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Fanfic / The Blue House, Wanalei, Oswary Isles

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A My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! fanfic, The Blue House, Wanalei, Oswary Isles by bleucheese.

Now expanded with additional stories:

When Game Katarina goes into exile, she is given directions to someone that will help her get back on her feet. In the years she spends in exile, she grows and builds a family. But when her new family is threatened she is forced to go back.

Includes Examples of:

  • Big Brother Bully: Since this is the game universe, Katarina was this to Keith. They are able to be civil to each other upon meeting again, and wish each other well when they part, but there is still tension.
  • Daddy Had a Good Reason for Abandoning You: Well, Mommy anyway, and Averted. Katarina doesn't view her mother not looking for her because someone forbid it as acceptable. Considering Katarina's maid cared enough to go looking for Katarina, she has a point.
    • Keith assumed that Mildiana not searching for Katarina or sending her aid meant that Katarina was dead.
  • Darker and Edgier: In this universe, the Sorcier nobility regularly practices the dark magic ritual from Raphael's backstory, to the point that there is a black-market industry providing them with children.
  • Decadent Court: The Stuart court.
    • Katarina's banishment was actually because her uncle was making waves and the Queen wanted to remind him he wasn't untouchable. Plus Prince Jeord wanted her gone so he could carry on with his commoner mistress, Maria.
    • Apparently reasonable response to Maria failing princess lessons is to send assassins after her.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Everyone reacts with horror to the revelation of what the Ministry was using the children for. Alan especially, since it is likely he was spliced into his bastard half-brother's bodynote .
  • The Friend Nobody Likes: Jeord is implied to be this. Maria and Nicol are the only people who really seem to care about him and Nicol admits to being disgusted with Jeord's treatment of Katarina.
  • Gone Horribly Right: Jeord wanted Katarina, who he was bored with, gone so that he could be with Maria, who was more interesting in his opinion. Then he was exiled for marrying Maria without permission and found himself disillusioned with Maria. Meanwhile, Katarina had to survive exile on her own and became a much stronger person for it. And because of that strength, she flatly refuses Jeord's offer to restart their former relationship.
  • The Hedonist: Jeord, much to everyone's disgust. It might be causing strain on his marriage to Maria, as she's not happy with his lifestyle.
    • Jeord also shows interest in women who are not his wife, both making a pass at Katarina and admitting interest in Sienna after she outmaneuvers him.
  • I Love You Because I Can't Control You: The reason Jeord fell for Maria. And he admits Katarina's is far more compelling after she told off for the way he treated her.
    • He offers to take Katarina as his second wife after learning that she is a professional burglar.
  • Kangaroo Court: Katarina's banishment was not really about her mistreatment of Maria, but to send a message to her uncle. Since the royal family wanted her banished, there was no way the trial was going to go in Katarina's favor.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia: Raphael erases his girlfriend's memory of his confessing his Tragic Backstory because she immediately ends their relationship over it. Interesting case, because he allows her to remember that she ended their relationship, just not the real details of why.
  • Love Martyr: Katarina notes that she gave far too much of herself to people who didn't really love her back, such as Jeord and her mother.
  • Only Friend: Sienna Nelson was the only one to testify in Katarina's defense at her tribunal and she is the first to recognize her when she returns. And Katarina had run into both Keith and her mother before Sienna.
  • Paper-Thin Disguise: Katarina comes back to Sorcier without bothering with a disguise since it's been six years, she has a facial scar and her nose has been broken twice since she was banished. She decides to dye her hair after her old friend recognizes her.
  • Parental Abandonment: Milidiana didn't look for Katarina after her exile, because she was apparently forbidden from doing so. Katarina doesn't find this excuse acceptable.
  • Parental Marriage Veto: Jeord defied this, and was then exiled with the proviso that he can return if he presents evidence that he has dissolved his marriage to Maria.
  • Parental Substitute: Katarina reminds herself that she has Simona now when she spots Milidiana from a distance and is reminded of her betrayal.
  • What Does She See in Him?: Jeord somehow managed to win the love of both Katarina and Maria during his lifetime. Even Jeord's best friend thinks that being the object of Jeord's affections is punishment enough for any sins Maria may have committed getting involved with an engaged man.
