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    Web Animation 
  • Camp Camp has the two "Magic kids" - Harrison, a Stage Magician with actual powers who wants to do stage tricks (he prefers the term "Illusionist"), and Nerris, a LARPer who is always doing fake magic (she prefers the term "Sorceress").
    • In "Fox McCloud VS Bucky O'Hare", the crew of the Righteous Indignation meet their ends by the hands of a justifiably furious Fox after killing Slippy.
    • The fight between Goku and Superman who both protect the Earth ends with it being destroyed by both heroes.
    • "Flash VS Sonic" is a battle between two speedsters, so one would expect it to come down to whoever's faster, right? Well, as Wiz points out in the post-fight analysis, the two combatants both possess speed that goes Beyond the Impossible, with such feats as The Flash outrunning instant teleportation and Sonic being able to Move in the Frozen Time purely due to being that fast. Since speed is distance divided by time, and no time was elapsed during either of these feats, calculating their velocity would require dividing by zero, a mathematical impossibility. So, in this battle of speed, speed actually ended up being a non-issue in determining who won.
    • In the Mortal Kombat franchise, the term "flawless victory" is used to denote a victory where a fighter took no damage. In Shao Kahn's battle with Street Fighter's Akuma, the Kahn uses it to declare his victory over Akuma — despite the fact he did take punishment from Akuma, including a hole in the torso similar to what Liu Kang inflicted upon him.
  • In Final Fantasy VII: Machinabridged, Tifa normally enforces Cloud's jumbled memories to avoid damaging his fragile psyche. The one time she calls him out on it by saying that he wasn't present when Zack died, she's the one that gets it wrong as Zack died defending Cloud and was only a few feet away from him.
  • In "Things I Found Stupid About School" by GradeAUnderA, the first point he makes is that making students write essay that are longer than they need to be, because there's a point where students will write unnecessary things to take up space, instead of being quick and concise - when Grade finishes, he admits that he spent an awfully long time complaining about being concise.
  • Happy Tree Friends uses situational irony a lot. Usually, a character will survive a horrible and destructive situation, but end up dying anyway, by, say, a throwaway item introduced earlier before. And, despite them dying, will end up in the exact same situation. So, ultimately, nothing gets accomplished.
  • In one Strong Bad Email, a fan told Strong Bad that he liked it better when Strong Bad simply answered the email without any gimmicks. After Strong Bad answers by expressing his agreement and supposedly ending the email, his computer spontaneously explodes.
  • Red vs. Blue:
    • During The Blood Gulch Chronicles, Donut wonders out loud why the Reds and Blues never try to kill one another when using the Sniper Rifle instead of only using it as a glorified telescope. During Season 11, this is exactly how Locus neutralizes him, Washington, Sarge, and Lopez.
    • The first victim of the Meta was thrown from a cliff after having their A.I. stolen. Later, he's disposed of in the exact same manner, in the exact same place, effectively dying where he was "born." To top it all off, he was scared of heights. And unlike that victim, he didn't survive.
    • Caboose - the "team-killing fucktard" of Blue Team - is revealed in Season 12 to have been the only member of the Reds and Blues to have not helped cause the Hand of Merope to crashland on Chorus.
    • According to the Counselor, the Reds and Blues were able to beat the Meta because of their bond, something that Project Freelancer could never achieve - complete and total faith in each other. "The Triplets" - Freelancer Agents Ohio, Iowa, and Idaho - were the only ones who could properly work together...and the Freelancers abandoned them (though not for their bond, but for being the worst agents).
  • RWBY:
    • Beacon Academy is a metaphorical beacon of hope where Huntsmen and Huntresses are trained to fight monsters. Ruby attends the school because she dreams of becoming the hero who keeps people safe from the monsters. At the end of Volume 3, the villains destroy the school. However, Ruby unlocks a secret superpower, thereby freezing a Giant Wyvern to the broken tower. This transforms the tower into a literal beacon that continually attracts Grimm to the school, preventing the Huntsmen from being able to reclaim it and ensuring an army of Grimm remains camped on the city's doorstep.
    • When Jaune first joined Beacon Academy, he was a Casanova Wannabe who attempted to flirt with every girl he met. They all rejected or ignored his advances, except for one whose feelings Jaune didn't recognise until it was too late. In Volume 7, his first job as a professional Huntsman is to protect young children as they travel to school; all the mothers find this incredibly attractive and constantly flirt with him, such as one blushing mother who keeps giving him home-cooked casseroles. Now that he finally has lots of female attention, he doesn't enjoy it, finding it awkward and embarrassing instead.
    • Gretchen Rainart wanted to become a Huntress to protect others against the wishes of her older twin brother, but then died on accident during a training mission. In response to this, her brother, Hazel soon joined the person Huntsmen are intended to combat, resulting in him going around and murdering scores of Huntsmen and Silver-Eyed Warriors, resulting in furthering Salem's goals of ending Humanity.
    • Watts has spent Volume 7 carefully manipulating technology to ensure he and Tyrian can't be captured on any security footage and refusing to allow Tyrian to have a single base of operations because it increases the chances of them getting caught. He is eventually captured on camera by going to the one place he never expected to be filmed. When he visits Schnee Manor to pull Jacques into his plotting, their entire discussion is captured on hidden cameras that Jacques' abused wife has secretly placed in every room of the house to collect evidence of his illicit activities.
    • When Oscar first tells Ironwood that it's okay to be afraid, Ironwood tells him he has no intention of ending up a coward like Leo; he wonders if the key to defeating Salem is to sacrifice his humanity so that he doesn't have to feel fear at all. Instead of caving into Salem the way the terrified Leo did, Ironwood shuts down his humanity and begins making cold decisions, such as abandoning Mantle to save Atlas, sacrificing the Winter Maiden's life to put the powers under his control, and arresting the heroes for opposing his decisions. During his final confrontation with Oscar, Oscar tells him that he's become as dangerous as Salem. Ironwood rescinds his friendship with Oscar, and shoots him. In the end, Ironwood got his wish: he didn't become Leo, he became something much worse.
    • Ironwood initially vowed to help Oscar bring back the missing Ozpin, and most of his interactions with Oscar are designed to achieve that result. However, it's the one interaction where he didn't want this outcome that causes Ozpin to return. With Ozpin locked deep inside Oscar's head, Ironwood tries jogging him loose by engaging in combat training with Oscar, and taking him to significant places, such as the Vault of the Winter Maiden, which was created by Oz. However, it's the act of severing his friendship with Oscar by trying to kill him that brings Ozpin back.
  • TED-Ed, a YouTube channel that's owned by Ted, has three different videos narrated by Christopher Warner and animated by Ben Pearce that explains three kinds of irony: situational irony, dramatic irony, and verbal irony.

  • Used often in 8-Bit Theater. An example would be in this comic with a double dose of irony, first when Black Mage's prediction of the most dangerous thing in the dungeon being "a stairwell without adequate railing" being immediately proven wrong by a dozen dragons showing up, then a few panels later when the party tumbles down the aforementioned stairwell.
  • Dork Tower: When you want to buy every comic, you can't afford it; when you can afford it, you want to be more selective. The comic book gods like a good laugh
  • In El Goonish Shive, when Justin was outed, Melissa was herself betrayed in exactly the same way he thinks she betrayed him.
  • In this strip of General Protection Fault, Nick, who had a history of being a Horrible Judge of Character with regards to Trudy, finds several flaws in Trish's story and decides not to trust her. Meanwhile, Ki is weighing whether to trust Trish, and decides that perhaps being a trusting person like Nick is not a bad thing, and decides to trust Trish.
  • Ghastly's Ghastly Comic has a particularly bizarre example, best summed up by the character in said comic:
    Jesus: As much as I appreciate the irony that after three years of tentacle monsters violating nubile young women, otaku-trannies, and furry sex that it was an image of missionary position sex for the purpose of procreation that made our sponsors drop all their ads, the truth is that you've seriously jeopardized the continued hosting of this webcomic.
  • Tucker from Girls with Slingshots was introduced as a guy who was hopeless with women having "learned" everything about them from Romantic Comedies and its Clarice who then decides to teach him "How to Talk to Women 101"; however later on Clarice is revealed to be extremely lonely and starving for affection and when she starts to fall in love with Joshua, its Tucker, the same guy who she smacked for his cluelessness with romance, who ends up giving her relationship advice.
  • In Heartcore, each of the overfiends represent one of the Seven Deadly Sins. Carval Volaster represents "Sloth", yet is the most hyper-active and confrontational of the overfiends. Word of God lampshades this in that "sloth" could either mean "physically inactive" (lazy) or "emotionally inactive" (apathetic). The former definition is not an accurate description of Carval, but the latter goes hand-in-hand with his Mad Bomber tendencies.
  • Homestuck:
    • The webcomic mixes both Socratic and Situational Irony. Doc Scratch uses a series of leading questions to convince Rose to embark on a specific mission. The situational irony comes into play when the mission, intended by Rose and Dave to destroy the Green Sun, results in the creation of the Green Sun instead.
    • During the conversation between Roxy, Dave, and Rose on the meteor, Roxy complains, after learning that Rose and Dave are both good at psychoanalyzing people, and that they must get their genes from Dirk, she immediately proceeds to ask Dave a few innocent questions that pierce right through his ironic facade.
  • In No Rest for the Wicked, after Perrault and his companions rescue two children from the Wicked Witch, Perrault feigns ignorance to question the innkeeper in the Socratic manner, about how they would protect the children henceforth. (Earlier, he had deduced that the parents had been at least negligent about their children's safety, and at least one had willfully abandoned his children.
  • This comic by The Oatmeal explains the three most common uses of irony.
  • Rain from Rain hates rain.
  • Schlock Mercenary:
    • Bunni and Theo discover that their memories of their wedding are fake and have a brief breakdown, especially in regards to Theo's broken vow of chastity. The events surrounding planning their new wedding (or more specifically, Bunni dodging responsibility for calling her mother) leads to the team discovering a black-ops immortality project in a slum. The irony is twofold: Not only were Bunni and Theo married by the people who erased their memories in a legal (albeit quick) ceremony, but the reason their memories were erased in the first place was because they discovered that there was a secret immortality project.
    • October 12, 2017: The toughs agree to go on a mission to salvage dead people to save them. But others are not pleased with the idea:
      Ennesby: But there are factions in the theatre of operations who would prefer the dead remain un-resuscitated.
      Crew member: And those factions will shoot at us to stop us?
      Ennesby: Without provocation.
      Crew member: So we'll have to kill a bunch of people in order to save the dead.
  • At the end of Skin Horse, Mr Green, who spent years posing as the Annex-1 security guard while secretly running the conspiracy, is revealed to have been demoted to genuinely being the Annex-2 security guard.
  • Spacetrawler: Rickshaw Boans thinks Krep isn't committed enough to the cause, and kicks him out of Interplanet Amity to prevent Krep from undermining the latest mission. Getting kicked out is what convinces Krep that Rickshaw is kind of a dick—and Krep decides to undermine him, by warning the intended victims of Rickshaw's latest mission.
  • Stand Still, Stay Silent has a couple of cases regarding Reynir's emerging magical powers:
    • The reason he hadn't realized he was a mage before joining the crew was that he never remembered his dreams and would hence visit the mage-exclusive dreamspace every night, but keep forgetting about it. The first time he remembers is by making an extra effort to remember his dreams... after being prompted towards it by Mikkel, who does not believe in magic.
    • Getting his powers taken seriously is a problem for Reynir after this: two people in the team don't believe in magic and two believe in magic, but sometimes seem to be taking his powers with a grain of salt (it takes Chapter 15 for Tuuri's first line that clearly shows that she has gotten around accepting that he's a mage, Chapter 17 for Sigrun). Lalli, meanwhile, dislikes Reynir on a personal level and doesn't speak his language, so he doesn't interact with him much. But if Reynir gives everyone his latest attempt at an anti-ghost rune, Lalli will test it if he actually runs into ghosts.
  • The irony of minorities becoming majorities in the United States is discussed in this comic from Statistical Fact.
  • Wapsi Square: Is it ironic or fitting?
  • In Weak Hero, Kenny tries to leave the Manwol Gang because they want to recruit his brother Jake, and he doesn't want Jake involved in gang affairs. This leads to the Manwol Gang breaking his leg, ruining his career as a footballer, which in turns leads Jake to seek revenge by joining up with the Yeongdeungpo Union- the most powerful gang in the city.

    Web Original 
  • Analyst Bronies React: Irony in slow roasted form is Applejack's favorite dish.
    Thespio: Oh, it's gonna taste so good by the second act!
  • The site, which theoretically seeks to increase understanding of Asperger's Syndrome. The site tells the story of Aspergia, a mythical Atlantis-like land where having Asperger's was the norm and their society was built around facilitating the unique quirks the disorder granted each member. Then it's destroyed and the survivors are forced to scatter and live in "normal" societies. The irony is that the ultimate message is that Aspies should be allowed to behave as such instead of being forced to learn to integrate with normal society, but that's the only reason the ones in the story survived at all. There's a couple more reasons why it's ironic, but those are incredibly cynical.
  • CinemaSins is a YouTube channel that "sins" movies for essentially anything they don't like — as such, some sins are for big plot-holes, while others are for minor things only nitpickers notice. The creators acknowledge this, but continue to make a single sin for each thing they notice. Why do they refuse to give the sins any value? Because they feel that if they did it would make them lose their value.
  • This CollegeHumor Video parodies the Alanis Morissette song and makes it "actually ironic".
  • Decino's video How Different Are Doom 64's Demons? treats Nintendo 64 cartridges having a maximum ROM size of 64 MB as why Doom 64 had to cut some of the demons from the game. 64 MB is actually more than enough room for the entirety of Doom 1 and II combined.
  • In April of 2016, Jim Sterling of Jimquisition, who had had multiple different video game publishers and/or developers wrongfully accuse him of violating YouTube's Content ID rules, discovered a way to stop them monetizing his videos - make a video that two entities automatically tried to claim, and YouTube's system would be unable to automatically decide which one should profit from it - in other words, he discovered he could avoid being punished by doing more of the thing he was being punished for. If that wasn't ironic enough, in January of 2017, Jim found that "Chains Of Love", a song that had previously always been Content ID'd (making it perfect for blocking other Content IDs), was no longer forbidden, and so Jim had to find another entity to counter an inevitable Content ID from Nintendo. Jim ended blocking a Content ID from Nintendo by using videos from Nintendo's YouTube account, and from Nintendo's American YouTube account.
  • The Transformers episode of Demo Reel had the openly bisexual Donnie trying to play the dudebro Sam in parody of said movie.
  • The Institute of Official Cheer, founded by a eunuch named Dick Peter Strochwacker (gelded in an unfortunate accident involving the arrow on a sculpture of Cupid), is devoted entirely to the study and extirpation of irony.
  • Ellen Baker is a character in a series of Japanese-language English textbooks whose design earned her a lot of fanart (especially after the original artist asked people to stop making Rule 34 of her)... a great deal of it prominently featuring Engrish.
  • In The Mysterious Mr. Enter's review of "Love Loaf", he proclaimed that Nickelodeon was no longer one of the big three kid's networks due to its string of terrible shows and that The Hub has taken its place in that spot. Within two years of making that video, The Hub has imploded into Discovery Family and only seems to have one very popular show still airing while Nickelodeon has seen a noticeable resurgence in quality with shows like Harvey Beaks and The Loud House, both of which he likesnote .
    • On his Amirable Animation review of the Gravity Falls episode "Land Before Swine", he praises the fact that, throught the episode, characters like Grunkle Stan, Soos and Old Man McGucket actually suffer consequences for the stupid decisions that they make. As the show progressed, a very common complaint was that Mabel constantly got away scot-free with her selfish behaviour and the writing staff, if anything, only made the situation worse, specially on the finale. What's more ironic? The one who called out Grunkle Stan on the reviewed episode WAS Mabel herself.
  • Oliver Harper's Retrospectives and Reviews: When he points out how good Highlander II's updated special effects look, despite the film's poor reputation:
    Oliver Harper: It's funny how a film regarded as one of the worst sequels ever made gets such good treatment later in life.
  • Orion's Arm puts a number of philosophies under the umbrella of "communism". One of those in Objectivism.
  • Rinkworks' Computer Stupidities stories have a few examples:
    • A systems administrator installed a security program on a network to protect it from viruses, but one still got in. It was later learned that the virus was introduced on the software to install the security program.
    • A psychologist was given a new computer, but broke down crying because she couldn't figure out how to use it. This is despite the IT tech setting up the new computer to mimic her old one as closely as possible. Her psychological specialty is human memory systems.
    • This message:
      By the way, what does BTW stand for?
    • A user had a girlfriend who was a big fan of The Little Mermaid and downloaded a Little Mermaid screen saver for her. A month later, he discovered that the image from the screen saver was burned into the monitor glass, which is what screen savers are supposed to prevent.
    • A programming teacher gave his students their first assignment and told them not to worry about errors since everyone makes mistakes the first time. One student went to another teacher in tears because she couldn't find any errors in her completed assignment. She didn't realize she had written and executed a flawless program.
  • Happens multiple times in Skyblock, but Every 30 Seconds a Random Item Spawns:
    • After Wilbur's fish Milo dies, what's the next item he gets? Another fish.
    • Wilbur spawns a rabbit in the second episode. It doesn't move and Wilbur says he's "being quite safe." Immediately after saying that, the rabbit jumps to its death.
  • Came up in one update by Channel Awesome, when Doug explained that he wasn't getting videos out as fast because of problems with his computer; namely, that it was constantly playing audio from the movie Ghostbusters (1984) for no reason. That's right: a computer was haunted by the Ghostbusters.
  • YouTube personality Tobuscus has a Running Gag that he's allergic to alliteration. His real name is Toby Turner.
  • This Cracked article. Like Ghetto's Tax below, You Get Charged for Using Your Own Money and you pay more money if you are poor for necessities per year.
  • Wikipedia's "Things Wikipedia Is Not" page includes a link to an Outtakes page, which is sort of a Just for Fun version of the normal one. One of the things on this Outtakes page is "Wikipedia is not Tv Tropes", with an edited version of the front page of this website. The front page of this site has since been rewritten, and no longer contains any of the phrases they parodied.
    We are Wikipedia. We're a buttload more formal. We don't really encourage breezy language and original thought as much as that other wiki. ThereIsSuchThingAsNotability, and citations are needed. If your entry cannot gather any evidence by the Wiki Magic, it will be deleted in fairly short order.
  • The YouTube video "10 Mistakes in Inside Out" itself made at least three mistakes:
    1. There were only 8 "mistakes" in it.
    2. One was when Joy, Sadness and Bing-Bong decide to go through the Abstract Thought Chamber rather than around it. This was a bad judgement call by the characters — a quite common type of false "mistake".
    3. Another was when the three were in the Chamber, which got turned on, and they were fighting its effects (literally pulling themselves together, and reattaching bits which came off). One such reattachment happened off-screen, and according to the video-maker, this somehow made it a "mistake".
  • The YouTube video explaining why YouTube video view counts sometimes freeze at 301 is frozen at 301 views, as a joke/homage to its subject.
  • In 2020, YouTube started marking videos as either "Made for kids" or "Not made for kids" in an effort to meet with COPPA regulations and keep children from seeing adult videos. Thing is, the update has resulted in many extremely graphic videos clearly not meant for children being recommended for children. Even a WHOLE channel called "Sundance Now" had all of its videos flagged as such. One of the videos is a trailer of a film rated NC-17 by the MPAA. The irony is that in their attempt to make it less likely for children to see adult material, they actually made it much more likely. Fortunately, the movie trailer linked is no longer flagged for kids.
  • On This Very Wiki:
    • On the Cowboy BeBop at His Computer article main page (about mistakes in various media), the explanation of the Trope Namer page image (about how the description of the image is supposedly nothing but errors) itself contained errors, perhaps most notably the complaint that the computer isn't owned by the character seated at so "it isn't her computer". Whoever wrote that had clearly never read Agatha Christie's Sparkling Cyanide, which hinges on (and thoroughly explains) this kind of faulty logic; even someone who has never heard of the show can clearly see that it definitely is "her computer" in at least the sense that it's the one she is using at the moment.note  This has been corrected on the Main page, but not the Anime And Manga page.
    • Zero Wing has a self-demonstrating page invoking the Translation Train Wreck of the introductory cutscene... except for the transcription of said cutscene, which is an accurate translation.
  • Scott The Woz: Jeb Jab's entire personality revolves around his obsessive love of the obscure 2D platformer Gex, to the point where he believes every video game ever made to be Gex and the only thing necessary to convince him a game is Gex is to just slap a piece of paper with the word GEX on it on the screen. The ending to the "The Dark Age of Nintendo" trilogy reveals he's never actually played Gex before.
  • Gary: Landlord of the Flies: As Gabe points out, Gary's eviction notice calls him a "coward", even though he refuses to answer the door when Gabe comes knocking to get his security deposit back.
  • The Jolly Roger Telephone Company is a service that provides bots which are designed to waste the time of telemarketers, recordings of which have found some popularity on YouTube. The bots will sometimes ask the caller if they're a real person, something founder Roger Anderson points out in his text commentary as being a great moment of irony. Also, in this call, a telemarketer calls a business to try to sell telemarketing services and ends up blowing over nine minutes with one of these bots.
  • Simon Whistler, host of many YouTube channels, is completely bald. One of his sponsors is Keeps, a hair loss prevention service. Mr. Whistler will happily point this out.
  • The title story of the What the Fuck Is Wrong with You? episode "This is Your Drugs on Brain" involves a man who stole a brain so he could use the formaldehyde it was preserved in to get high. Nash can't help but point out the irony of someone who donated their body to help make people smarter, only for it to be used in a way that literally makes someone stupider.
