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Tropers / Saybaar

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Saybaar is mostly harmless. Please don't hurt her.

Things with which I am obsessed.

Interesting and useful Tropes.

YMMV stuff.

Tear Jerker:

  • The last scenes in The Return of the King movie. I even have to skip "Journey to the Grey Havens" and "Into the West" on the soundtrack because they make me so emotional. Nothing else in any work of fiction has actually made me tear up as consistently and strongly as this.

High Octane Nightmare Fuel:

  • Anything at all involving Cold-Blooded Torture. I watch The Lord Of The Rings a lot. Shelob? Fine. The Dead Marshes? Fine (though not to my friends). Orcs? Fascinating and kind of cool, actually. The Balrog? Wheeee fire! The approximately ten seconds total of Gollum being tortured? Can't watch.
  • Anything at all involving permanent loss of identity. Doctor Who is a primary offender. The concept of regeneration is vaguely freaky enough, but then the Tenth Doctor had to go and verbalize everything that's so terrifying about it..."I don't wanna go." -shudder-

Crowning Music Of Awesome:

  • Everything about the Lord of the Rings score. Especially the track "The Crack of Doom". I'm also in love with the Isengard theme.
  • The Vienna Horns' rendition of the overture to Robin Hood Prince Of Thieves.
  • Blind Guardian in general and Nightfall In Middle Earth in particular, mostly because it seems to capture the story's emotion and voices so well. Feanor and Morgoth and the rest could truly be singing it.
