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Sandbox / Well, This Is Not That Wick Check

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This is a wick check for Well, This Is Not That Trope.

Reason: It's meant to be a trope for a Bait-and-Switch gag where somebody describes X and then says, "This is not X" or something along the lines of that. However, people often use it for "joke fulfilment links" (see the relevant bullet on Sinkhole) when describing what an actual trope is not. A trip to TRS may be needed, as the title may be making users think it's actually about tropes.


  • Correct: 24%
  • Joke fulfilment: 46%
  • Unclear: 6%
  • Other misuse: 20%


    Joke Fulfilment 
This is not that manga. It's on a work page, so at least the troper probably knew the meaning of the trope and that it wasn't about tropes. That said, it's still joke fulfilment.Well, This Is Not That Trope. It's saying that it isn't an actual trope.

    ZCEs or Otherwise Unclear 

    Other Misuse 
