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Referenced By / Combattler V

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Here are the references other works have made of Combattler V.

Anime & Manga

  • Voltes V:
    • Voltes is practically a robotic clone variant of Combattler V. Their respective teams of five pilots are also quite similar to one another. They even share the same plot of stopping aliens from invading Planet Earth with gigantic monsters on a weekly basis care of their giant Super Robot.
    • The "Spin Fly Technique" is clearly just the "Choudenji Spin" using the separated Volt Machines spinning like tops together versus Combattler V doing the same thing while its component parts are already combined.
    • There are cameo appearances in Voltes done by members of Combattler V. In episode 1, Juuzou Naniwa (or a lookalike of him) serves as one of several martial artists seen sparring with Daijirou. Meanwhile, Dr. Nanbara (the creator of Combattler) makes an appearance as a U.N. envoy in episode 31.
    • Voltes even has a similar villain line-up as Combattler, with a young prince as the main antagonist (Heinel/Garuda) and his three generals being a red-skinned war general (Jangal/Girua), a gnarled elderly scientist (Zuhl/Nirua) and a female love interest for the prince (Katherine/Miia).
    • The 37th episode of Voltes V is similar to the Combattler V Grand Finale because both involve a planet-ending Doomsday Device that the heroes are helpless to stop but an outside force helps resolve the problem for them.
  • Daimos:
    • Daimos also shares the same villain line-up as Combattler. Garuda is Richter, Miia is Raiza, Girua is Balbas, and Narua is Georiya. King Olban is also Daimos's equivalent of Oreana and Empress Janera.
    • There was also that one time when Combattler had to use Daimos-like motion controls instead of its normal controls (after Hyoma had to pilot the robot without his arms because they were blown off by Garuda).
    • Combattler's GranDasher mode also looks a lot like Daimos's Tranzer/Transer mode pre-transformation.
  • Dragon Ball:
  • Genshiken: The gang go to a Karaoke Box to help Kugayama become more outgoing. Kugayama then ends up interrupting Madarame's performance of the Combattler V theme.
  • Robot Girls Z: The show parodies Raideen, Combattler V, Daimos, and Voltes V as cute anime girls.note 

Comic Books

Series — Live-action

  • Battle Fever J: Since taking over the timeslot of Daimos, Battle Fever J and its concept of five young people using a mecha to fight the forces of evil has technically been inherited from animated shows like Combattler V and Voltes V, but their mech mostly copies Leopardon from Spider-Man (Japan). In short, it's a live-action version of Combattler V mixed with the Super Sentai concept established by Himitsu Sentai Gorenger.
  • Choudenshi Bioman:
    • Like with the Combattler V finale and a pivotal Voltes V event, Dr. Man also has a planet-annihilating Anti-Bio Bomb that was supposed to destroy the whole Earth and every living being on it like what happened to Planet Bio.
    • In this instance, the Deus ex Machina that saved the Biomen from certain defeat was Doctor Man's own biological son, Shuichi Kageyama.
    • Bioman is also reminiscent of Combattler with the appearance of Prince, the Mecha Clone version of Dr. Man's son, Shuichi. It harkens back to the reveal that General Garuda is actually one of many replaceable robot clones made by Oreana.
  • Hikari Sentai Maskman:
    • The Aura Road Spark/Spurt by Galaxy Robo is a reference to Combattler V's GranDasher Wave.
    • Great Five is as much of a shout-out to Combattler V as it is to Voltes V, being Super Sentai's first five-component combiner robot.
    • Thief Knight Kiros's Crescent Screw Signature Move is highly reminiscent of Combattler's Choudenji Tatsumaki.
    • Both Combattler's Chizuru Nanbara (who also wears pink) and Maskman's Momoko/Pink Mask have a tendency to suffer a Heroic RRoD in one episode. In Chizuru's case, she has a valvular heart disease. In Momoko's case, she has the slight flaw of low constitution despite being a tough fighter on her own.
    • The Land Galaxy mode of the Galaxy Robo is a three-way reference to all the shows in the Robot Romance Trilogy by Tadao Nagahama.note 
  • Kyōryū Sentai Zyuranger: The Dino Tanker mode of Daizyujin is also a three-way reference to Robot Romance Trilogy just like the Land Galaxy was for Maskman.
  • Kamen Rider Ryuki: On the episode "The Battle Ends", a tokusatsu show and anime were shown on a nearby television screen. They were Moero!! Robocon and Super Electromagnetic Robot Combattler V respectively.
  • Voltes V: Legacy:
    • The show referenced Combattler V by mentioning Tau Cetis as one of the planets that Emperor Zu Zambojil intends to occupy (the others being Baam/Brahmin, Cephir, Helios, and Gliese).
    • Also in Voltes V: Legacy, the tank mode of Voltes V is a shout-out to Combattler's tank mode that's used whenever it unleashes the "GranDasher" form and its "Grand Light Wave Rail".note 
    • Planet Campbell was also mentioned by Marquise Zaki, who intends to seek asylum there before Zandra/Katharine branded her as a traitor and personally shot her.


Video Games
