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Characters / Game Of Dogs

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The character list for the whole cast of villains in Game Of Dogs. It's still in progress.

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    Randell's Pack 


A sociopathic, murderous Golden Retriever who has been on numerous murders for years. Randell is the main leader of his pack and later his army which plans on annihiliating any other animals from the city and even the world.

  • A God Am I: Have the god complex of dog supremacy.
  • Ax-Crazy: He has strong Blood Lust tendencies and he loves killing animals, from mice, squirrels to even cats, with pleasure.
  • Big Bad: Of the story as a whole.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Even with his Darwinist mentality of all things, he doesn't tolerate Satchel anymore as time goes on.
  • Jack the Ripoff: Somehow he was modeled after Jack The Ripper.
  • Killed Off for Real: He decided to confront Satchel who's rigging the Battle Royale event, but ends up getting murdered through falling from the cliff.
  • Light Is Not Good: Being a Golden Retriever makes you a good dog, right? Not this one.
  • Living Legend: A legendary serial murderer dog.
  • The Social Darwinist: In addition to his god complex, Randell has the strong eugenics mentality, supporting the superior species in the domination of the inferior.
  • Soft-Spoken Sadist: Sometimes, if he ever wanted to.
  • Villain Protagonist: He may not appear in every chapter (many chapters are light-novel short), but he's the main character across the series.


A murderous, sociopathic and bloodthirsty Dachshund who set the kills on sight, and have notoriously murdered any animals with zero qualms.

  • Blood Knight: Not only he likes to fight, he loves to kill his opponents when they are weak.
  • Blood Lust: He has very fascination with blood and murder, and enjoys it with no remorse.
  • The Dreaded: According to some of the evil dogs, Satchel has staggering number of body counts, and being a Dachshund makes him even more of a menace.
  • Dog Stereotype: Inverted. Satchel is not the funny and kind Dachshund you'd expect in the Western hemisphere. Rather, he acts like an actual Dachshund by being a jerk to any other animal he faces.
  • The Dragon: Randell's Hyper-Competent Henchdog.
  • Eldritch Abomination: Due to the writer considers Dachshunds as the ugliest dog breed, Satchel in-universe is generally seen as an ugly, dangerous and abhorrent dog, from the perspective of even the other evil dogs.
  • Evil Laugh: Does this when he managed to murder his rival.
  • Eviler than Thou: The Battle Royale event demonstrates how menacing the Dachshund is.
  • Hate Sink: Satchel has no redeeming qualities and is a straight-up abomination reviled by even the evil dogs.
  • I Am a Humanitarian: He viciously eats his opponents if he defeats them without disposing their bodies.
  • Karma Houdini/The Bad Guy Wins: Won the Battle Royale event, killed a supernatural dog and Randell, and continues to be a menace.
  • Knight of Cerebus: When this Dachshund shows up, there is nothing funny. He's about to kill you.
  • Sadist: Enjoys the sufferage of his victims and opponents, and laughs happily when someone is finally killed.
  • The Sociopath: He has zero qualms in murdering his opponents and victims, and is as bloodthirsty as some of the worst dogs around. Since Dachshunds are one of the most-aggressive dog breeds in real-life, that is also invoked.


A Dalmatian who turned into the life of killing spree after retiring from the firehouse.


A Rough Collie who's another assistant of Randell.

    Guardian Corps 


A Saint Bernard who is the leader of a criminal organization. He first appears as a guest in the casino.


A Cardigan Welsh Corgi who is the subordinate of the Guardian Corps.


An American English Coonhound who is the subordinate of the Guardian Corps.

    Dadao Tong 


A Chow Chow who loves fighting and is very prideful about it. He has murderous intentions behind his prideful nature.


A Pekingese who is prideful about his heritage. Likes fighting, but he plays the support role for Chong.


The head of the Dadao Tong, whose his aims is to annihiliate the unwanted vermins in the city.

    Spy Dogs 


A Cocker Spaniel spy who is cocky and arrogant about his heritage.


A Cavalier King Charles Spaniel spy who boasts about his heritage.

  • Affably Evil: Being prideful about his royalty while keeping his dignity, yet he is quite an evil dog.
  • Disney Villain Death: Evil Versus Evil example, Charles gets pushed down by James after a Rooftop Confrontation regarding his arrogance. He survived in the next chapter.
  • Dog Stereotype: Inverted. Not only he's a male Cavalier Spaniel, he fits the negative "aristocratic and showy" spaniel stereotypes of prideful about his royal heritage. Truth in Television since many spaniels were used as royalty dogs.
  • Faux Affably Evil: He would backstab any dog with his royal pride.
  • Hypocrite: Berating Randell and Mitch for scavenging a dead cat, while himself being a decadent scumbag. This resulted in an Insult Backfire.
  • Killed Off for Real: Destroyed by James' precise time bomb during the Battle Royale event. When James can't kill him during his first confrontation, he succeeded in his second attempt.
  • The Proud Elite: Being from the royal heritage makes him arrogant as hell.
  • Punny Name: A Cavalier King Charles Spaniel named Charles.
  • Screw the Rules, I Have Money!: Implied. He bribed the police dogs to get away from his crimes. Though this is fitting if you replace "Money" with "Royalty".
  • Smug Snake


A bloodthirsty, determined Beagle who has strong interest in hunting and fighting.


A ferocious Patterdale Terrier who is one of the legendary killer dogs.

    Emmaline's Drug Cartel 

    Battle Royale Contestants 


A fire-scorching Cairn Terrier Hellhound who wants to avenge his brother.

    Other Villains 


A bloodthristy Jack Russel Terrier who loves to eat cats.


A Psycho Lesbian Chihuahua who has no qualms in murdering other dogs for competition.

  • Dog Stereotype: An Ax-Crazy Blood Knight Chihuahua.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Despite being a Psycho Lesbian, Les doesn't tolerate Satchel's murderous instincts, outright calling him a monster.
  • Killed Off for Real: Destroyed by a precise bomb throw when she was submerged in a lake. She can't swim and thus led to her death.
  • Omnicidal Neutral: Subverted. While she's an evil dog and she likes to murder any dog, she's not in any organization nor wants to murder all the dogs.
  • Psycho Lesbian: Les is implied to be a lesbian dog, and is quite a chihuahua known for murderous aggression. However, her "lesbian" part is never shown up intentionally before she turned out to have an affair with a Guardian hench-bitch.
  • Villainous Friendship: Even if she's a Psycho Lesbian, she doesn't discriminate her male friends.


A Fox Terrier who's a gambler and a robber.

Rudolph and Evaline

The German Shepherd couple who embraces the dog supremacy mentality.


A Phalane who schemes some assassination plans for other evil dogs to carry out. Even though he's not affiliated to any organization, he is a fan of putting someone down for his leisure.

  • Affably Evil: He's quite rather friendly for an assassination planner. And he finds it fun.
  • Con Man: He has many hidden plans in the making, to let other dogs carry his plans out.
  • Failure Gambit: Pulled once in-story as he commands his "henchdogs" to chase after a Rough Collie, having him running away.
  • Manipulative Bastard: What would you expect from a scheming Spaniel?


An Alaskan Malamute who is the manager of a mansion, who imprisons the cats for the purpose of mass-annihilating them.


Colliewood in general

A mysterious entity implied to be responsible for promoting the dog supremacy throughout the story.
