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Characters / Knights And Magic Demon Beasts

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Endless in number, these animals with the inherent ability to consume and process "ether" from the air are the initial primary driving force of the plot and the predominant threat to humanity as a whole at the start of the story.

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     Common to all Demon Beasts 
  • Always Chaotic Evil: Even when fleeing for their lives from a much larger threat, they will stop whatever they're doing to attack humans at the first opportunity. Doubly so when under the influence of "Lure Powder."
  • Call a Smeerp a "Rabbit": Many of them have "common" names recognizable to the reader as common animals. For example, the Behemoth is often called "tortoise."
  • Power Crystal: a number of them have crystalline growths on their bodies, and all of them have a crystal core in their bodies that give them the ability to process Ether. These cores are what are used by humans to craft the rods that they use magic with, as well as to create the reactors to power Knights.

The first of the truly Kaiju level threats faced by the protagonists. It attacks the country of Fremmevaria for no discernible reason, literally crushing underfoot everything in its way, until it encounters Ernesti.
  • Breath Weapon: In addition to the lethality of its sheer size and surprising bursts of speed, when it feels itself cornered, it can unleash a massive magical attack from its mouth. The anime even makes it a a fire-breath weapon.
  • Epic Flail: It swings its tail like a flail and does massive damage to whatever it hits.
  • Eye Scream: Enersti manages to pierce its eye. This only succeeded because a previous knight stabbed at the same eye but was killed before he could do significant damage.
  • Foe-Tossing Charge: While it normally moves in a very slow and deliberate gait, when pressed, it can charge like a Rhino, mowing down or blasting aside everything in its way. Ernesti uses this against it to deal the final blow.
  • Go for the Eye: Ernesti remembers that the eye is directly wired into the brain through the optic nerve, and jams a sword blade in there to deliver a High-Voltage Death.
  • High-Voltage Death: Ernesti kills it by frying its brain.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: The reason it can be beaten at all is that it's so heavy it has to constantly use "Enhancement" magic simply to stand. When its source of mana is depleted, it's crushed to death by its own weight. This is still not an easy task as its mana pool is enormous and it can recharge that pool very, very quickly.
  • Impossibly Graceful Giant: It's surprisingly agile for something of its size.
  • Kaiju: It's easily the size of a small city, and it walks.
  • Made of Diamond: Its outer skin is so tough it can deflect a normal sword strike to the eye by blinking.
  • Mighty Glacier: At least in the anime, it's cumbersome and slow, but its attack power and defense is so overwhelming that it's called a living fortress.
  • Wake-Up Call Boss: This creature serves to show just how dangerous the world really is.
