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YMMV / Welcome to Beacon!

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  • Arc Fatigue: Are they still on Initiation?! The GM even admits it.
  • Demonic Spiders: The Arachnophobia during Initiation. It just doesn't die. Stabbed with an extending sword? It just got angry. Tons of gravitationally enhanced ice dropped on its head? It kept on living.
  • Ho Yay: Dex is extremely devoted to his partner Pius, which is played up by Dreigonix on purpose for all it's worth.
  • Launcher of a Thousand Ships: So far, Urujauni has been shipped with - every member of her team, Raqib & Rufus, Ayers & Davros, and even the Kaijin Grimm.
    • Dreigonix has actually compiled a list of ships involving pretty much everyone. It can be found here.
  • Memetic Mutation:
    • Gaston, being based on the character from Beauty and the Beast, has brought over the "No one ___ like Gaston!" meme.
    • The "you didn't see it coming" meme, which, more often than not, aimed at Lucas.
  • Woobie: Currently the Weapon Girls (Alice, Beth and Carol). They were abducted and forced into horrible experiments on by Dr. Francisco Steiner in order to become superweapons.
