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Fanfic Recs / [Work Name]

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Proof that the remaining 10% is worth [injoke related to the work] for.

Blurb about the rules of Fanfic Recs subpages, reiterating the rules that everyone already knows or doesn't care to read.

    Obligatory Recommendations Template, that beautifully self-demonstrates the whole point of this page 
Title of the Fanfic by Author OR Fic Trope Page, by Author (Link)
  • Recommended by: Troper Name
  • Synopsis: What's the story about? Give here a brief summary of the plot. It would be also useful to point out in what moment of the series the story takes place. If it's a Gen Fic but it has some romantic elements, note here the characters involved too.
  • Pairing(s): If it's a Shipping Fic, list here the pairings that feature in the fic (warn here if it's het, male slash or female slash). If it's a Gen Fic, remove this line. To tell the difference between the two, notice if the focus of the fic is on a romantic relationship or if it focuses on the other aspects of the story. In case of doubt, classify the story according to the genres it's been tagged: the Romance tag for Shipping, absence of that tag for Gen Fic.
  • Tags: If any are known. This would be things like W.A.F.F., Lemon, Dark Fic, any known Crossovers etc.
Place a copy of the reviews code, found on index page, herenote .

    open/close all folders 

    Authors and Websites 
Link to the author's FanFictionDotNet page
  • Gushing about author's writing. Notes about how their fics often have a certain ship that the troper might prefer, and how their fics are so good they should be Running the Asylum. Recommended by This Troper, whose name might be redlinked or not linked at all.
    • Below are a list of some fics the author has written, listed in standard Fanfic Rec form. May be linked in the description, also.

    General Fics 
Stories which primarily focus on the normal goings on of the cast.

Link to Fic

  • Name of Troper who recommended the fic. Eventually some other tropers sign their names here.
  • Status of fic, which is likely outdated.
  • Synopsis of fic, which may or may not accurately sum up the nature of fic.
  • Personal review of fic. Includes some stealth gushing about writing quality and how it manages to avoid Canon Defilement. Also includes warnings about Mood Whiplash and intense moments.
  • Some tags shoehorned in.

  • A fic that sounds interesting, but the link to it is broken, likely because its author nuked their account.

  • Fic that involves some shipping in the background, but the troper who added it wasn't sure

  • A Darkfic listed here because no one made a separate folder for it.

    Shipping Fics 
Stories whose primary focus is on romantic or sexual relationships between the cast.

    Crossover Fics 
Stories which crossover with other characters or works.
