to help her.
      • Also, secret identity for her B-Daman blog is named Nuts. Akira even thought it was a boy. Make that of which you will.
    • From the same episode, Takakura decides to have Rory find “Nuts” to have “him” become the official Crossfire fan promoter. Rory goes in disguise to avoid suspicion. Cue Riki spotting her on the spot before she covers away before dismissing the thought.
      • This is made even funnier in the next episode where Riki finds Rory in disguise again and she states she’s a master of disguise.
    • Then Rory finds out Sumi is Nuts and says the same thing Akira said. Sumi questions her identity. Her response? Tory.
    • Sumi starts to teach kids that the most important thing in B-Daman is concentration. Then she gets distracted by the cart with chocolate popcorn, allowing the boy she was teaching to get a point over her. The other kids laugh about it before she pretends to claim that she did it on purpose.
    • In the Riki/Simon and Rudy/Yuki match, with the score at 2 to 2, Riki aims for the final red block, but Simon pushes him out the way, only for Rudy to block the shot.
    Grizz: Embarrassing Simon!
    • Then he runs out of marbles.
    • After Riki gets back on his feet on his match with Asuka, Asuka ends up getting distracted from posing like a supermodel, letting Riki tie the score 2 to 2.
      • After Riki beats him, Asuka declares that Riki will be his permanent rival, much to Riki’s dismay.
    • Near the end of the episode, Sumi reveals she’s allergic to said chocolate popcorn.
  • From episode 17, Asuka arrives to give Sumi a fan to support him much to her dismay. Then he warns Riki about them being rivals, complete with thumbs up and wink. Then look at Gunner, Yuki, and Kaito’s face as they express their emotions.
    • Remember from the last episode when Rory claimed she was a master of disguise? Riki spots her in half the amount of time!!
    • In the first part of the West GP, Kaito and Derek fail to make it to the gate to make the second round. Kaito ends up passing out from running and Derek gets lost in the mountains.
    Kaito: I spent all that time on the treadmill. I guess I should have turned it on.
    • Grizz tackling Guuner in his debut episode. Then they start boasting about their muscles.
    Sumi: They’re like two peas in a pod, but it had to be a extra large pod.
    Riki: Mystery. Crossfire sure does bring lots of different typing of people together.
  • From episode 18, The East B-Shots try to help Riki regain Dracyan’s memories by practicing Crossfire. Riki decides to try again, but Dracyan doesn’t even know what in the world he’s supposed to do.
    • Samuru face palming when Sumi and Akira decide to come with him and Riki to North City. Then Rudy shows up and asks him to join, but Samuru tells him no. Rudy ask why?
    Samuru: Because I said so.
    • Asuka offers Riki, Akira, Sumi, and Samuru to stay in his friend’s amazing hotel room. Sumi’s first action is to jump on the bed. Then Akira wants to try it too, but Samuru stops him.
    Akira: I love divebombing on beds like this.
    Samuru: Aren’t you an adult?
    Akira goes completely into shock and bawling Akira: I’m sorry Samuru I was just having a little fun!
    • Then hear Dravise’s line in all of this.
    Dravise: You’re not gonna join in?
    Samuru: What? Don’t be ridiculous.
    • Basara getting into the hotel by acting as room service. As his trailer implies, “Worst Room Service Ever”.
    • Asuka putting on a special costume to prevent his fans from noticing him. Not only is it ridiculous, the strange part is that the disguise works!

