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All There in the Stinger

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That one movie you really enjoyed has suddenly had a sequel announced, but you're confused. The hero died in a Heroic Sacrifice at the end of the film... so why is he in the trailer for the sequel, kicking ass just like before? It's not a Retcon or an Ass Pull... it was All There in the Stinger.

This trope is when The Stinger provides some piece of information which is important to understanding the plot, either of the work itself or of its sequel. In the above example, the hero is revealed to be Not Quite Dead. Maybe the Big Bad's Not Quite Dead either, and ready to try again next time. Or maybe the story doesn't actually make sense unless you watch The Stinger. The point is, if you don't watch it, you're not just missing out on one last gag: you're missing out on a crucial piece of the plot.

This is most often seen in TV shows, since their credits sequences are much shorter and audiences are more willing to sit through them. Often, just to be on the safe side, the Continuity Announcer will tell the audience to keep watching through the credits to make sure they don't miss it. Sometimes, you can tell there's a stinger coming because the credits start rolling earlier than usual, or roll while the action's still going. TV broadcasts of movies will typically speed the credits up a bit to get to the stinger faster.

When considering if something is an example of this trope, ask yourself this: if you were to discuss the work with someone who hadn't seen the stinger, would they be able to understand what you were talking about? If you skip one installment's stinger, would the next installment still make sense? If not, then it's this trope. Basically, it has to be something important that you can only learn if you watch the stinger.

Naturally, this is a Sub-Trope of The Stinger. It can overlap with Twist Ending, or even The Ending Changes Everything if the stinger is revelatory enough. Can result in Late-Arrival Spoiler if the events of The Stinger are crucial to the sequel, in which case it would also overlap with Sequel Hook (though a Sequel Hook itself is not necessarily this trope, and vice versa).

Compare All There in the Manual, where important plot details are hidden away in supplementary material, and All There in the Script, where details like character names are in the script but not the final movie. Contrast Brick Joke, where the stinger is used to deliver the punchline to an earlier gag.

As this is an Ending Trope, unmarked spoilers abound. Beware.


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    Anime & Manga 
  • 16bit Sensation: Another Layer begins with protagonist Konoha being sent back in time to 1992, where she joins Bishoujo Game developer Alcohol Soft and starts making 16-bit video games with them. The Stinger of Episode 2, however, has her lose her balance, hit her head, and wake up back in 2023, at the exact point in time she'd left. Episode 3 begins with her having already adjusted to life back in 2023, which comes out of nowhere if you missed the previous episode's stinger.
  • Episode 13 of the Ace Attorney (2016) anime has a stinger in which Miles Edgeworth leaves his office, with a note on his desk reading "Miles Edgeworth chooses death", setting up his disappearance in the second half of the anime. If you miss the stinger (and haven't played the games), you'll be left wondering why Phoenix believes Edgeworth as dead in Episode 14.
  • Aldnoah.Zero:
    • After the credits of Season 1 Episode 3, Slaine confronts Trillram about the False Flag Operation to kill Princess Asseylum. When Trillram confesses, Slaine angrily shoots him dead. It's shown again in Episode 4, but only via a brief flashback that doesn't clearly convey who Slaine is shooting or why.
    • There's another one in Season 2, in which Lemrina decides to pull the plug on the comatose Asseylum. She backs out at the last second, but after she leaves, Asseylum starts to wake up.
  • Subverted in the anime adaptation of Black Bullet. One episode ends with Enju's doctor assuring her that her corruption level has barely changed, but after the credits, a Wham Shot reveals it's actually much higher than it should be. However, this ended up being an Aborted Arc and was never brought up again.
    • Played straight in the light novels, which remind the reader of how many days Enju has left to live at the end of every story arc.
  • Code Geass: One of the most debated (and most affected by a wide spread of disinformation) examples in anime, in which the final episode has, according to contested fan theories, a Stinger which suggests that perhaps Lelouch may be Not Quite Dead. There are a huge amount of Word of God statements which all repeat that he was killed, but some fans prefer to cling to their own headcanon and reject the anime's official canon. Word of God has stated in interviews (e.g. Animage 10 and 11, Continue Vol.42, etc), tweets by the director (translation), the official guide book, that Lelouch is dead and he is listed among the dead in the Death List for R2. C.C. even explicitly says Lelouch is dead in the new epilogue (from 2009). Then it was announced that he would be the main character in the sequel film Code Geass: Lelouch of the Re;surrection, which aligns with the mountain of database official statements about his death. It ultimately turned out to only be true in the recap film continuity, with him staying dead in the main anime.
  • Dimension W's Yasogami Lake arc ends with one plot thread still dangling: namely, who put the Dimension W-infused lake water in Shijuro's water dispenser in the first place. When Mira points this out, Kyoma replies that that's the police's concern, not theirs. The Stinger reveals that the police did identify the culprit: Shijuro's maid, who did it as revenge for one of her relatives having drowned in the incident there twenty years ago.
  • Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood has a few, the most notable being Greeling attacking King Bradley/Wrath in his home. The following episode continues on directly from this scene.
  • In the third episode of the anime adaptation of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood, Jonathan impales Dio on the statue at the front of the manor, and the fire appears to disintegrate him completely. While not exactly crucial, if you miss the The Stinger that shows Wang Chan recover the stone mask from the ruins of the Joestar manor before being grabbed from under the rubble, it can be quite baffling to see an undead Wang Chan carrying around Dio in the next episode.
  • Kaguya-sama: Love Is War does this quite a few times, occasionally having the adaptations of entire chapters after the end credits. Most prominently, the penultimate episode of season 1 delves into Kaguya's backstory (and features the only onscreen appearance of her father until the tail end of the manga).
  • The last episode of Megalo Box suddenly cuts from a climactic Cross Counter during Joe and Yuri's bout to suddenly showing what the cast is up to a year afterwards, with nobody really discussing the actual result of the match, and who actually won isn't told to the audience until the very last shot, which is text over a black background showing Joe's boxing record in the Megalonia tournament: 7 fights, all victories.
  • Every episode of Mekaku City Actors has a post-credits scene animated in the style of a pop-up storybook. While their connection to the main story is initially unclear, they eventually spell out Marry's backstory and reveal the origins of the Heat Haze, the mysterious realm from which the protagonists received their powers.
  • Season 1 of Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury ends rather abruptly, with Suletta having repelled Fold of Dawn's attack on Quetta Plant. After the credits, however, Miorine and an injured Delling are ambushed by a surviving Fold of Dawn member, only for Suletta to burst onto the scene in Aerial and squash him flat, to Miorine's immense horror. This incident colours the pair's relationship for most of Season 2.
  • The anime adaptation of One-Punch Man does this quite frequently. One notable example is in Episode 5, when the stinger shows Genos asking to move in with Saitama and giving him rent money in order to convince him. Anyone who misses this stinger, and hasn't read the webcomic or manga, will be confused as to why Genos is suddenly living with Saitama in Episode 6.
  • Downplayed in Plastic Memories. Tsukasa learns in Episode 9 that Isla's lifespan is about to run out and she will have to be retrieved soon, wiping her memories and personality. If you watch the stingers, however, you'll learn this in Episode 2, and the added context makes their budding romance in the intervening episodes that much more tragic.
  • In Pokémon 3: Spell of the Unown, Molly Hale's Disappeared Dad Spencer, who she'd spent the whole film trying to get back, is finally shown being released from the Unown's world during a mid-credits scene. Defied in the English dub; since this trope wasn't as common back then, it was feared that Western audiences were unlikely to stick around that long and would leave the theater thinking Spencer was still missing, so the scene was moved to before the credits.
  • Rebuild of Evangelion: This trope rears its had after the credits of the second film, Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance. The movie ends on a cliffhanger either way, but the cliffhanger is vastly different if you've seen the stinger after the credits.
  • Episode 8 of Super Sonico The Animation takes the form of a Locked Room Mystery, as Kid Detective Ena helps Suzu and Fuuri try to work out who knocked Sonico unconscious and hid her guitar. The episode ends with nobody any the wiser, Ena's increasingly bizarre theories having all been debunked, and they all decide it was just an accident and head home. In The Stinger, however, Ena confronts the culprit (Miina, the venue's maid), and reveals she'd had it worked out all along: Miina had spilled water on the band's amplifier by accident and was fearful she'd be fired if they found out, so to stop them from practicing and discovering the broken amp, she'd knocked Sonico unconscious. The room Sonico was in wasn't actually locked; Miina had just pretended it was in order to throw everyone off. Ena, meanwhile, had been Obfuscating Stupidity in order to stall for time and cover up the incident; she's only interested in solving crimes, not arresting the culprits, and she didn't want Miina to get fired over an honest mistake.

    Films — Animation 
  • BoBoiBoy Movie 2: The post-credit scene is what first introduces Mechamato into the story, as it reveals that he's BoBoiBoy's father. Maskmana calls Amato to ask him to repair Armobot. Amato asks why he didn't help in the fight, to which Maskmana says that Amato should've been the one to help. Amato brushes it off, saying BoBoiBoy should be left to learn how to be independent to prepare for a greater mission. In 2022, an additional Stinger shows that Amato was apparently missing at the time of that call. Maskmana finds Amato's ship 3 months later to be empty, but he does find a hologram projection of Amato initiating that very call.
  • My Little Pony: Equestria Girls – Rainbow Rocks ends with the reveal of Human Twilight, who muses that she's noticed some weird things concerning Canterlot High and such events need further investigation. This explains why she's already heavily investigating the school in Friendship Games.
  • Shrek 2 has the introduction of Donkey and Dragon's babies at the end.
  • The Super Mario Bros. Movie has Yoshi beginning to finally hatch from his egg...

    Films — Live-Action 
  • Fantastic Four (2005) has Doctor Doom getting sent to Latveria.
  • A staple of movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, all of which have stingers, though not all of them are significant plot-wise and some are just scenes from whichever upcoming film they're teasing. The ones that are significant are as follows:
    • Iron Man has Nick Fury showing up to talk to Tony Stark about the Avengers Initiative.
    • Iron Man 2 has Coulson locating Mjölnir in the New Mexico desert.
    • Thor: Loki, who seemingly let himself fall to his death after fighting Thor, appears in the post-credits scene (unseen by either Fury or Dr. Erik Selvig and also possessing the latter) to show that he survived and is planning for something which comes to fruition in The Avengers.
    • The Avengers: The first stinger gives us our first look at Thanos. Starting here, they tend to have two stingers, one part-way into the credits with a significant occurrence, and another more humorous or throw-away one at the very end.
    • Thor: The Dark World: The Aether being delivered to the Collector.
    • Captain America: The Winter Soldier: The first one shows that HYDRA has Loki's staff as well as Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, and the second one shows Bucky starting to piece together who he used to be.
    • Avengers: Age of Ultron: Thanos saying, "Fine, I'll do it myself!" as he takes the Infinity Gauntlet.
    • Captain America: Civil War: Bucky goes back into stasis, awaiting the discovery of a means to cure him of his brainwashing, under the watch of T'Challa.
    • Doctor Strange: Mordo confronts Pangborn and takes away the magic powers that allowed him to walk again, saying that the world has "too many sorcerers", setting up his Face–Heel Turn as in the comics.
    • For all the scenes during the credits of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, one has actual plot relevance, namely that the Sovereign have created Adam Warlock.
    • Thor: Ragnarok has Thanos' ship looming over the Asgardian ship, setting up the start of Infinity War.
    • Avengers: Infinity War has Nick Fury send a distress signal mid-snap that is received by Captain Marvel.
    • Ant-Man and the Wasp has a mid-credit stinger where Ant-Man is trapped in the Quantum Realm as a result of Hank, Hope and Janet being disintegrated by Thanos.
    • Captain Marvel (2019):
      • The mid-credits stinger takes place after the events of Infinity War which shows Carol arriving at the Avengers HQ, after tracking the signal sent by Fury, and demanding to know where he is, explaining how she is already acquainted with the team in Avengers: Endgame.
      • The post-credit stinger shows Goose spewing the Tesseract, which she'd eaten earlier, out on Fury's desk, thus establishing how SHIELD could have the Tesseract in The Avengers.
    • Spider-Man: Far From Home has two big ones:
      • After Peter's date with Michelle Jones, a public news story on the Jumbotron has J. Jonah Jameson (played by J. K. Simmons) producing a video left by Mysterio shortly before his death. In the video, he blames Spider-Man for the attack in London, painting him as a supervillain. Worse yet...
        Mysterio: Spider-Man's real name [...] is PETER PARKER! [photo of Peter is shown]
        Spider-Man: What the fu—!
      • The second post-credits scene reveals that Maria Hill and Nick Fury were actually disguised Skrulls throughout the entire movie. The real Nick Fury is currently on a Skrull spaceship.
    • Black Widow (2021)'s stinger, set in the present, has Yelena's employer, Contessa Valentina Allegra de Fontaine, hiring her to go after Hawkeye, whom Valentina claims is responsible for Natasha's death. This sets up Yelena's appearance in Hawkeye (2021).
    • Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings' post-credits scene shows that Xialing has taken over leadership of the Ten Rings, rather than dismantle the organization as her brother assumed.
    • Eternals introduces Starfox in the mid-credits, and the post-credits show Dane about to take out the sword that makes him Black Knight, while Blade comments.
    • Spider-Man: No Way Home has its mid-credits stinger (explained below) end with a living piece of the Venom symbiote left behind.
    • Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness introduces Clea, who brings in Strange to help her stop an Incursion.
    • Thor: Love and Thunder reveals that Zeus survived Thor's attack and is sending his son Hercules after him.
    • Black Panther: Wakanda Forever has Nakia introducing Shuri to T'Challa's secret son.
  • The Stinger at the end of Young Sherlock Holmes shows Rathe (a.k.a. Eh-Tar) signing into a hotel in Switzerland. He signs the register as Moriarty.
  • If you missed the stinger in Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, you'd wonder what the smeg was happening when Captain Sparrow shoots Jack the monkey, and he's later shot out of a 6-pounder as a screeching fireball, but later seen not dead. And the fact that he's still cursed, despite the curse having previously been lifted, will only make things more confusing.
  • Don't Breathe 2 shows the Blind Man, apparently quite dead at the end of the main film, starting what looks like a Finger-Twitching Revival in the stinger, leaving the door open for a theoretical Don't Br3athe.
  • Scooby-Doo: Monsters Unleashed has an odd cross-media example: the only way to get the Golden Ending of the Game Boy Advance tie-in game was to watch the film's stinger, in which Scooby displayed a "secret code" you could input in order to unlock it.
  • Mocked by Venom: Let There Be Carnage. The film ends with Eddie and Venom being transported into another universe, where a kid named Peter Parker has been outed as superhero Spider-Man. The next Spider-Man movie, Spider-Man: No Way Home has a mid-credits scene where it’s shown that the two spent the events of the film drinking while being caught up on 15 years of history, before being sent home without having done anything.
    Venom: What is happening?! No! NO, WE JUST GOT HERE!
  • The Bad Future glimpses as well as the scene between Batman and the Joker at the end of Zack Snyder's Justice League act like this... for a hypothetical sequel that Warner Bros. has decided not to make (Darkseid takes over Earth and turns it into a Crapsack World, corrupts Superman and kills some Justice League heroes, then a Future Badass roster of the Justice League is assembled). Zack Snyder filmed these scenes when working on his cut for the HBO Max release in order to leave as many clues as possible of what he intended for said sequel.

  • In the first book of Gordon Korman's Everest series, there's a subplot where embarrassing information about the contestants for the expedition is being leaked to the press by an unknown party. The last page of the book features an e-mail from The Mole to a reporter, signed with their real name. This puts their interactions with the other characters in the rest of the book in a new light, and creates tension for the next book, as the readers are now aware who The Mole on the expedition is, but the other climbers are not.

    Live-Action TV 
  • Arrested Development: The "On the Next" segments of episodes, rather than being a preview of what will happen on the next episode, serve as stingers to show what will have happened behind the scenes by the time of the next episode. While these stingers are usually throwaway gags, occasionally some important details are revealed before they become plot-relevant, such as the revelation that Rita Leeds is a MRF (Mentally Retarded Female).
  • Friends had a stinger almost every episode. While most of them are just for one last gag, the episode "The One Where Everybody Finds Out" has a fairly important one in which Ross accidentally discovers Monica and Chandler's relationship, which is immediately followed up on in the opening scene of the next episode.
  • The stinger for the Season 2 finale of The Mandalorian shows Boba Fett and Fennec Shand killing Bib Fortuna and his lackeys and taking over what used to be Jabba the Hutt's palace, which leads directly into the events of The Book of Boba Fett.
  • The Marvel Cinematic Universe's TV entries have started doing this too:
    • WandaVision ends with Wanda reluctantly letting go of her fake family, ending the Hex, and coming to terms with her grief. The stinger, however, shows Wanda falling under the corrupting influence of the Darkhold, setting up her appearance as the Big Bad of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Those who missed the stinger were left confused as to why Wanda was suddenly willing to commit mass murder to get back the family she'd already willingly let go of.
    • Moon Knight (2022): While the series hinted at it so heavily that it was almost a Foregone Conclusion, only in the stinger of the final episode is it confirmed that Marc and Steven have a third alter that they don't know about: Jake Lockley. In a much bigger twist, however, it's revealed that Khonshu never intended to make Layla his next Avatar as Marc had inferred; by "someone close to you", he meant Jake. You can't get much closer than inhabiting the same body, after all.

    Professional Wrestling 
  • WWE's version of end credits on shows is the copyright logo chyron at the bottom corner of the screen. That being said, NXT TakeOver shows use this trope to great effect by springing a Twist Ending (often a surprise debut or Face–Heel Turn) on viewers either during or after a decoy end chyron.
    • The first appearance of this was at NXT TakeOver: R-Evolution: Sami Zayn had finally defeated Adrian Neville to become the new NXT Champion. His best friend, the newly debuted Kevin Owens, comes out to the ring to congratulate Sami... then powerbombs him into the ring apron.
    • NXT TakeOver: Chicago: #DIY had just failed to regain the NXT Tag Team Championships from the Authors of Pain. Tommaso Ciampa, seemingly fed up by the weakness of his partner Johnny Gargano, takes matters into his own hands.
    • NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn III: Drew McIntyre had just unseated NXT Champion Bobby Roode in the main event. McIntyre's celebration is cut short when he is ambushed by The Undisputed Era, led by a debuting Adam Cole.
    • NXT TakeOver: Philadelphia: Right after his grueling match against Andrade Cien Almas, a bruised and beaten Johnny Gargano is being escorted to the back by his wife Candice LeRae. Neither of them notice Tommaso Ciampa (who was previously out with injury) attacking from behind until it's too late.
    • NXT UK TakeOver: Blackpool: Pete Dunne successfully retains the WWE United Kingdom Championship, but barely gets a moment of rest when the show's interrupted by the debut of WALTER.
    • NXT TakeOver: Vengeance Day: the show appears to close out on NXT Champion Finn Bálor officially joining The Undisputed Era... until Adam Cole superkicks both Bálor and Kyle O'Reilly, his own teammate.

    Video Games 
  • All of the first three Halo games:
    • Halo: Combat Evolved's stinger shows Guilty Spark escaping Halo's destruction and fleeing into space.
    • Halo 2's stinger shows The Gravemind approaching Cortana, who agrees to answer its questions.
    • Halo 3 ends with everyone believing that Master Chief is dead, but the stinger reveals that he and Cortana survived in the aft end of the frigate Forward Unto Dawn, and ends with his going back into stasis. Then the ship's hulk is seen drifting towards a planet.
  • Mega Man Zero 2's stinger features a disembodied voice telling his "creation", Omega, that it's the "right time to attack". This leads directly into the events of Zero 3, in which Omega appears in the intro level, and we're introduced to the likely source of the voice: the Big Bad Dr. Weil.
  • Metroid Prime gives a first look at Samus' main enemy through the next two games, as Dark Samus emerges from the Metroid Prime chamber. Without knowledge of this, the next two games appear to have an Artifact Title, as this Stinger is the only indication that Dark Samus is Metroid Prime.
  • Final Fantasy X: The stinger shows Tidus waking up and swimming towards the surface as he hears Yuna's whistling, indicating he somehow survived being erased from the fayth waking up. Final Fantasy X-2 expands on this a little more in its own stinger if the player gets the Golden Ending, with Tidus and Yuna speculating how he could have come back.
  • Kingdom Hearts III's stinger shows that Xigbar is actually Luxu, that the Foretellers have come back, and that Yozora is real.
  • One possible stinger for Undertale is very important. if the player completes a Genocide run and then sells their soul to Chara to remake the world, all future runs will be corrupted. In a corrupted Pacifist run, a stinger occurs after the credits, showing Chara taking over Frisk's body, whether they be at Toriel's house or in the human world. This serves to indicate that, without hacking the game, you can never escape the consequences of a successful Genocide run.
  • Prey (2017) puts its twist ending after the end credits, revealing that: The player wasn't playing Morgan Yu like they thought they were, and in fact isn't human at all. They weren't trying to prevent an alien invasion of Earth because Earth already lost. The entire playable portion of the game was a simulation inside the game world created as a Secret Test of Character for one of the aliens.

    Web Animation 
  • Killing Spree VI ends with Jason getting shot in the head, seemingly putting an end to his murder spree. However, in The Stinger, it's revealed that since it's not yet midnight, he's still immortal, and thus Not Quite Dead. This sets up the final instalment, Killing Spree VII, which opens with him waking up in an ambulance.
  • The first of two stingers in the Pilot Movie for Lackadaisy begins as a seemingly comic opportunity to witness The Dragon and Marigold gangmember Mordecai humiliated over the phone by The Don for his team's failure to stop the rival whiskey runners of Lackadaisy from horning in on their territory. Their boss, Asa Sweet, mocks him with jocular relish for the loss of their car and reads Mordecai like a book for his Neat Freak tendencies. But it takes a very dark, menacing turn when Mordecai explains that Lackadaisy has been mutually poaching their supplier, and is so clumsy about it that they'll be noticed by the feds sooner rather than later. Mordecai and Sweet then agree its "time to tie up some loose ends.".
  • Zig-zagged by the Stinger of Sonic: Nazo Unleashed, which shows Dr. Eggman finding one of Nazo's bracelets and letting out an Evil Laugh. This was initially intended to be a subversion, as Chakra-X had no plans to follow up on it. In February 2016, however, a sequel was announced that would involve Dr. Eggman resurrecting Nazo, with the stinger explaining how he got hold of Nazo's genetic material. While the full sequel was cancelled after years of Development Hell, Chakra-X still plans to release a fully-voiced animatic, with Act 1 finally releasing in December 2023.
  • Meta Runner:
    • The stinger for Season 1 has Belle find Sofia's phone, containing a backup of the TASCorp server data, and keeping it for herself so she can try and unlock it as shown in Season 2. The stinger also sees Lucks checking up on a body in cryostatis, who is eventually revealed to be Lucinia in Season 2's finale.
    • Season 2's stinger reveals the true culprit behind Lucks' murder: Dr. Sheridan, Tari's creator and the scientist behind the Project Blue experiments. He's also revealed to be the series' Greater-Scope Villain, as he's shown to have been Masa's masked neighbor and the one who put the hacking device on his Meta Runner arm in order to kill Lucks and frame Masa.

    Web Videos 
  • A minor case. The Noob movies have a subplot in which The Cracker and one of the Game Masters are casually playing the fictional MMORPG in which the story is set in hope to make up for a long-standing real life feud between them, with a rule of completely ignoring each other's usual activities. During the first movie, Noob: Le Conseil des Trois Factions, The Cracker complains about how his Starter Equipment looks and they run into a bunch of players talking about having done illegal stuff right in front of them. In The Stinger, they strike a deal: the Game Master can go officially ban the group they ran into, and The Cracker can hack his avatar to change his equipment early during that lapse of time. When the duo is seen again in the second movie Noob: La Quête Légendaire, The Cracker is the only one of the two that has upgraded from his equipment.

    Western Animation 
  • Gravity Falls downplays this by having the stingers play alongside the credits, rather than in the middle or end of them. However, for almost the entire first season, these stingers consist solely of Brick Jokes. If you get into the habit of skipping them, you'll miss some significant scenes later on. For example, Agents Powers and Trigger arresting Stan at the beginning of "Not What He Seems" is set up by the stingers of "Scary-oke" (where it's revealed they survived the episode's events) and "Northwest Mansion Mystery" (where it's revealed that they're onto the Pines family and are ready to make their move), and otherwise comes out of nowhere.
  • The Thomas & Friends movie Misty Island Rescue does this with Diesel 10 spying on the engines at the grand opening of the Search and Rescue Center, promising they will be laughing on the other side of their boilers soon along with an Evil Laugh, all without any narration. This sets up his scheme to take over the Steamworks in the next movie, Day of the Diesels.
  • The Venture Bros. does this constantly and even has some fake Un-Installments.
