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Lorecraft Academy is a roleplay that originated in the Great Moments in LPing Discord server, but is now hosted on luigiman2201's Discord server. Mainly written by luigiman2201, Lorecraft Academy is the story of seven students attending the titular school, learning about magic, fighting, and the world itself.

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Sara Butterfly

"I'm a friendly friend of friendliness!"

Played By: luigiman2201

Sara is an extremely energetic girl, eager to grasp any opportunity that arises. She's very keen on making friends, and is willing to go to incredible lengths to do what she thinks is right for them. She is very cheery and optimistic.

Her Resonance is the ability to unlock a stronger power within her, which changes her hair and eye color.

Her fighting style revolves around her experience in gymnastics, accompanied by Fire magic. When she is in Super Saiyan form, she uses the other three forms of magic that she practices: Wind, Earth and Nature.

  • Affectionate Nickname: Really likes to refer to her Resonance as "going Super Saiyan".
  • The Baby of the Bunch: While Natalie is younger than her, she is still the second youngest of the group and is the most child-like and naive.
  • Badass Adorable: Would you expect someone this cute to be capable of ass-kicking?
  • Berserk Button: Hurting her friends or even innocent people when she's nearby is generally not a good idea.
    • Snarky comments can cause her to label you a meanie.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Is one of the nicest people you'll ever meet, but when she's forced into Super Saiyan, you can bet that an ass-kicking will follow quickly after.
  • Big "NO!": Lets one out when she sees Natalie jump off a bridge, trying to commit suicide.
  • Blood Knight: Downplayed. While she's not one to actively look for fights, she definitely doesn't avoid them.
  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer: Is quirky, but when she goes Super Saiyan, she'll beat you to hell and back.
  • Butt-Monkey: Receives most of the snark Lewis dishes out.
  • Calling Your Attacks: Does this a ton. Rapid Spin, Hellfire Grenade and Blaze Kick are just a few examples.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Has given more than one of these, usually after activating her Resonance.
    • Has been on the receiving end once.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Her early childhood was not kind to her, constantly getting bullied, to the point where she assumed people wouldn't ever do otherwise. It wasn't until some classmates started being nice to her that she changed into the cheery and friendly girl we know her as.
  • Determinator: When she's set on something, she'll see it through no matter what.
  • Idiot Hero: Not the most clever member of the cast.
  • Leeroy Jenkins: Often acts before thinking.
    • The realistic outcome occurs when she does it against Umiko at the Sacred Sanctum and is almost killed.
  • The Nicknamer: Tends to shorten names that have more than two syllables.
    • She often calls Jocelyn "Joss".
    • Similalry, she calls Natalie "Nat".
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: Lampshaded by Lewis when she thinks Natalie is actively avoiding her.
    Sara: I'm just... gonna hang out in my room for a li'l bit. I'll see y'all later.
    [Leaves the food court]
    Lewis: ...I think that's the most upset I've seen her.
  • Personality Powers: Prefers to use Fire Magic, and is quite energetic, passionate and exciteable.
    • Lampshaded by Lewis.
      Sara: If there's one type of magic I'm good at, it's Fire!
      Lewis: How fitting...
  • Power Dyes Your Hair: And not just her hair, her eye color also changes upon activating her Resonance.
  • Positive Friend Influence: Is the biggest factor in getting Natalie to open up.
  • Post-Victory Collapse: Has happened to her a couple times after ending a fight after having gone Super Saiyan.
  • Shout-Out: Her last name is a reference to the play Madame Butterfly.
  • Spin Attack: Her Rapid Spin attack.


Lewis Finnegan

"Do you want the nice answer, or the honest one?"

Played By: AGNerd-Bot

Lewis is a cold and distant character, preferring to keep his distance from others. He is an analytic and calm person, as opposed to Sara's more fiery and peppy personality. While he saw Sara as a nuisance when first meeting her, the two eventually warmed up to each other, to the point of Lewis trusting Sara as an advisor.

Lewis's Resonance is currently unknown, as he has yet to use it in combat.

His fighting style often involves keeping his foes at a safe distance, either grappling them with his chain and swinging them around or striking their body with the chain. If he finds himself in a tough situation, or just wants to end a battle with style, he activates his Time magic and lands an insane amount of blows while his opponent is unaware.

  • Blood Knight: A downplayed version compared to Sara and Carol, but Lewis rarely backs down from a challenge, and admits that wandering the forest without fighting anything notable was boring to him
  • Chain Pain: His weapon of choice is the deceptively long chain he has on his watch.
  • Combat Pragmatist: While he isn't afraid to get his hands dirty, Lewis prefers to take out his opponents as soon as possible with his Time Stop, and blind opponents with his Light magic to get in cheap shots.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: As a child, his home was invaded by an anti-Anima organization. His father, March Finnegan, held them off as much as he could, but was forced to surrender as Lewis was taken hostage. Then, young Lewis saw his own parents beaten black and blue, his father dying of his wounds, and his mother driven to insanity.
  • Deadpan Snarker: As his page quote shows, he is of the most sarcastic members of the cast.
  • Expy: Of both Weiss Schnee and Blake Belladonna from RWBY. Like Weiss, he's a white-haired member of a rich family that serves as the sarcastic Lancer of the group. Like Blake, he suffers from racial bias, and he hides his ears under a head decoration of some sort.
  • Finger Gun: His main pose when using his light-based attacks.
  • Foil: Is one to Sara. Sara is energetic, not too bright, and likes to settle things fist to fist. Lewis is cold, intelligent, and prefers to fight from a distance. Naturally, the two butt heads often.
  • In a Single Bound: Can clear large heights with ease thanks to his Anima biology. He used this to clear the obstacle course of Stage 3 of the Talent Showdown Criteria Event.
  • Insufferable Genius: Is one of the smarter members of the cast and proud of it. Most noticeable when he flashes a smug smirk to the girls when he's the first to finish the exams.
  • The Lancer/The Leader: Switches between these positions with Sara. While Sara is more prominent and likely to take action, Lewis prefers to hang back and observe. On the other hand, Lewis is the one that was made leader of the team in the Talent Showdown Arc, with Sara providing the majority of the emotional support.
  • Light 'em Up: His main projectile attack is firing light from his fingers, much like Yusuke from YuYu Hakusho does with his Finger Gun technique.
  • Little Bit Beastly: Is half-Anima, sporting a pair of white rabbit ears, though he usually hides them under his hat.
  • Not So Above It All: While he likes to come across as the most mature of the bunch, he's just as likely to get involved in the gang's silliness when it comes down to it.
  • Shout-Out: Much like Carol, his name is a reference to the author Lewis Caroll, but his character design is a bigger one to the White Rabbit, being obsessed with time, well-dressed, and being a white rabbit Anima. Also, whenever he stops time, the sound effect for ZA WARUDO is heard.
  • Super-Senses: He has an acute sense of hearing, thanks to his large furry ears.
  • Waistcoat of Style: Completes the 'White Rabbit' Ensemble.


Jocelyn Meria Vitren

"You don't have to see to enjoy yourself..."

Played By: Mistrala

Jocelyn is a quiet, socially awkward girl, who transferred from Kings and Queens to Lorecraft Academy during the school year. She's often seen using her telepathy with those who she does not fully trust. However, get to know her, and she will talk verbally instead. She is quite brilliant, knowing how to outsmart many a foe. She is secretly the crown princess, but does not reveal this to the public at Lorecraft Academy for her own safety. She owns an ancient, multi-weaponized harp with a blade on its edge called the Arkenzantonial

Her Resonance is telepathy. She can use it on one person very comfortably, or on a group of people, albeit a bit strained.

Her fighting style is dependent on what she uses from her harp. Her normal form is pure defensive and support, due to her fear of hurting humans, creating icy barriers to prevent foes from coming forth, dodging any ways possible, by speed or air maneuvers, and healing magic. Her Braveheart form, in which she discovers to have later on in the story, allows her to go full offensive, with the ability of running at supersonic speeds. This form weakens as she is hit, but luckily, the speed makes her incredibly hard to get the first hit on. This form also induces bravery, so she is not afraid to fight.

  • An Ice Person: Mainly uses the icy lance form of her personal weapon
  • Afraid of Their Own Strength: Jocelyn is a character that has a fear of fighting other humans. She is afraid to hurt others, despite the fact she won't be doing so.
  • Berserk Button: The last thing you ever want to do is interrupt her when she is within a shield and playing her Arkenzantonial to relax herself. Unless you're a decently average fighter that is.
  • Consummate Liar: Jocelyn never uses this to intentionally harm others, but she can pull off many a lie and get away with every single one. She's developed herself to be so convincing with lying, that its near impossible to tell the truth. She's mainly used this to help out her friends, or to prevent them from worrying about her.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: In her past, she witnessed her brother committing suicide right in front of her very eyes. She was scarred for life that day, and worse yet, her parents decided to place a statue of the specific moment rather then a statue of Karden in general. She cannot escape the pain of her past for the life of her, and it has stuck with her since.
  • Fighting Your Friend: Originally, three were supposed to head to the Sacred Sanctum in order to find a book for Natalie. However, Jocelyn came along last second, lying that she wanted to go to help them. As soon as they got to the secret path, Jocelyn stepped in their way and got angry at them. This anger soon lead to her first 'Braveheart' activation ever, in which she fights them out of pure worry. The group knows that she has no intention to kill them, but they are forced to fight her.
  • I Call It "Vera": She can recall her harps name, the Arkenzantonial, despite no one else being able to remember it. Plus, she loves to call it Arky, and takes it everywhere she goes, despite it being a weapon in desguise.
  • Impossibly Cool Weapon: Her harp has many different uses and capabilities, and its both ranged and physical. The mana from the harp transforms the harp into the forms with physical manifestations of certain elements. Plus, she has many different fighting styles she can use, thanks to these different forms.
  • Innocently Insensitive: She often digs too far into others in order to help them, coming off as insensitive unintentionally.
  • Instrument of Murder: Uses an ancient bladed harp as a weapon. It is called the Arkenzantonial.
  • Insufferable Genius: One of the most intelligent of the bunch, maybe the most intelligent period. Hatched by herself an entire four part plan over a few hour period just to save her friends from the Sacred Sanctum, when there was only just a possibility of danger.
  • Irony: She suspects a traitor is within the group one day, and calls everyone to a meeting. Eventually, she accuses Carol of being the mole, and the two get into a major argument. After Carol's emotional manipulation and Jocelyn's mind reading abilities cancel each other out, Carol retreats to her room. Feeling horrible, she begs Carol's forgiveness and apologizes for accusing her, and the two make up. However, she was actually spot- on in her deduction, and if everyone listened to her, Carol would be outed as the mole and Nephora's plot would be foiled.
  • King Incognito: She is the crown princess of the land, yet she hides this from the public so she is treated like a normal student at Lorecraft Academy.
  • Lame Pun Reaction: While not necessarily thinking they're lame, she just hates puns. She literally wants to punt anyone who makes puns, but she won't do so.
  • Living Lie Detector: Due to her telepathy, it is very hard to get a lie past Jocelyn.
  • Made of Iron: When she failed to defeat Sara during her backlash, she attempted to walk back by herself. Unluckily for her though, she passed out on the path. Proto came to her rescue, and despite her injuries and being out there for a while, she recovered within a few days.
  • Manipulative Bastard: A good liar, she knows how to manipulate others into doing other things without her if necessary, or to get others to do things for her. She never really does anything that bad though to be called a bastard however.
  • Mix-and-Match Weapon: Her Arkenzantonial has a few different forms, Lance, which is blue, uses ice magic, and is her harp's main form, Sword, which is green and uses wind magic, Dagger, which is red and uses nature magic,and Braveheart, which combines all three in a powerful royal purple aura, that induces bravery into Jocelyn as well as a major boost to her speed and a little boost to her power.
  • The Nicknamer: She tends to nickname the things most precious to her.
    • She calls her harp "Arky" for short, even know she can remember its entire name
    • She also calls her regular ol' guitar "Banjo", and her trumpet "Lancelot".
  • Shout-Out: Her middle name is a reference to the starring character, Meira, of the "Snow Like Ashes" book trilogy, written by Sara Raasch. The "R" and "I" were accidentally and amusingly swapped.
  • Spin Attack: One of few moves she calls out by name, "Avalance Sonata", is a powerful spinning attack with the lance form of the Arkenzantonial.
  • Stone Wall: Despite having the ability to be very offensive, she prefers to go on the defense, with hard-to-manuever-around icy walls, as well as support with healing. She's practiced this a lot, and she's near inpenetrable in her defenses.
  • Sugar-and-Ice Personality: When you first meet Jocelyn, she will absolutely not trust you, and will only use telepathy to communicate with you. This is because of a traumatic event that happened in her past, that locked her trust away from everyone. However, when she opens up to you, she might be formal, but she is obviously happy to be around.
  • Super Mode: When she goes into Braveheart form, she gains the inducement of bravery, as well as supersonic speed and reflexes.
  • Super-Speed: She is the fastest in the group, and can outrun almost anything you throw at her. Her Braveheart form allows Jocelyn to run at nearly the speed of sound, with the ability to create sonic booms. This allows her to rival even Sara in her Super Saiyan form.
  • Sword Pointing: When she challenges in her Braveheart form, she points her harp as if it were a sword at the opponent, and screams, "I challenge thee to battle!," followed by a proposal. She only fights if the opponent accepts the proposal and begins to fight, in which then she says, "En Guarde!"
  • Telepathy: This is Jocelyn's Resonance. She can talk to one person at once, or a group of people for a limited amount of time, and over a great distance. However, it hurts to do it for too long when she has been injured.
  • Think Happy Thoughts: Whenever she thinks about bad things, such as her brother passing away, she tries to make herself happier, whether it involves leaving the room, or not
  • Weirdness Coupon: Due to being not quite out in the public as much as she should due to witnessing her brother, the crown prince, kill himself right before her very eyes she is often awkward in situations where she experiences something new. A huge example of this is when she got into her first pillow fight with Sara and Natalie.
    Jocelyn: I mean, how many pillows did I get pelted by?!
    Sara: Uh... Enough?
    Jocelyn: It felt like a snowstorm of fluffy softness!
    Jocelyn: How do you make fluffy softness feel like a snowstoooorm?!


Carol Dodgson

Sara: "So, Carol, you got an idea on what to do today?"
Carol: "Depends, is legality an issue?"
Sara: "Depends. Will we get caught?"
Carol: "Depends-"
Lewis: "We are not breaking the law for your own amusement."
Carol: "Buzzkill."

Played By: AGNerd-Bot

Carol is an energetic, albiet overbearing, girl, who is Darklaw's adopted daughter all but in name. She has a short fuse with most people, but she is an extremely loyal companion. It's later revealed that she's actually an agent working for a person named Lady Nephora, and she was sent to Lorecraft Academy to infiltrate the school and find a relic of some sort. However, the connections she has made have made her question her own plots, leaving her in a tough situation. Either betray her friends and family and live with the guilt for the rest of her life, or risk death trying to save them.

Her Resonance is the ability to influence the emotions and thoughts of others when she locks eyes with her opponent.

Her fighting style revolves around her skill in manipulating space to cut holes in reality to strike her opponents with her clawed gauntlets when they aren't looking, crippling them until they can't fight anymore. She also uses tentacles generated by darkness to strike down her opponents and grapple them.

  • Becoming the Mask: Was assigned as an infiltration unit at the Academy, but she genuinely cares for the bonds she has made with the others, and is currently torn up about how to deal with her situation.
    Carol: Goddamnit... DAMNIT! What am I gonna do...
  • Blade Below the Shoulder: She has a pair of clawed gauntlets, in the vein of The Shredder or Vega.
  • Blood Knight: Easily one of the most eager to get involved in a fight.
  • Boisterous Bruiser: Big, brash, and one of the most outwardly carefree of the group.
  • Casting a Shadow: Her secondary ability, using darkness-summoned tentacles to tie up foes or strike from a distance.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Her main tactic in battle is to abuse her teleportation to hack and slash her opponents when they aren't looking.
  • Determinator: She is notoriously stubborn, and will often butt heads with others because of her own bullheaded nature.
  • The Glomp: A running gag is her tendency to tackle people (usually Sara) to the ground and take them by surprise.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: Her fuse is one of the shortest in the cast, and if it wasn't for the involvement of the others, most of her problems would be settled with her fists and claws.
  • Idiot Hero: Can contest Sara in this regard.
  • Manipulative Bitch: Thanks to her Resonance, she can easily manipulate others to suit her own ends.
  • The Mole: It is revealed that Lady Nephora sent her to Lorecraft Academy to find a 'relic' of some sorts.
  • My God, What Have I Done??: Has two variations of this shown in the series.
    • During the forest trial of the Talent Showdown Arc, when she realizes that she nearly strangled the elder Harpy sister to death.
    • After making up with Jocelyn, Carol is pained when she realizes how true her accusations have hit.
  • Ninja: She's pretty much this all but in name. She's the most adept at stealth, she's talented in acrobatics, is a Combat Pragmatist, and typically sticks to the shadows.
  • Orphan's Ordeal: Darklaw picked her up from the streets, and says that when she found her "she had no home, no money, no food, nothing." It's likely the reason why she ended up involved with Nephora and her group.
    Carol: Honestly, Darklaw is the closest thing to a mom I have.
  • Pungeon Master: Loves this kind of humor.
    Lewis: Okay, now you're just overdoing it.
  • Shout-Out: Much like Lewis, her name is a reference to the author Lewis Caroll, namely that her name is composed of the last names of both his pen name and his real name, Charles Lutwidge Dodgson.
  • Teleport Spam: As mentioned in the Combat Pragmatist entry above, this is her main method of fighting.
  • Token Evil Teammate: Is actively working with Nephora, a villainess whose goals are clearly not to help the world.
    • Even ignoring the fact that she works for a person who's trying to take over the world, her constant trolling of the others and her more aggressive personality contrasts the others' more kindhearted natures.


Natalie Brown

"L-l-leave m-my f-friend alone!

Played By: The Phoenix

  • A Mind Is a Terrible Thing to Read: Her Resonance is mind reading. However, Because of Lilith, the demon living inside Natalie's body, she is not able to control her Resonance and has to read every single person's mind that is nearby.
    • This has caused to discover that Lewis is an anima, and Carol's being a traitor to the group.
  • Darkand Troubled Past: It has been stated by her that she has been emotionally neglected and abused by her own parents. This, and the constant fear of her own mind reading, has caused her to be unstable and extremely shy,to be point of almost being afraid of talking.
    • This has been further cemented by the demon that has been tormeting her for a long time, Lilith.


Amelia Fray


Played By: The Phoenix


Proto Vanguard


Played By: luigiman2201

Other Lorecraft Students



Played By: luigiman2201


Sergel Czelonvakani

Played By: Mistrala


Hunt Dengel

Played By: Mistrala



Played By: BlueSectorMirage

Lorecraft Academy Staff

    Headmaster Darklaw 

Estelle Darklaw

Played By: luigiman2201

  • Parental Substitute: Serves as this for Carol, who admits that Darklaw is the closest thing she has to a parent.


Steven Sportman

Played By: roleplayer


Celeste Chronos

Played By: Mistrala


Collina Strands

Played By: luigiman2201

    Nurse Collins 

Lana Collins

Played By: luigiman2201

  • This exchange between Jocelyn and Proto is a reference to Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
    Jocelyn: *Whispering to Proto, wondering how he knew she'd recovered.* How did you know...?
    Proto: I'm psychic.
    Jocelyn: *Telepathy* Uh huh...
    Jocelyn: *Normally* Uh huh...
    Proto: Nah, I'm kidding. I have good intuition, is all.
  • Sara refers to activating her Resonance as going Super Saiyan.
  • While Lewis is walking back to Lorecraft Academy after having visited Castle Vitren with Jocelyn and Amelia, one of the lines he says comes from RWBY.
    Lewis: Do you believe in destiny?
  • There's a few references in the names of certain characters:
    • Sara's last name, Butterfly, refers to the short story by John Luther Long and play Madame Butterfly.
    • Lewis and Carol's names reference the author Lewis Carroll.
    • Carol's last name Dodgson is another reference to Lewis Carroll, his real surname to be exact.
    • Jocelyn's middle name, Meira, is a reference to the main character of "Snow Like Ashes", Meria Dynam, with the "I" and "R" swapped.
    • Proto's name is a reference to Silvio Proto, a Belgian goalkeeper who played the national team from 2004 to 2011.
    • The nurse's name, Lana Collins, was based on the titular character of Amazing Agent Luna.
    • Headmaster Darklaw's name is two references in one, her first name referencing Estelle from Tales of Vesperia, and her last name comes from the Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney crossover.
  • This line from Sara.
    Sara: Yeah, it was like you were running around at the speed of sound.
  • One of Lewis's most powerful techniques is Hamaon, a light spell from the Persona franchise.

Tropes present in Lorecraft Academy:

  • Adventure-Friendly World: Its name has not yet been revealed, but it certainly is one.
  • All for Nothing: They went to the Sacred Sanctum to find a way to get rid of Natalie's Demon Lilith once and for all. After everything was said and done, they never got an opportunity to actually get inside.
  • Alliterative Name: The most extensive library in the world, the Sacred Sanctum.
    • Steven Sportman.
  • Alpha Bitch: Played very straight with Lillian, seeing her Lorecraft opponents as weaklings and belittles them at every turn.
    • Even during her battle with Sara, who lets it get to her, attacking Lillian recklessly and unfocused, allowing Lillian to dodge all of Sara's attacks with ease.
  • Ambiguous Gender: Early on in the series, Alex' appearance causes some people to mistake him for a girl.
  • Anger Born of Worry: Jocelyn's rant towards Sara while she's hospitalized reveals this is why she was so keen on stopping them from going to the Sacred Sanctum.
    • She later also attempts to beat up Lewis, for, as she sees it, sitting back and doing nothing to help his friends when they were in trouble, while she worries her butt off.
  • Anti-Villain: Carol, though the villain part is not by choice.
  • Author Appeal: Word of God has stated on multiple occasions that his writing for Lorecraft Academy is heavily influenced by RWBY.
  • Badass Boast: Has been done several times.
    • Jocelyn claimed she'd beat everybody in several of the Talent Showdown Criteria Event stages.
    • Lewis in his fight against Solana.
    • Earlier on, before the fight started, Solana had her own.
    Solana: I will not lose this match. You'd do well to remember that.
    • And in the first fight of the Talent Showdown, Sara is losing badly against Lillian, eventually being frozen in a ball of ice. It seems all over, when the ice starts cracking and ultimately shatters, revealing Sara, with her Resonance activated.
    Sara: I told you I wouldn't give up. And I wasn't kidding.
  • Bad Liar: When Lewis asks Sara what happened to Natalie that got her hospitalized, she tries to lie her way out, wanting to not tell anyone Natalie's secret without her knowing. Lewis doesn't buy it.
    Lewis: What happened again?
    Sara: The nurse said she's probably exhausted from using too much mana.
    Lewis: I know that. Why?
    Sara: I... I don't know.
    Lewis: You're a horrible liar.
  • Battle Couple: A few form during the Talent Showdown Arc.
    • Carol and Natalie, both when they're in Sylphia Forest and the Talent Showdown itself.
    • Lewis and Sara, fighting together against an Alraune in Sylphia Forest.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: All seven of the main characters are nice people, but if you make them angry, you're going to regret it.
  • Big "NO!": Sara says this verbatim upon seeing Natalie jump off a bridge, realizing she's trying to commit suicide.
  • Bilingual Bonus: While in the bus riding up to Kings and Queens, Hunt spouts off some insults in German at the students.
  • Blessed with Suck: Natalie's Resonance allows her to hear people's thoughts. A useful ability, were it not for the fact that Lilith, the demon inside her, manipulated it to make her hear every thought of every person within her vicinity, with no control over it. Natalie however thinks this is how her Resonance works straight up.
  • Blunt "Yes": During Jocelyn's nightmares, she mutters a few words, one of them being "B-brother...". After she wakes up, she worries that she was talking in her sleep, which Natalie confirms.
    Jocelyn: *Using Telepathy to talk to Natalie* I-I... w-w-was t-talking in my s-sleep wasn't... I...
    Natalie: Yep.
  • Break the Cutie: Lilith has been doing this to poor Natalie for as long as she can remember.
    • Sara's had this happen to her in her early childhood, to the point where she was thoroughly convinced all that other kids would do is bully her.
  • Broken Bird: Both Jocelyn and Natalie qualify for this. Sara was this in her early childhood.
  • Calling Your Attacks: Sara is pretty much the queen of this.
    • Lewis occasionally does this as well.
  • The Cameo: Raquna from Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl makes an appearance during the Sylphia Forest event.
  • Casanova Wannabe: Sergel, oh so much. Proto comes off as this upon meeting the others for the first time, but drops it shortly after.
  • Casual Danger Dialogue: This exchange between Lewis and Sara.
    *When Lewis approaches the tree in front of him, Sara pops out, hanging upside down in it.*
    Lewis: I was right. Trouble.
    Sara: Oh, hi Lewis.
    Lewis: What's the problem here?
    Sara: Big Flower Lady Thing.
    Lewis: You mean Alraune.
    Lewis: Do you need help?
    Sara: Kinda.
    Lewis: Great, I've been bored this whole time.
  • Catchphrase:
  • Catapult Nightmare:
  • Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: After 9Blades, cardioid, and Gameboy left the RP, their respective characters Mizu, Alex and Zeva were written out and have not reappeared since.
  • Comically Missing the Point: When Sergel tries to pull his moves on Sara, she doesn't get it's aimed at her.
    Sergel: *To Sara* My lovely lady how are you doing tonight?
    *Natalie, frightened, hides under a table.*
    Sara: Lovely lady? Where?
  • Cool, but Inefficient: Sara's Rapid Spin attack looks cool, but requires quite the setup. Overlaps with Awesome, but Impractical.
  • "Could Have Avoided This!" Plot: The whole Sacred Sanctum incident wouldn't have happened if people listened to Jocelyn.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Sara is a quirky person, but is very capable in a fight.
    • The same could be said about Carol.
  • Curse Cut Short: Proto cuts himself off from saying one when talking to Jocelyn.
    Proto: She's already working her a- butt off for you.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Several characters have had these, and some still do.
    • Sara was bullied a lot in her early childhood, to the point of expecting it's all people would do. It wasn't until some classmates put effort into being friendly to Sara that she became the cheery girl eager to make friends we know her as today.
    • Lewis' father was killed by the Society of Human Supremacy and his mother went insane because of the events.
    • Jocelyn's brother committed suicide right in front of her, mentally scarring the princess.
    • Amelia's mother died of Magical Discharge Disorder, a disease caused by having too much mana in one's body, very mysteriously and unexpected. The case was never solved, and a fake story to prevent the public from criticizing the authorities was made up instead.
    • Proto's cousin Nicole died of Magical Underflow Syndrome, a disease caused by having too little mana in one's body.
    • Natalie's been tormented by the demon Lilith, who's attempting to get Natalie to willingly kill herself so she can permanently use her body and her power no longer limited, her whole life, and still is. Plus, she has also mentioned about the emotional neglect her parents made her suffer through.
  • Department of Redundancy Department: Sara calls herself a "friendly friend of friendliness".
  • Disney Death: After Natalie has finally defeated Lilith, it looks like she had to sacrifice her own life to do so. When everyone is extremely upset by this, Amelia suddenly remembers a technique to check for a pulse. It turns out Natalie is still alive, but in a coma. She's brought to a hospital shortly after.
  • The Ditz: Sara has her moments.
  • Dope Slap: When the others realize Sara forgot to give everyone the notes she had written about what they were going to do together, Lewis gives her one.
    Lewis: Fool.
  • Early-Installment Weirdness: For starters, there's the characters mentioned in the Chuck Cunningham Syndrome entry.
    • Sara initially had weapons she'd use in battle, heavily implied to be two wakizashi. This was later dropped in favor of a gymnastics-based unarmed fighting style.
    • Jocelyn and Proto were not part of the main cast at the start of the story.
  • Elemental Powers: Magic exists in this universe, categorized under Water, Earth, Air, Fire, Ice, Lightning, Metal, Nature, Dark, Light, Sound, Time and Space.
  • Expy: Lewis is a male-version of Weiss Schnee. Like Weiss, he has white hair, comes from a rich family, can be pretty snarky, and is a Lancer/Foil to Sara in the same way that Weiss is to Ruby. On top of that, there's also him having a pair of rabbit ears he hides under his hat, just like Blake did with her cat ears and a bow.
  • Extreme Doormat: Natalie has a lot of trouble coming forward and stating she's against something, due to her timid nature.
  • Face Palm:
    • Lewis when he witnesses his fellow students being disorganized beyond belief.
    • And again when Sara trips on the stairs and falls flat on her face, helping her up after.
    • Amelia gets in on the act when Carol slams a door in Sara's face, not knowing she was behind it.
    • Zeva did one when the question she asked got ignored.
    • Lewis, once more. This time in response to the Hurricane of Puns Carol spouts off.
    • Amelia does another one when Carol discovers neither she nor Sara use weapons to fight.
    • Even Jocelyn has done this, witnessing Carol hang from a ledge by her teeth. Amelia facepalms alongside her.
  • The Glomp: Carol does this to Sara on a regular basis.
  • Groin Attack: When Sara and Carol are facing Hunt in the final round of the Talent Showdown, Hunt teleports behind Sara, which causes Carol to knee him in the nuts.
  • Good Is Not Nice:
  • Grievous Harm with a Body: During the Lewis and Natalie vs. Proto and Sergel fight, Sergel grabs Proto with his trunk while in elephant form, and throws him at Natalie.
  • Heel–Face Turn: It's heavily implied Carol is looking to pull this.
  • Heroic BSoD: Sara's had a few of these, but usually picked herself back up pretty soon, making them more like 10-Minute Retirements.
  • I Have Nothing to Say to That: This exchange between Darklaw and Carol.
    Carol: T-this isn't like messing up in class or in practice! I nearly killed someone!
    Darklaw: You nearly killed a monster. Part human they may be, that is the only thing about them that's human.
    Carol: But... you didn't see the way she looked at me.
    Darklaw: I do not wish to undermine your value of life. In fact, this incident proves how much you value life, and that is an asset.
    Carol: ...
  • "I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight: During the final encounter with Lilith, Sara does this, trying to get Natalie to overcome her demon. She succeeds, and Natalie eventually overpowers Lilith with Sara's motivation.
  • Let Us Never Speak of This Again: After Jocelyn pokes at the sleeping Carol nearby, it startles her and panickingly grabs a nearby Sara.
    Sara: Huh- Hey! Lemme go!
    *Jocelyn jumps back, startled*
    Amelia: Carol! Calm Down!!!!!!!
    Carol: ...Never speak of this again.
  • Literal-Minded: When Carol calls dibs/shotgun on sitting in the passenger's seat in Sportman's car, Sara takes it a little too literal.
    Carol: Dibs on shotgun!
    Sara: You're bringing a shotgun?
  • Motor Mouth: Jocelyn's had a couple moments where she talked very fast.
    • Carol when Sara and Amelia turned out to be okay after their fight with Mondo, Umiko and Elise.
    Carol: OhthankgodyoubotharealiveI'msosorry!
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Played for laughs when Lewis witnesses the shenanigans of his fellow students at the table during his first lunch with them.
    Lewis: Oh my God, I'm friends with you people...
    *He buries his head in his hands.*
    Lewis: What have I done?
    • Played straight later on when Jocelyn shows Natalie a book about monsters. The first page is about a demon, which causes Lilith to resurface.
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something: Jocelyn is often at the forefront of whatever it is she and her fellow students are doing, no matter how silly, or serious.
  • Single-Stroke Battle: The battle between Lewis and Solana ends this way, with Lewis's chain going up against Solana's backpack swords. Lewis just barely manages to take the victory in the end.
  • Wham Episode: The fight against Lilith takes the story in a much more serious direction, unexpected.
