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Awesome / Deltatraveler

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Awesome moments are to be expected in a fan game where Deltarune characters find themselves in different worlds.

Warning, unmarked spoilers ahead. You Have Been Warned.

Section 1: In Ruins

  • Susie fails to be fooled by Flowey at the start. Where Flowey would've likely tricked Frisk into running into the bullets, Susie attacks him before he could even make his move. Not only that, but she has an amazing How Did You Know? I Didn't at his expense before merging the battle systems together and Rude Buster-ing him into the distance.
    Flowey: But… don't you want to know about your SOUL? About LOVE?
    Susie: Dude, why do you wanna show us this stuff so badly? Do you WANT our SOULs or something?
    Flowey starts sweating as the music cuts out
    Flowey: !!! H-How'd you…?!
    Susie: (Smiling smugly) I didn't. YOU'RE the one who said it. Kris, let's teach this idiot a lesson.
  • It's cool seeing what Undertale would've been like if you had multiple party members. Susie has a decent amount of reactions to the numerous situations that you face in Undertale and her ACTs aren't half bad either.
  • Because Toriel lets you go, you don't fight her. You fight Flowey instead, and he's incredibly tough for the first boss in the game.
  • Kris standing up to the SOUL (and by extension you), if you think it's a good idea to tell Toriel that you killed everybody, where Kris tears it out of their chest, throws it on the ground, and shatters it, putting a stop to any hopes you had of killing her.

Section 2: Oh, Mother

  • Initially, the gang is stuck in the EarthBound style. Kris and Noelle combine their Determination and magic respectively to cast a spell that transforms the world into an art style that's more familiar.
  • When Paula joins your team, you essentially have four party members in battle! Because Paula's on Kris' back, you can use PSI instead of ACTing. And Paula can't damage until Kris is down, allowing you to last much longer in battle.
  • If you spare Porky after his fight, he traps your SOUL and is about to finish you off, when Ness shows up and finishes the robot off for you.
    • In the Obliteration Route for this Section, he and Paula become the final boss of the run instead, stopping you from going any further, even when Susie and Noelle beg for them to stand down, lest they die.
    • Also in the Obliteration Route, if you have Noelle use Iceshock on the Blue Cultists outside of the shed and then try to convince her that killing everyone is a good thing, Kris will pull the SOUL out, have Noelle freeze it, and then have her throw it and shatter it.

Section 3: Hell's Forest

  • During the conversation at QC's house on an Obliteration route, Susie remarks that Kris is lucky they aren't killing them, leading to a harsh reprimand from Noelle. It's admittedly a small moment, but Noelle standing up to her crush like that is great to see.
  • When Sans ambushes the trio just as they get back to Q.C.'s house after getting the last ladder piece, she tackles him from behind before a fight can begin. He manages to get away before she can kill him, but points for trying.
  • If you insist on fighting the Dogi, then Noelle and Susie step away to force you to fight them on your own.
  • In the Obliteration route, if you try to spare Dogamy after killing Dogaressa, Susie and Kris play baseball with the SOUL, launching it into the air.
    • Attempting to do this more than once has Kris act BEFORE Susie can suggest tearing out the SOUL, even suggesting the baseball game themselves and being fully on board with teaching you what for for doing this again.
    • Kill Dogamy first, and Dogaressa going on the war path is accompanied with her turning red.
  • It's a small thing, but if you insist on going back to kill Lesser Dog, Noelle refuses to go back with you, and Susie refuses to help you fight it, though she does accompany you into the fight to make sure Kris doesn't die.
  • If you go through the effort to make Greater Dog sparable and then kill it, Susie will angrily point out that you didn't need to do that when asked by Q.C.
  • Talking to Q.C.'s sister while on an Obliteration route has her reveal that they have a shotgun on hand that they use to keep themselves safe.
  • Kris gets THREE of these during the final part of the Section.
    • When Underfell Sans reveals he didn't have Papyrus's best interests in mind and goes to attack Kris for their SOUL, they manage to throw him off the bridge all on their own after being prompted to by Susie.
    • Before the big boss battle for this section, Kris's Berserk Button is pushed HARD when Underfell Sans heartlessly taunts Susie right in front of them, leaping forth and dealing a whopping 480 damage before being pushed back. What makes Kris attacking Underfell Sans even better is that if you die to him, they attack him before he even finishes speaking.
    • Finally, when cornered by Undyne in Waterfall, Kris personally rips out their SOUL, giving them the ability to taunt Undyne about the possibility of being unable to return to the Undertale universe should she try and chase them through it. With her guard down, they immediately leap through the door to their next destination.
  • One for Sarah herself, also in the final section. A fully-functional four-player game of Uno. Granted, it's a vanilla deck, but being able to pull it off with little (if any) errors or bugs is genuinely impressive. Well done, Sarah!
  • If you push Susie's buttons enough to make her "devious", and then have Noelle use Ice Shock to finish Sans off, she'll be so mad that she outright throws her weapon away, claiming "Clearly you don't need my help!" And when Noelle expresses confusion, Susie angrily claims that she should be fine with it, to which the deer girl relents.
    • Trying to give Susie a new weapon has her flatly refuse to do so.
  • If you try to sell Sans the Clean Pan, he flat out refuses as his Eye Lights Out, stating, "I'm not taking this crap."
  • Jerry out of all monsters being a superboss in the game. Wielding a blood red katana, it makes its introduction by killing Glyde in one hit during its turn.
    • While his methods are rather questionable, it's impressive how Jerry managed to gather so much strength all on its own.
    • If you try to fight Jerry, your party will at first deal a normal amount of damage to him, but gradually Susie notes that the damage is starting to decline. Continue attacking, and Jerry will take no damage once it has about 20 percent of its HP remaining, revealing that it was toying with you the whole time.
      • ... Only for the Delta Travelers to deliver their own moment of awesome by building up TP to channel their strength into Kris's SOUL, giving Kris the strength to deliver Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs onto Jerry for 1 HP per punch as "It Has To Be This Way" is playing in the background.
      • The power up sequence is even accompanied by a full body version of Kris's battle icon as an aura forms around it.
