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Trivia / Combattler V

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  • The robot's name is a portmanteau of Combine, Combat, and Battle, and the V is intended both as an abbreviation for Victory and in reference to the five component machines that form the robot as well as its five pilots.
  • The word Choudenji (Super Electromagnetic) has been copyrighted by Tadao Nagahama's estate and can only be used in Japanese media with their permission.
  • Unlike with its successor Voltes V, where the letter "V" is regarded as a Roman numeral and pronounced as "five" (ファイブ) in English, the "V" in Combattler V is pronounced as "vee" (ブイ) instead.
  • This anime series featured the first "realistically" combining giant robot. In this case, Combattler V was five vehicles that combined into one giant robot in a way that can be duplicated by its toy merchandise.
  • The toys for this series (provided by Bandai) were so successful that they were included in Mattel's phenomenal Shogun Warriors toy line as well as Bandai America's popular Godaikin line. In the Shogun Warriors collection, Combattler V is renamed "Combatra".
  • The "Campbellians" from Planet "Campbell" mainly reference Science Fiction writer John W. Campbell, who helped invent the Space Hero genre. Every place in Planet Campbell is also a reference to famous sci-fi authors, from the Asimov Continent to the Hamilton Ocean as well as Leinster-Miller City and the Heinlein Sun.
  • This series is a staple of the Super Robot Wars franchise. It was introduced in Super Robot Wars 3. It took a break from console games starting from the Z series, only appearing in two handheld games (and one of them is only 'semi-traditional'), but returns full force on console games in Super Robot Wars 30.
