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Creator / Kazuo Nakamura

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Kazuo Nakamura (中村一夫) was a Japanese animator. He originally worked at Mushi Productions. After Mushi went bankrupt, he worked at several different studios before establishing his own, Nakamura Productions. Serving as an animator and animation director for titles like Mazinger Z, Getter Robo and Mobile Suit Gundam.

He is best known in the West for being the character designer for Voltron/GoLion.

In 2008, Nakamura became embroiled in a lawsuit over who had the copyright claims to the Voltron franchise. You can read more about it here and here.

Here's his website.

At some point in the late 1980s, he changed his family name from Nakamura to Takigawa.

Tropes that apply to him

  • Author Appeal: Like Leiji Matsumoto, he had a thing for drawing elegant, long-haired blonde ladies in Super Robot works. See Princess Fala and Princess Amue.
  • Author Avatar: Nakamura wore glasses and had an unkempt haircut. He mocks this in his self insert (see bottom-right corner) drawing.
  • Beauty Equals Goodness: Nakamura's beautiful characters are heroic as they as pretty. Meanwhile, the Drule Empire (the villains of GoLion) are lizard-like with monstrous faces, like to kill, cannibalize and enslave others for fun, own harems of sex slaves that they rape and lust after the pretty Princesses relentlessly. Even Honerva, the least-monstrous looking of the Galra, is old and hag-like in appearance.
  • Chaste Hero: While his villains are power-hungry rapists, the heroes are innocent and their attraction towards Fala doesn't go further than a slight crush or commenting how pretty she is. Fala has a small crush on Akira, but it remains just that.
  • Humongous Mecha: His, and by extension his company's, noted line of work. Having been involved with several influential titles within the genre.
  • Princess Protagonist: Fala, Amue, Sincline, Daibazaal...
  • Rape Is a Special Kind of Evil: To highlight the cruelty of the Galra, Daibazaal is a rapist, and Sincline is a pervert who doesn't understand Fala's "no"s.
  • Sibling Team: His brother, Akira, is also an animator and helps him at Nakamura Productions.
  • Signature Style: Shading is often depicted with crosshatching, something picked up during his time animating on Toei's Go Nagai adaptations. This became his company's style until the mid-1980s, when it was dropped for a flatter look.
