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Characters / My Suburban Heroic Fantasy

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Workin' hard to get my fill
Everybody wants a thrill
Payin' anything to roll the dice
Just one more time
Some will win
Some will lose
Some were born to sing the blues...
-You can't not know. note 

This page is a listing of characters in My Suburban Heroic Fantasy. (The page is currently under construction). Beware of spoilers in these pages.
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The Cast of Heroes—Probably Heroes

Player: Enirboreh

A feral creature of unknown origin discovered in the forests near Strangeness Heights. Later dubbed "Wren" due to her abundance of birdlike traits (that and her remarkable ability of vocal mimicry), her behaviours in the wild were studied up until she got into a rather nasty fight with a bear and was grievously injured—resulting in a wildlife organization having to intervene to give her medical attention. In the time spent with her recovering, it was decided that her unidentified nature should be subject to study to avoid a similar situation in the future, and thus Wren was rendered somewhat of a curiosity to a group of researchers both nonhuman and human alike. With her powers eventually making her too much of a handful (her teleportation couldn't be halted by any known means of power nullification), Wren was transferred over to Strange Academy in hopes that being surrounded by equally strange individuals would help ease her into society (and thus make her easier to deal with). With more animalistic behaviours than human, Wren may be lacking in conventional intelligence, but her loyalty to those who manage to get through to her is undying.

  • Healing Factor: Wren can heal wounds up to and including entire lost limbs, but it can take hours for the process to even begin to kick in and weeks for it to fully complete.
  • Hulk Speak: Commonly talks in a simplified and infantile manner; likely due to her feral nature.
  • Humanoid Abomination: A creature described to be so alien that it doesn't even show up on life scanners and is immune to teleport blockers. Her DNA is unrecognizable under scrutiny, and her powers seem to be fundamentally tied into her very existence.
  • Literal-Minded: Naturally, since there's nothing else she's needed to be before. In a class full of Deadpan Snarkers, though, one hopes Wren at the very least gets an understanding that not everything people say is true.
  • Overly-Long Tongue: Possesses an incredibly long, lizard-like purple tongue. It's not certain as to how it even fits in her.
  • Super-Senses: Possesses insanely enhanced touch (with all the negatives that entails), enhanced vision and the ability to perceive thermals, a magnetic sense of direction, enhanced hearing, enhanced smell, and presumably an enhanced sense of taste. This all ties into her unknown biology—with her greater sense of touch helping her to avoid accidentally Telefraging.
  • Teleportation: Her primary ability. Wren notably avoids Teleport Spam due to the fact that overuse of this power has the potential to suffocate her. The reasons for this (along with a lot of things about her) are unknown.
  • Voice Changeling: Has the ability to almost perfectly copy both voices and animal sounds she overhears.
  • Wild Child: Wren was discovered roaming in a forest with no discernible origin. As a result, her development has been stunted—to the point where it's unlikely she'll ever reach an intelligence level comparable to humans.

     Nestan Beth Nouhra 
Corruption is more welcoming than purity.

Nestan does not like to cause trouble and is unnerved by attention, but she certainly perceives herself to be on a mission and seeks out trouble. She is an aspiring champion of Springwells and Living Saint of Nasu and constantly seeks to prove the fact. Her easygoing, submissive nature is both 'real' and a dormant state, and she is capable of anything with a goal in mind.

In defiance of all appearances, by default, Nestan is angry. She’s left alot of scores unsettled but not forgotten, and her choice of deity fits neatly with her sense that the universe is actively an enemy and something to defy. It's just how she expresses her simmering wrath that’s odd as she tries to cope in healthy ways—or at least ways she was taught were healthy. Nestan's benevolence is real though and she focuses on helping the needful, spreading the message, and yes direct action to make herself a worthy heroine and champion.

She has the zeal of someone close to her goddess, but she can be remarkably faithless and tends to make up or modify tenets on the spot, lacking any true dogma. Nestan’s particular desire to please her Lady is not just faith but something more earthly.

A Few Tropes

  • Beware the Nice Ones: Sweet, pious, her first concern on seeing goblins in cages for training is the apparent inhumanity of the act... and she rushes to filet her first real enemy the moment she has the teacher clear.
  • The Champion: Nestan is far from the greatest mortal agent of Nasu and not yet a soldier, emissary, or ruler in the way the exalted champions of legend are. She's also normally a meek and submissive 'troubleshooter' who tries to avoid making the 'big decisions'. Yet she's also well aware that she's Nasu's, that she's here now, and that she'll cut through hell and across the galaxy to carry out her Lady's interests.
  • Claimed by the Supernatural: Proudly so, and more or less matching the first suggestion: i.e., Nestan's Lady marked her with a holy aura.
  • Close-Range Combatant: Nestan's long ranged skills are more to prevent an enemy's escape or hold them while she catches up. Her niche is up-close melee.
  • The Corruption: The results of Nestan's blessings are changeable and bizarre... a reflection of her patron. Nestan registers as perfectly human, and can say, give blood with no ill effects to the donee...if she focuses on purging herself of the plague cocktail she's inevitably collected. Very occasionally this heals the donee of other ailments. She can hear whispers... alot of them. Often saying gentle encouragements. Things decompose alot faster in her presence with appropriate secondary heat and 'blooms' of the microbes responsible. She woke up with a lobster claw instead of a hand once...
  • The Cowl: This comes less from her ideology than her approach to missions. She'd like to lend a hand to the lost like a Good Shepherd but her preferred role on a mission is being pointed at something that needs to be destroyed pronto. Plus, she gets flustered in battle and feels that she has to cover that with a mask.
  • Dreaming of Things to Come: Nestan found her way to Strangeness Heights from a vision that led her there or so she says.
  • Friend to Bugs: As her patron seemed to be. Nestan can even be found casually mixing small bowls of sugar and water and leaving them by windows for flies. She regularly summons her bugs to feed, not really aware of it they need it or not.
  • Heroes Prefer Swords: An estoc (primary weapon) and a machete (technically a tool).
  • House Squatting: Had a habit of this (with her family) and even helped run a charity based around it.
  • Magic Knight: As an antipaladin expy, Nestan knows her way around both swords (and firearms) and thaumaturgy.
  • Nun Too Holy: Subverted, despite much of the cast and even Soheila mistaking her for a nun, Nestan is not one. And she still favors peace and contemplation when not trying to cut evil spirits in half or mingling at dance parties.
  • The Sacred Darkness: Nestan's focus and she tends to meditate and feel much more comfortable in the dark.
  • Spirited Competitor: She does not actually like it when things go FUBAR but resolving things does vindicate her.
  • Talented, but Trained: Springwells gave her training; though her experience was limited to small time things and the occasional horror before coming to Strangeness Heights.
  • The Team Normal: Is acutely aware that the others are not human and/or have innate fantastic powers.
  • Token Religious Teammate: Naturally, just like any other cleric/paladin in a party.
  • Warrior Monk: Nestan has her Lady behind her, steels herself with chants and sacred poetry in between action, and strikes with absolute conviction during action.

Power Tropes
  • Aura Flavor: Adept at sensing auras... not so great at identifying what they are yet. Or how fresh they are, their general direction, strength, etc.
  • Plaguemaster: Nestan can store diseases and inflict them on others at will. She never falls ill herself.
  • Unblockable Attack: Her signature skill.
  • Soul Power: Half the basis of Nestan's ability. She is a divine caster. The other half was being helped by a divine patron.
  • Summon Magic: As of her arrival to school, Nestan can summon a swarm of insects for aid.
  • Summon to Hand: A basic utility skill, if Nestan drops something in her possession, she can summon it right back.
  • Variant Power Copying: The basic version of Nestan's spellcasting is to store a spell and recast it slightly altered.

     Alexander Nichols  

Alex is polite but not particularly respectful. While he won’t snap or get angry with people, he will not hesitate to point out their flaws. He’s not a people person, and has trouble understanding why people aren’t like him.


     Gremory Hawkshaw 

Gremory is a son of a very large and old family in town, if not very rich. This has left him with a sense of his own superiority vs other kids and especially humans, as well as a huge sense of responsibility to make his town better. The weirder or more inhuman you seem, the more he’ll like you. While the meaner parts of his attitude have softened somewhat over time, his savage side and impulses can make him brusque and cynical, often voting for the most direct and bloody answer to a problem. This isn't seen as bullying-just keeping his territory safe.


  • Abusive Parents: Being watched by his aunt, which she admitted.
  • Shapeshifting: Grem's main power.

     Hali Everett 

A kind-hearted, energetic and optimistic girl, who may be a bit naive and scatterbrained, but is pretty empathetic. Even if she can be a bit of a dummy, her passion and willingness to help others is impossible to deny, even if she runs and talks a lot faster than her mind can keep up with. Even so, she has her moments of insight and tries to solve things peacefully.


     Justin Henderson  

There's a definite element of pride in his machinery, but also a distinct loneliness to him. He feels out of place and like there are two sets of rules - one for him, one for the more overtly supernatural. He tries to keep his anger away from the surface, denying it and awkwardly deflecting away. He doesn't have very many friends, and his relationship with his parents is complicated. Strictly speaking, Justin is a technician-in-training rather than a hero in training, which he is very comfortable with. When it comes to Justin's temperament, he actually has a file that says despite his demeanor, he has a remarkably unstable mood.


  • Abusive Parents: Mother stifles him and made it difficult for him to get vaccinated, being the worst kind of Cloud Cuckoolander and grown up Manic Pixie Dream Girl. Father is a neglectful scientist with some horrifying pursuits - including uncanny looking robots and human - animal fusion in secret.
  • And Then What?: Thinks only in terms of eventually getting the "boot" off his neck, with little thought given to what he's going to do if he eventually gets his revenge.
  • Attack Drone: Two kinds - the more benign blinkmoths, and the toxic poisonous and more aggressive inkmoths. Tellingly, the latter emerged buzzing around angrily and ready to attack.
  • Berserk Button: Gremory is a human shaped Berserk Button, but his deepest set anger comes about because of two factors; instability and people failing in their duties. Justin has absolutely no patience for how things seem to work.
  • Empowered Badass Normal: Mostly a normal guy, except a technopathic power he acquired on his own initiative.
  • Fatal Flaw: Anger and vindictiveness. Justin will not let something go if he can help it.
  • Gadgeteer Genius: Makes use of a wide variety of gadgets and mechanical weapons as a hero in training.
  • Genre Savvy: Justin is extremely intelligent and consistently went about researching the Academy and the history of incidents at Superhero Schools. Thus it is difficult to take him by surprise, and he instantly becomes wary and not eager to jump in.
  • Mad Scientist: In a different way than usual - he's remarkably logical, but this does not preclude his mental issues and mood instability. He's responsible for creating a whole war armor for himself, numerous incredibly small robots, and a variety of weapons.
  • Powered Armor: Created his own "War Armor", the Mk 1, and obviously intends to continue upgrading it.
  • Pragmatic Hero: Justin heavily favors more pragmatic action and isn't above poisoning his foes and taking limb shots and less honorable methods in the name of winning. He also heavily favors spying on his enemies and shortcutting typical heroic fair.
  • Pride: There is a subtle touch of ego to Justin, a desire to be recognized. He left out a helmet on his mecha armor, instead working toward a face shielding forcefield...because he wants people to know that its him.
  • Rage Breaking Point: Frequently has a habit of simmering and murmuring some disquieting things, and only rarely does he let his rage hit the breaking point.
  • Rebellious Spirit: Justin has a thorough dislike of authority figures, and is one of the first students to question and plan against the teachers' course. He views the police as corrupt, the local leaders as malignant and self indulgent, and rebels no matter what against the course they set.
  • The Resenter: Thoroughly resents his lot in life as someone dumped on by much of the town, and pursues power and technology to make up the difference.
  • Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: Invokes this when discussing Gremory's family's prophecy of a human causing them trouble, followed by gleefully going along and saying that he's going to go ahead and more than fulfill the prophecy, smirking all the while.
  • Stepford Smiler: Justin is often described smiling when he's not doing so well mentally. He's obviously concealing an angrier and less stable reaction. It seems to be the worst when he's described as awkwardly grinning, as if he's trying to hold back his reaction and only half succeeding.
  • Surveillance Drone: The Blinkmoths in contrast to the lethally poisonous Inkmoths.
  • This Is Unforgivable!: Hates Abus in particular for something that happened regarding his girlfriend. He is not inclined to say much about it.
  • The Team Normal: Had to outright work day and night to gain just his technopathy, in a setting where most people naturally have their superpowers or gain them promptly at puberty. He's rather bitter about this.

Other Students

The Daeva of Doorways (first appearance)
Her original face (current appearance)
As a reminder, can anyone else see spiritual stuff yet in the class? (aura visualisation)

Soheila is amicable if not lacking in true care, having learned to be at most open to chitchat even if it's ultimately for intellectual expansion and nothing more. Ever-changing, she adopts and discards traits with ease depending on if they serve her or not, and though she lacks any base desires or needs she has found entertainment in conversation and shadowing persons that she finds interesting.


  • Enemy to All Living Things: Soheila's touch and invisible influence corrodes and decays all things if she chooses to; living or inanimate. This is usually contained to a small area around her just to keep her from being removed herself, but she can flare it outwards for greater range. She can even choose what to destroy if need be.
  • Evil Is Deathly Cold: Due to her tendency to unmake matter and spacetime around her, Soheila is cold to the touch and this extends even to her invisible aura—which is often described as being a ‘deathly chill’ whenever it passes over whatever she's investigating.
  • God of Evil: By technicality if not the role she plays. As a daeva, Soheila is a “god to be rejected”, and is toxic to the surrounding universe by definition alone.
  • Holy Burns Evil: Soheila (and daeva overall) is severely allergic to fire; both mundane and blessed. That and she's averse to holy boons and blessings if they're against types like her. Interestingly, she revealed this to her classmates very early on.
  • Holy Halo: Possesses a large, thorny black halo set against the flesh of her back in hiding. It's in fact a physical thing with a texture akin to smooth metal.
  • Humanoid Abomination: She's a physical creature, but nothing about Soheila actually needs to live. She's a flesh puppet with a corrosive aura that simply is. Even when she tore open her own body there were only rough approximations of internal organs held inside.
  • Lack of Empathy: Though Soheila can mimic it, she has no affective empathy and thus is constantly detached from the rest of her classmates despite her efforts. This is shown in her blatant death threat to Justin after he threatened to blow up a fairy's grove for tricking some of the class, only to immediately become amicable again seconds later when the culprits apologised and revealed themselves.
  • Master of Your Domain: Soheila has complete control over her form without biological limitations. That'd be assuming she had functioning biology, let alone limits to it. It's more akin to a self-image; as such she has no “true form” so to speak.
  • Our Gods Are Different: Soheila is a corrosive being who just showed up one day and walked westwards. She doesn't even consider herself a god, despite her adoption of a domain and paradoxical ego at times. Her fellows are just things which appear and sometimes play pretend. She has no reliance on worshippers, and so far has none. Apart from her dear Nestan, but that's arguable.
  • Phosphor-Essence: Inverted. Soheila is surrounded by an impenetrable aura of darkness due to her practice of deleting matter and spacetime around her person. Lights tend to flicker or outright snuff out in her presence, also.
  • Portal Door: Her primary method of transportation. Soheila can claim any manmade doorway as part of her domain (within range of her influence) and use it to travel between her other claimed entrances and egresses. She even has her own Pocket Dimension accessible in them.
  • The Assimilator: Has adopted the traits of many other entities (immaterial and material) in her younger years to give herself distinction. Primarily because she is literally nothing without them.
  • Variant Power Copying: In theory, Soheila could copy certain power and magic applications using her aura, but her time spent altering it to work with her transportation method has weakened this somewhat.
  • Voice of the Legion: Her natural accent is an echoing cacophony of uncountable voices. It slips on occasion and hurts delicate ears who listen to it.

     Micah Bridges 
Father claims smiling settles people enough to ignore the blips in my voice.
Target recognized. Initiating Combat Procedures.

Micah currently has very little in terms of emotion, which he needs to "access" in his files to know how to react to a certain situation, yet will maintain his stoic disposition. However, that being said, one thing he HAS picked up from his father is his hamminess and his love for science. By which I mean he takes the aspects of his "mother" and "father" and names his attacks and makes them as showy as possible (this is likely the result of Mason watching a LOOOOOOT of anime during his construction).


  • Ridiculously Human Robots: Micah is built to look human, has a concept of friends, and generally just isn't a self-propelled crane or drone. Mason considers him a son of sorts. Tyulla might consider him a son if she cared.

     Norman Doe and Theodore Sampson  
Player: bestmand902

Quiet, distant, and snarky, Norman would rather go unnoticed, but unfortunately for him, sharing a body with a loud, bombastic, limelight-loving spirit like Theo makes that rather difficult. Beneath the layer of distance he tries to keep between himself and other people, Norman is a kind, caring person with a strong desire to do good and help people. Theo, in contrast to Norman's quiet calm, is loud, attention-seeking, and very, very arrogant. In an attempt to cover up his fear and embarrassment due to the extremely humiliating way he died, Theo tends to make up outlandish, wild stories in order to make himself look better. Though the two may argue and snipe at each other, deep down, they know they need each other.


  • Symbiotic Possession: Theo possessed Norman to save the latter though that doesn't seem to be the whole story.

Player:whizzerd the Great and Powerful!
A little one, nary 4'9"

Happy-go-lucky, childish, and eternally cheerful, or so they seem at first glance. Should the situation call for it, Raj is capable of showing a sense of maturity and intelligence that is beyond their assumed years, and heavily juxtaposed to their natural way of being. On top of that, should one be around Raj for long enough, they may be left with the impression that their positivity is born not from kindness or optimism, but instead a deep-set apathy for any given situation and the consequences that may arise from it.


  • Casts No Shadow: Anyone whose shadow is being 'borrowed' by Raj.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: As mentioned Raj acts happy-go-lucky. They're also very capable when danger comes around to the point that no one yet knows if Raj is Obfuscating Stupidity.
  • Evil Smells Bad: While probably not evil, Raj gives off an offensive odor when they're around.
  • Intangible Theft: Raj steals shadows to increase their own strength. Its not known what effect this has on the victim besides them missing a shadow and Raj has never cared to look.
  • Safety in Indifference: Its implied the Raj can stay happy-go-lucky because they don't care about the consequences of any given situation.

     Emilia Shade 
Player: Starbound2

Emilia moves and speaks with a lethargic (lack of) energy, acting as though she can leisurely take her time no matter what circumstances may be and trailing out the ends of her sentences like her voice is about to fade out. However, in spite of what her mannerisms may make her seem, Emilia can be surprisingly diligent when given a task to set her mind to, and she can be quite friendly to those she gets to know. Perhaps a bit too friendly - she has a soft spot for teasing and flirting with the people she knows, and enjoys playing pranks on others, seeing it as a bit of harmless fun.


  • Cute Ghost Girl: More or less acts like a young girl except a ghost and is treated normally by the cast, as normal as the group can get anyway.
  • Our Ghosts Are Different: For one thing has no idea how she died, much less became a ghost.

     Fala Pine 
Player: Akkun_K

Tough and hostile (one might even say....acidic?) upon first meeting, but once a person gets to know her better, Fala can be really sweet.


  • Bare-Fisted Monk: Fala's main form of combat is a mix of Tae Kwon Do note  and "just winging it". It would be this improvised fighting style that she'd eventually tutor Norman in.
  • Bizarre Alien Biology: Fala really only has two internal organs: a "pseudo-stomach" that acts as a water resevoir and a gland under her tongue from which her acid spit sprays out. It has not been stated in-universe how Fala is capable of thought without a brain, but seeing as three of her classmates are spirits, it can be inferred that her soul is what grants her cognition.
  • Healing Factor: Most of her wounds only take about an hour or two to heal from.
  • Personality Powers: Fala's tough, spiked skin can be seen as a parallel to how emotionally guarded she is while her acid can allude to her harsh yet sweet personality (given that it's essentially pineapple juice). Somewhat subverted, however, if one considers that other members of her species would most likely have the same physiology regardless of their individual personalities.
  • Plant Aliens: She's essentially a humanoid pineapple, and she came to Earth in a capsule that fell from the sky.
  • Plant Hair: Her fronds give her the appearance of having a permanent spiked ponytail.
  • Spikes of Doom: She can stiffen the spines that are all over her body to add a little extra sting to her martial arts.
  • Super Spit: Fala can spray her acid up to 20 feet in front of her.
  • Tsundere: Of the Harsh variety. Parodied by her unofficial mockup which even has her saying the classic "B-baka!"
  • Wolverine Wannabe: A totally accidental case, but in hindsight, Fala does have a lot in common with good ol' Wolvy. Healing factor? Check. Gruff personality? Check. Raspy voice? Extendable spikes on her knuckles? note  You betcha!


Easygoing, compassionate, and optimistic, Klorae has no trouble making friends or getting along with people. She has a strong sense of right and wrong, and never hesitates to call out bullies or jerks.


  • Cast From HP: The ammunition from Klorae's water attack is her. Each attack or defense even shrinks her a little bit.
  • Heroic BSoD: Locks up when the fire spirit taunts her about her relationship with Valerie.
  • Making a Splash: Klorae is a water elemental, but the splashes come from her own body.
  • Oh, Crap!: Has quite a reaction when fighting the goblins and quickly tries to snuff out the lights blinding everyone else.

     Valerie Vale 
Player: PossiblyQuiteInsane
some caption text

Valerie is cheerful, a bit of a tomboy, and ridiculously hard to faze. Years of living in Strangeness Heights have acclimated her to the point where she'll immediately accept any odd happening, no matter how bizarre. Also a bit of a romantic, although bad enough at flirting that most people probably wouldn't notice.


  • Angst? What Angst?: Val is just fine with being 'cursed' with becoming a lamia.
  • Cursed with Awesome: Technically Valerie transforming into a lamia was a curse. She liked it so much that she had the change made permanent.
  • Gibberish of Love: Is struck by this whenever speaking with Klorae.
  • Snake Talk: Drags her Ss with the best of them.

     Calvin "Oz" Ozmere 
Player: TruthHurts22

Passionate and tuned into his emotions, Oz is a guy who wears his heart on his sleeve. He's very forward, doesn't try to hide his thoughts or feelings, and has no bad bone in his body. Oz is truly himself and truly wants to help others. His time away from society left him with a few social roadblocks to overcome - he's still unaware of some boundaries and is largely unfamiliar with anything from the most recent decade - but he is sincere, if stubborn. Despite his naivety surrounding other people, Oz isn't afraid to getting rough and violent if he needs to.


     Katherine Ingenue 

At one time the naive an uneasy but patient and approachable therapist for the students at the school. This was her first foray into the strange and supernatural. Currently, after taking some medication that the FDA had never heard of, grows a third eye. Then it gets even stranger.


  • The Cutie: Katherine was both a Naïve Newcomer and an empathetic and very normal human who traveled to the school to help a new generation of heroes, and stayed despite the strangeness that she ran into immediately.
  • Death of Personality: Technically, Katherine Ingenue stayed on as the therapist after her change and seeing Soheila, but its a very different Katherine Ingenue.
  • Go Mad from the Revelation: Katherine grows a third eye with supernatural vision and then looks at Soheila.
  • Holding Back the Phlebotinum: Katherine, post-third eye, is functionally omniscient with all that implies for any mysteries.
  • Horrifying the Horror: Katherine's second change after seeing Soheila with full vision sends Soheila quickly running out the door.
  • The Ingenue: Seriously. At first was more of a Naïve Newcomer than Nestan. Notably, at the dance, the two of them stared in awe at seeing an actual halo while everyone else kept mingling.
  • Nightmare Fetishist: After being broken, the new Katherine develops a fascination with the strange and nightmarish, from talking with strange entities (that only she can see) to developing a crush on Soheila. She's still the therapist.
  • Straw Nihilist: For a time, after seeing things man was not meant to know.

  • Goldie, the Homeroom Teacher
  • Dr. Hobo
  • Suzie

Villains and Antagonists

  • The Fire Spirits
