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Characters / Star Wars Demolition

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    Wade Vox/Landspeeder
A son of wealthy merchants from Alderaan who was off-planet when it was destroyed by the first Death Star. He was understandably upset by the loss of his homeworld and took up smuggling in order to stay afloat. He eventually found himself on Tatooine, where he quickly got on Jabba's bad side for refusing to pay docking fees. He ended up captured by Jabba's cronies, where the Hutt offers Wade his life and freedom in exchange for participating in his Demolition tournament. Wade agrees and soups up an old landspeeder for the job.
  • Arch-Enemy: Aurra Sing considers him this due to his Force-Sensitive nature.
  • Call-Back: Wade's bio actually says the landspeeder he uses for the tournament is the same one sold by Luke Skywalker in order to buy initial passage off Tatooine in A New Hope. This gives Wade quite the confidence boost.
  • The Chosen Many: His bio states that he actually discovered he was Force-Sensitive during the tournament. The Wiki says when he escapes, he actually managed to construct his own lightsaber and started looking to gain some Jedi training.
  • Condemned Contestant: Like Tia and Ghia, Jabba forces him to fight in the tournament against his will after he slights Jabba by not paying him extortion money.
  • Contrasting Sequel Main Character: Being the first character and considering his Force-Sensitive status, Wade is the closest to a main protagonist this game has. He contrasts Han Solo in that he turned to smuggling out of desperation after his family fortune blew up, compared to Han who is a natural-born rogue who chose to be a smuggler. He also contrasts Luke in that he's a charming and witty starship captain who is all too eager to embrace his newfound abilities, compared to an awkward and naive farmboy who only agreed to become a Jedi after he lost his family.
  • Expy: He's basically a mashup of Luke Skywalker and Han Solo. He's a charming smuggler in trouble with Jabba who discovers he is Force-Sensitive and is also a bit of a rookie when it comes to the business.
  • Golden Ending: Played with. Given Wade's presence in Aurra Sing's Victory movie and his article on Wookieepedia, Wade's escape seems to be Legends Canon.
  • Jumped at the Call: He seems to take to being Force-Sensitive rather well. He managed to learn how to use the force offensively during the tournament and even managed to construct his own lightsaber after his escape.
  • Laser Sword: Constructs a crimson lightsaber after escaping from Jabba.
  • Mind over Matter: His special attack is to use Force Push in a small radius around his landspeeder.
  • Public Execution: His defeat movie shows him being roughly shoved to the ground in Jabba's throne room with Jabba and his cronies laughing at his predicament. Aurra Sing then walks up to him and pulls out a vibro-knife.
  • Venturous Smuggler: Wade is a young charmer with a winning smile smuggling cargo for hire.
  • Win Your Freedom: Wade's Victory cutscene shows him practicing a lightsaber form in the desert, presumably free and clear of Jabba and ready to start a new life for himself.
    Boba Fett/Jet Pack
For his complete character page, see Boba Fett.

The best bounty hunter in the galaxy. Boba Fett has recently returned to Tatooine in order to collect the bounty of Han Solo from Jabba. Hearing about Jabba's demolition games, he decides to enter in order to brush up on his skills and make some extra money.

  • Badass Normal: He has no special powers other than keen skills and instincts. Heck, he fights in a vehicular demolition tournament against a tank and a rancor with nothing but a blaster and a jet pack.
  • Bounty Hunter: He's one of the poster boys for this trope after all.
  • Cool Helmet: He's never seen without his trademark Mandalorian armor and helmet.
  • Fed to the Beast: Subverted. In Boba's defeat cutscene, he walks up to Jabba as he angrily berates him in Huttese and then gets dropped into the Rancor Pit. He jets out and leaves the palace with Jabba and his whole court laughing.
  • Jet Pack: His vehicle for the tournament.
  • The Ace: Boba is arguably one of the best characters in the game, with speed, mobility, and a devastating special attack. His bounty hunting reputation paints him as this too.
  • The Cameo: Not for him, but his victory cutscene features the only (albeit brief) appearance of any other member of the Max Rebo band, Greeata.
  • Slouch of Villainy: For his victory cutscene, Boba gets the VIP treatment, lounging on cushions while Lyn Me hands him a drink and Greeata stands behind him with a bowl of fruit.
  • Super-Persistent Missile: His special attack is to fire a homing missile that tracks its target before exploding in a bursty of electricity.
    General Otto/AT-ST
A former General in the Imperial Military whose military career isn't exactly sterling: His last assignment on Planet Lok was an abysmal failure and his subsequent assignments were no less pathetic. He eventually decided to take his chances and deserted, stealing an AT-ST walker in the process, and made his way to Tatooine in order to join Jabba's tournament. He hopes that by winning it big here, he'll earn enough credits to retire to a condo on Bespin's Cloud City, where he will never need to work another day in his life.
  • Bad Boss: He did essential abandon his command without hesitation.
  • Evil Gloating: Almost all of his victory quotes constitute this.
  • General Failure: According to his bio, his career has seen some pretty humiliating setbacks due to the Rebellion. It got so bad, it apparently attracted Darth Vader's attention.
  • Get-Rich-Quick Scheme: He was originally provided enough credits from a friend in the service to quietly disappear, but Otto decided to try his luck at multiplying his pittance into a fortune through Jabba's games. His ultimate goal is to never work another day in his life.
  • Grenade Spam: His special attack is firing a stream of explosive charges at his opponent.
  • "Oh, Crap!" Smile: His defeat movie has him brought before Darth Vader himself, to whom he gives a sheepish smile before rightly lowering his head in dread.
  • Tropical Epilogue: Played with. He doesn't exactly retire to the beach, but if he wins his victory cutscene shows him triumphantly laughing in his new high-rise condo on Cloud City at Bespin, one of the wealthiest planets in the Galaxy.
  • Walking Tank: His vehicle of choice is an Imperial AT-ST (All Terrain Scout Transport). Not exactly a "tank" per se, but it is an effective anti-personnel weapon that has been altered for vehicular combat.
    Tia & Ghia/Snowspeeder
Two rebel pilots who are nearly identical twins from Bestine IV. They were two of the best pilots of the Rebellion, and even survived The Battle of Hoth. They joined the rebellion in order to meet Han Solo, with whom they were completely infatuated. They were heartbroken when they learned he had been captured by Boba Fett and delivered to Jabba, so they stole a snow speeder and went AWOL to rescue him. Unfortunately for them, they didn't have much of a plan and were captured right outside Jabba's Palace. Jabba then forced them to fight in the tournament.
  • Ace Pilot: Plural example. Their bio states that they were a "great acquisition" to the Rebellion, and they've served in several battles against the Empire.
  • Action Girl: Played with. They're no slouches when it comes to ship to ship combat, but in terms of ground combat their raid on Jabba's Palace lasted all of a few minutes before they were caught.
  • Alliterative Name: Played with. The only difference between their names is one or two letters.
  • Always Identical Twins: The only difference in their appearance is their hair. They also sound completely alike due to sharing the same voice actress.
  • Awesome Ego: These girls talk a lot of smack with their victory quotes, but they can back it up in spades.
    • You couldn't hit the side of a Sandcrawler!
  • Badass in Distress: They're both capable pilots, but they're easily captured by Jabba from the get go and end up needing to be rescued by Leia.
  • Breaking Out the Boss: Subverted; Their victory cutscene shows that they end up rescued from Jabba by Princess Leia (their commanding officer) in her Boussh disguise.
  • Celeb Crush: Their primary motivation for joining the Rebel Alliance was to meet the charming smuggler Han Solo. In fact, he was their primary motivation for going AWOL from the Rebellion as well.
  • Child Prodigy: Played with. Their piloting skills are acknowledged as some of the best in the Rebellion and they've already flown in several live combat only eighteen-years-old.
  • Condemned Contestant: They didn't exactly "volunteer" for this tournament.
  • Curtains Match the Window: Subverted; only Ghia's hair matches her eyes. Tia's hair is dark blue, but her eyes are green as well.
  • Didn't Think This Through: Apparently, their rescue plan didn't really have much to it other than "rescue Han Solo!" Their bio says they were captured by Jabba's forces almost as soon as they arrived.
  • La RĂ©sistance: They are members of the Rebellion, and are dedicated to the cause. (Although not dedicated enough to wait for an official rescue mission for Han Solo). It's implied they return to active duty after being rescued by Princess Leia.
  • Made a Slave: In their defeat movie they are forced to serve as Jabba's personal slaves, although the wiki states they were enslaved when they were first captured and Jabba only forced them to participate AFTER learning they were pilots.
    • Their victory movie tends to support this theory, as when Leia helps them escape they are still wearing their dancer outfits.
  • Speak in Unison: All of their spoken lines are done in complete unison. One never speaks without the other.
  • So Much for Stealth: Played with. In their victory movie, the twins and Leia are trying to go unnoticed and sneaking out the front gate, but their getaway ride, a large rebel transport, is parked right outside Jabba's Palace and makes quite a bit of noise before take-off.
  • What a Drag: Their special weapon is a tow cable that lets them drag their opponents all over the map, useful in the Dune Sea for dragging enemies into the Sarlacc Pit.
  • Win Your Freedom: Implied Subversion; Despite the bio claiming Jabba offered them their freedom if they won, the fact that Leia had to sneak them out of the palace during their victory cutscene implies Jabba never intended to keep his side of the bargain.
  • World of Technicolor Hair: While Star Wars has seen some rather unnatural hair colors, these girls hold the honor of being some of the few humans with truly "unique" natural hair colors, with Tia's being dark blue and Ghia's being deep green.
    Aurra Sing/Swoop Bike
For tropes pertaining to her outside of this game, see here.

A former Jedi Padawan turned bounty hunter, Aurra is one of the most dangerous hunters in the galaxy. She has a special vendetta against all force-users and will stop at nothing to see their demise. Her limited abilities allowed her to sense a potential force-sensitive in Jabba's games, so she signs up to find and kill them.

  • Bounty Hunter: While she specializes in Jedi, she has been known to go after normal targets now and then.
  • Action Girl: She's one of the most feared hunters in the Galaxy and has a kill count over a mile-long.
  • Cold Sniper: She's ruthless and unforgiving and one of the best shots in the Galaxy.
  • Empowered Badass Normal: She barely uses any of her old Jedi training aside from tracking Force-Sensitives. All of her confirmed kills are through skill alone, especially the Jedi ones.
  • Irrational Hatred: She's never even met Wade before in her life. He's never wronged her, and he's not even a member of the former Jedi Order she hates so much. All she knows is that he's Force-Sensitive and therefore she must kill him.
  • Not Quite Saved Enough: Her defeat movie shows her running through a corridor with blaster fire all around her. She dives through a closing door, only to see the feet of two Gammorean Guards... before a Vibro-ax is flashed in her face.
  • Sniper Rifle: Her special attack is to blast the nearest competitor with a precision shot.
  • Worthy Opponent: Her victory cutscene shows her tracking Wade Vox after his escape from Jabba's Palace. She fires off several shots, all of which are deflected by his lightsaber. She lets out a satisfied chuckle, and the look on her face gives off a "not bad" vibe.
An old Wookiee engineer who used to be a slave to an Imperial Engineer who bought his freedom. He set up a garage on the outskirts of Anchorhead, but the remote location, expensive operating costs, and the cutthroat competition from local Jawas drove him close to bankruptcy. He eventually decided to enter Jabba's tournament with a refurbished AAT from the Clone Wars in order to open a new garage in the center of Mos Eisley.
  • Bail Equals Freedom: His bio states this is how he got out of indentured servitude to the Empire.
  • Earn Your Happy Ending: If you win the tournament as Quagga, you see that all his hard work ends up paying off. He gets his garage in Mos Eisley, and from the looks of it plenty of business as well.
  • Electric Torture: In his defeat cutscene, EV 9-D9 walks up to him while he's working on part of the sail barge and then jabs him with a shock staff.
  • The Engineer: He's pretty handy with tools from serving that engineer all those years, and he even refurbished an old war relic tank into fighting shape against some pretty heavy-hitting vehicles.
  • Hover Tank: Quagga uses an old Trade Federation AAT Tank for his vehicle.
  • Intelligible Unintelligible: Being a Wookiee, he speaks in Shyriiwook.
  • Made a Slave: Quagga's defeat cutscene shows that if he loses, he ends up back in slavery (this time to Jabba as a maintenance worker for his sail barge).
    Tamtel Skreej/Lando Calrissian/Desert Skiff
For tropes pertaining to Lando Calrissian outside of this game, see here.

Originally the administrator of Cloud City, Lando's tenure in the private sector came to an end after the Empire forced him to betray his friend Han Solo at Cloud City. Lando responded to this and the Empire's further treachery by throwing his lot in with the Rebellion, aiding in the escape of Princess Leia Organa, Chewbacca, and Luke Skywalker from the Imperials. He seeks to make amends for his role in Han's imprisonment by aiding Leia Organa's mission to infiltrate Jabba's Palace. Disguised as a lowly skiff guard under the pseudonym Tamtel Skreej, Lando enters the tournament in an attempt to curry favor with Jabba and cement his cover.

  • The Atoner: He seeks to make up for betraying Han on Cloud City by participating in his rescue.
  • Benevolent Boss: Saves Lobot's life by convincing Jabba to force him into the tournament rather than executing him outright.
  • BFG: Played with. His special weapon is the mounted gun on the sand skiff. While it's not exactly big, it does pack quite a whallop.
  • The Charmer: He literally oozes charming gentleman vibes in his quotes.
  • Cool and Unusual Punishment: His defeat movie is actually pretty tame compared to the rest a la Plot Armor. He is forced to eat one of Jabba's snacks in front of the court.
  • Dressing as the Enemy: Exactly What It Says on the Tin. Lando is dressed as a low-tier thug as opposed to his usual opulent outfit in order to blend in with the Hutt's crowd of mercenaries and villains.
  • The Infiltration: Lando infiltrates Jabba's Palace as a low-level mook. That means he has to work his way up the food chain in order to be of any use to Leia and Luke before the big rescue.
  • Nerves of Steel: Infiltrates the headquarters of the most ruthless and sadistic Crime Boss in the Galaxy? Check. Risks Jabba's wrath by protecting his old employee? Check. Volunteers for a deadly vehicular combat tournament just to cement his cover? Double-check.
  • Plot-Sensitive Button: Lando's victory cutscene shows him sneaking toward Han's carbonite slab while Jabba is distracted and pushing a button on its side. Since Carbon-Freezing is a dangerous process, we are meant to assume that the button is what activates the prep work for Han's unthawing.
The grandson of the legendary podracer Sebulba, Pugwis was disqualified from podracing for attacking his opponents during the races shortly before the sport was outlawed. Jabba, who had been looking for a new avenue of gambling, actually got the idea of his Demolition Tournament from watching Pugwis and offered him a spot in the tournament in appreciation. Pugwis, seeing a new avenue for glory, eagerly agreed.
  • Blood Knight: Pugwis takes to the tournament a lot better than he did podracing.
  • Crippling the Competition: Pugwis' go-to strategy back in Podracing. It got so bad he nearly killed another racer and was disqualified for it.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: His defeat cutscene shows him being dragged through the desert by his podracer before the line snaps and he plummets into the Sarlacc Pit in a rather embarrassing fashion. To add insult to injury, Jabba has been watching from his sail barge the entire time and chuckles at his death.
    • As Threepio noted in Return of the Jedi Pugwis will be digested for a thousand years in a slow and excruciating death and unlike Boba Fett, Pugwis has no beskar to shield him.
  • Dash Attack: His special move is a powerful dash attack that rams his opponents.
  • Does Not Speak Common: He speaks exclusively in the Dug language.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: Even for an aggressive species like the Dug, Pugwis is considered especially belligerent among his own people.
  • Inadequate Inheritor: Pugwis and Sebulba may be cheating jerks, but Sebulba at least had talent in podracing to go with it. Pugwis is so bad at the sport, the only way he could win was if he was the last competitor standing.
    Wittin/Battle Droid/STAAP
A Jawa warlord who had been planning with Jabba to seize the territory of other Jawa tribes. Those plans were put on hold when his Sandcrawler was destroyed by the Empire during their search for the Death Star plans in A New Hope. Jabba offered to buy him a new Sandcrawler if he managed to win the tournament, to which Wittin readily agreed. He refurbished an old Nemoidian Battle Droid and STAP from the Clone Wars and rigged them with a remote control to avoid personally participating.
  • Does Not Speak Common: He speaks in Jawaese instead of Basic.
  • The Kid with the Remote Control: Subverted. The Battle Droid is far from a giant robot, and Wittin isn't exactly a child, but he does control a machine that is taller and more dangerous than he is.
  • EMP: The droid's special move is a guided electromagnetic pulse that damages and stuns the target.
  • Killed Offscreen: Wittin's defeat movie shows him slowly backing away from EV-9D9, pleading pitifully for his life in Jawaese.
  • Incapable of Disobeying: Wittin's battle droid is directly controlled by a remote. He can't even scratch his head without Wittin's say-so.
  • Robo Speak: The Battle Droid always speaks in a electric monotone with no emotion.
  • Schemer: He's pretty diabolical for a Jawa. He's trying to work out a deal to gain Jabba's support in subjugating all the clans on Tatooine.
    Malakili/The Rancor
For tropes pertaining to him outside this game, see here.

Jabba's beastmaster who is responsible for the care and management of Jabba's "pets." He was responsible for training and taming Jabba's personal Rancor beast. He used to work for a circus trope until he was sold to Jabba as a beast trainer. Jabba has him and the Rancor enter the tournament to boost the mayhem, and hopefully the profits.

  • A Boy and His X: Older example. The Rancor is implied to be Malakili's only real friend in the Palace.
  • Adaptational Villainy: Malakili gets a bit of a vicious streak in the game. He whips the Rancor to get it moving and is gleefully chuckling when he watches Lyn Me get scarfed.
  • Hoist Hero over Head: The Rancor's special attack is to pick up his opponent, smash them to the ground, then throw them forward, where they are stunned for a few moments.
  • Fed to the Beast: Malakili's victory movie shows Lyn Me being unwillingly dragged over the trap door to the pit by a furious Jabba who drops her in, where she is then eaten alive.
  • I Will Punish Your Friend for Your Failure: His defeat cutscene features both Jabba and Salacious making fun of him, but in the background, you can hear the anguished roars of the rancor.
  • Mighty Glacier: The Rancor is both the slowest and the strongest competitor in the game.
  • Does Not Speak Common: Malakili speaks exclusively in Huttese.

NON-PLAYER CHARACTERS (for tropes of these characters outside of this game, see here.

    Jabba the Hutt
The main Hutt himself. Jabba has pulled out all the stops in order to make his demolition tournament the premiere gambling event in the galaxy. He's flattered, strong-armed, extorted, or outright captured as many contestants as he can, and he's not too picky about how they end up afterward...
  • Abhorrent Admirer: To Tia, Ghia, and Lyn Me.
  • Bad Boss: He turns on Boba Fett rather quickly in his defeat cutscene and tries to feed him to the Rancor, joins in on Salacious Crumb's mocking of Malakili, and forces Tamtel Skreej to eat one of his disgusting snacks in front of his court.
  • Does Not Speak Common: All of Jabba's lines are in Huttese.
  • Hate Sink: This game goes out of its way to show why no one will miss Jabba after Leia kills him. Jabba is responsible, either directly or indirectly, for all of the playable characters' misfortunes, with several prime examples.
    • He ordered Wade Vox kidnapped for ignoring his extortion attempt and forces him to enter the tournament in exchange for his life.
    • In his defeat movie authorizes Wade Vox's execution at the hands of Aurra Sing and gleefully laughs along with his court at Wade's impending doom.
    • While Jabba's forces captured Tia and Ghia outside his palace, he is the one who ordered them to participate in the Demolition Tournament for their freedom and then double-crosses the twins by enslaving them.
    • Jabba enslaves Quagga if he loses the tournament and forces him to work night and day on his sail barge.
    • General Otto is handed back to the Empire, which is not kind to incompetence or desertion. Otto gets to skip the court-martial and goes straight to Darth Vader.
    • For Boussh/Princess Leia, Jabba ordered her lover Han Solo kidnapped and is presenting his frozen carcass as a trophy, which kickstarted the events of Return of the Jedi.
    • For Lobot, Jabba has enslaved him and forced him to fight in a life-or-death tournament.
  • Orcus on His Throne: He never leaves his throne in any of his appearances.
  • You Have Failed Me: Boba Fett's, Wittin's, Malakili's, and Tamtel Skreej's defeat movies show his zero-tolerance policy for failure.
    • Despite delivering Han Solo to him, Jabba immediately and unceremoniously drops Boba into the rancor pit for losing.
    • It's implied in Pugwis' defeat movie that Jabba ordered Pugwis' death since he is passing by on his personal sail barge when Pugwis is eaten by the sarlaac and laughs in direct response to his death.
    • While it's not clear what, Jabba has ordered something bad to happen to the Rancor and laughs at Malakili when Salacious mocks him during the Malakili's defeat movie.
    • Jabba publicly humiliates Tamtel Skreej for losing by throwing a fish in his face and forcing him to eat it in plain view of the court.
    • Wittin is immediately thrown to EV-9D9 for losing.
    Salacious Crumb
A Kowakian Monkey Lizard and Jabba's court jester. He snuck on board Jabba's personal ship and amused Jabba when he failed to kill him. In return for his life and all the scraps he can eat, he is required to make Jabba laugh at least once a day. With all the new contestants for the tournament arriving, he is all too happy to have a slew of new faces to make fun of.
  • The Hyena: He does not have a single line of dialogue other than laughing.
  • Kick the Dog: If he is present during a character's defeat movie, he will definitely be mocking them all the way.
    • In Wade Vox's defeat movie, Crumb and Jabba are almost dying with laughter at Wade's impending execution. In fact, Crumb's whooping laughter is the last sound heard before the cutscene ends.
    • While it's not really clear what's happening in Malakili's defeat movie, what we do know is that on top of it, Crumb gets to sit on top of Malakiki's head and mock him while it happens.
    Bib Fortuna
Jabba's "loyal" majordomo assists him in running the tournament. His opinion of Jabba is incredibly low, and he eagerly awaits the day he can rid himself of Jabba and take over his criminal empire.
  • Demoted to Extra: In both the EU and Canon, he's Jabba's right-hand man. Here he's only seen for a brief moment in the main menu with no other appearances.
    EV- 9 D 9
Originally a supervisor droid from Cloud City, a programming defect caused her to develop a particularly sadistic and masochistic attitude toward pain. She found her job on Cloud City was unable to provide an effective outlet for these personality quirks and attempted to destroy Cloud City. Although the attempt was foiled, she still managed to get off-world and was recruited by Jabba to serve as the head torturer and droid supervisor for his palace.
  • Killer Robot: She is more than capable and willing to take organic lives. Heck, she nearly bombed a whole city.
  • Torture Technician: This is her actual job in the Palace, and she is heavily featured in Quagga's and Wittin's defeat cutscenes as the main tormentor.
    Lyn Me
A twi'lek dancer whose village was saved by Boba Fett, she feels deeply indebted to him and actually got her job at Jabba's Palace to meet him again. Aside from her job as an entertainer, she also seems to have landed the role of announcer for the tournament.
  • Adaptational Job Change: Lyn Me still works as a dancer, but she also seems to double as the announcer.
  • Death by Adaptation: Played with. In Malakili's victory movie, she is dropped into the Rancor Pit by Jabba where she is eaten alive. She shows up alive and well at the main menu a few seconds later.
  • Loose Canon: Malakili's victory movie portrays her as a slave, when in Canon she actually is a paid entertainer with the Max Rebo band. She's also fed to the Rancor in that same victory movie.
    • Some fan theories speculate that this is NOT Lyn Me, but the white Tw'ilek that appears with Jabba in Star Wars: Bounty Hunter. A major flaw in that theory is that Bounty Hunter happened decades before this game and said Tw'ilek would most likely have perished long before now.


    Lobot/Cloud Car
Originally an assistant to Lando Calrissian during his time as administrator of Cloud City, Lobot is on a mission to hunt down and dismantle the rogue droid EV-9D9 after her attempt to destroy Cloud City. He tracked her to Jabba's Palace where she was working as his head torturer and taskmaster. Lobot was captured and sentenced to death, but Tamtel Skreej (his old boss Lando in disguise) convinced Jabba to instead enroll him in the demolition games. He eventually escapes shortly before the events of Return of the Jedi.
  • Adaptational Angst Upgrade: The official bio said that an incident with his implants removed his emotions. Here, he becomes focused on revenge against EV-9D9 in the game, and a lot of his victory quotes are pretty edgy.
  • Arch-Enemy: EV-9D9 becomes this to him after she attempted to bomb Cloud City to cover her escape.
  • Brain/Computer Interface: His implants allow him to interface with electronic devices in his mind.
  • Condemned Contestant: Like many of the participants, Lobot was told he could either participate or die.
  • Fighting Your Friend: Played with. Lobot is forced to fight his friend, Lando, although since he's in disguise he has no idea it's really him.
  • Flying Car: Lobot's personal vehicle is a modified Cloud Car from Bespin.
  • Human Popsicle: Played with. Lobot's special attack is to encase his opponents in carbonite through a vehicle-mounted carbonite projector.
  • Suddenly Voiced: His bio states that when his implants were fried, he became mute and emotionless. Here, he can suddenly talk with no apparent explanation.
    Boussh/Princess Leia/Speeder Bike
The Princess of the destroyed planet Alderaan and the last of the royal family. She is a major officer in the Alliance to Restore the Republic and a battle-hardened veteran. She is currently on a personal mission to rescue her lover Han Solo from the clutches of Jabba the Hutt. To that end, she disguises herself as the Ubese bounty Hunter Boussh and collects the bounty Jabba posted on Chewbacca, Han's Wookiee companion, in order to gain Jabba's confidence. However, she decides to take it a step further by entering Jabba's demolition tournament to impress the Hutt even more.
  • A Mother to Her Men: In this case, A Mother to her Girls. Leia takes a big risk to her own mission to convince the Rebellion to spare a GR-75 Medium Transport, park it in front of Jabba's Palace, free Tia and Ghia, and escort them personally to the Palace entrance for their getaway. If she was discovered sneaking them out, or if Jabba ever found out, all the confidence she had gained would have evaporated and she may never have gotten another chance to rescue Han.
  • Adaptational Badass: For her Boussh disguise. Leia's time as Boussh in the movies basically amounted to "show up, get captured." In the game, she is fighting in a mad free-for-all against elite pilots in a no-holds-bar demolition derby.
  • Beneath the Mask: In the presence of Jabba and his cronies, Leia acts like a ruthless mercenary who is only concerned with money, a far cry from her true nature as an idealistic freedom fighter.
  • Benevolent Boss: Tia and Ghia had technically deserted the Rebellion. Leia did not have any obligation to rescue them from the terrible situation they had gotten themselves into through their own recklessness. On top of that, they were after her new boyfriend from the start. Leia rescued them anyway.
  • Hover Bike: Leia's vehicle of choice is the 74-Z Speeder Bike. Doubles as a Call-Forward, since it's the same bike she and Luke ride on Endor during the chase scene from Return of the Jedi, which has not happened yet.
  • Cool Mask: Leia is covered head to toe in bounty hunting gear, along with a voice-distorting mask to make it easier to hide her identity.
  • Disguised in Drag: Played with. Her disguise is actually that of a different species altogether, but her disguise's gender is male, while her own gender is female.
  • Grenade Spam: Her special attack.
  • La RĂ©sistance: Like Tia and Ghia, she is a member of the Rebel Alliance dedicated to bringing down the Galactic Empire and restoring democracy to the Galaxy.
  • No One Left Behind: She originally came to rescue Han, but freed Tia and Ghia the first chance she could.
    Darth Maul/Sith Speeder
Apparently, Darth Maul somehow survived his encounter with Obi-Wan on Tatooine and was found by Jabba wandering the desert with his old speeder bike. Jabba offered him a chance to participate, thinking that this "wild card" would up the gambling stakes tremendously. Maul agreed.
  • The Dreaded: Apparently, Wade could sense him through the Force during the tournament and it chilled him to the bone. After he won his freedom, he ran as far away as he could.
  • Laser Sword: Maul's special attack is to use his lightsaber.
  • Loose Canon: The bio states that this Maul is a clone made by Jabba using genetic material sent to him from agents on Naboo, but with Maul surviving in the Canon, the wiki states this appearance is Maul cheating death again for real.
