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Awesome / Resident Evil: Revelations 2

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  • Claire survives the events of the game by sheer willpower. When infected with a virus that will only trigger if she panics, she simply doesn't, including at the end of Episode 3 when she confronts Neil, one of the single largest mutants in the series to date.
    • Just to emphasize this, of all the main characters, Natalia and Moira are both immune with both of their bracelets turning red towards the end. Barry didn't have one to begin with.
  • Claire leading Moira across the island on a mission to escape and, later, to get revenge on Alex Wesker. Despite not having been active for over a decade in fighting B.O.Ws, she doesn't lose a single step in fighting them off.
  • A dual one for her and Moira as they tag-team shutting off valves in order to escape an exploding factory.
  • Claire manages to stand up against Neil's Tyrant form and take him down, either killing him herself or setting up Moira to do the final blow.
  • Claire shows up as The Cavalry in Episode 4's Good Ending. She uses a sniper rifle to blast Alex Wesker's monster form repeatedly while Barry serves to lead her around. Claire hits numerous exploding barrels and finally, after injuring her enough to slow her down, Claire blows the monster up with her trademark rocket launcher.
    Claire: Oversee this, bitch!

  • Moira's whole Action Survivor subplot where she begins as just an ordinary college-age girl volunteering at Terra Save, only to end up an island of doom surrounded by monsters. After swearing up a storm at the horrors around, she picks up a crowbar and accompanies Action Girl Claire through some of the worst creatures on Earth.
  • A dual one for her and Claire as they tag-team shutting off valves in order to escape an exploding factory.
    • Moira overcoming her fear of guns in the Good Ending to kill Neil in his Tyrant form.
    • Moira's Heroic Sacrifice where she pushes Claire out of the way of a bunch of falling debris. Trapped underneath it, she can only urge Claire to save herself.
    • Moira spending six months alone, surviving with the dubious help of a Russian survivalist. All the while surrounded by monsters and Alex Wesker's traps.
    • Rescuing Natalia at the end from being murdered by Alex Wesker and unwittingly saving the world from her resurrection as a monster.


  • Barry's Papa Wolf premise. Six months after finding out his daughter has gone missing, he's tracked down the island she's been trapped on to go rescue her. Nothing stops him from finding her and even when he thinks she's dead, he only becomes determined to avenge her.
    • Toward the end of Barry's half of Episode 1, he and Natalia are being pursued through a construction site by a horde of Revenants. What's worse, the logs being held above their heads by a crane are starting to come loose. Barry responds by picking up Natalia and running so as to draw the Revenants under the logs, which come crashing down on top of them. Just to top it off, Barry snaps off two quick shots at an Exploding Barrel and lights the whole mess on fire, just to make sure those things aren't getting up.
    • Barry does it again in Episode 3 when confronted by Alex Wesker's mutated form and a small army of mutants. Barry just manages to shoot the right spot and bring down the roof onto said army, destroying it and making sure he and Natalia can escape.
    • Finally, Barry reconciles with his daughter and turns his infamous "I have this" line into a Pre Ass Kicking One Liner before he and Claire take on the final battle together.
      Moira: Are you sure you don't need me, Barry- I mean...Dad?
      Barry: I'll always need you, but for now *draws Hand Cannon* I have this.
      • Doubly amusing, Barry mostly serves as human bait during the encounter as he leads Alex Wesker in circles until Claire finishes her off.

  • Say what you will about her but it's pretty damn amazing a 10 year old girl is able to survive for as long as she has on Alex Wesker's island. The fact she was in a coma for six months in a secret laboratory helps but she still managed to survive until meeting Barry.
  • Despite her age, this isn't actually Natalia's first rodeo as she was a survivor of the events of the first Revelations game in Terragrigia. Natalia isn't particularly afraid of B.O.Ws as a result and handles their presence fairly stoically. It's why Alex Wesker wants to Grand Theft Me her.
  • Unlike Ashley Graham from Resident Evil 4, Natalia is determined to help Barry in whatever way she can. This includes chucking bricks at his foes. Properly upgraded, she can even finish enemies off.
  • Natalia briefly dips into a Superpowered Evil Side to drive off Alex Wesker's monster form and can be permanently transformed into it in the Bad Ending. Still, it's damn impressive watching her tear her foes apart.
