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YMMV / Orphans of the Storm

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  • Complete Monster:
    • Robespierre is a "pussyfooting tyrant" who schemes the overthrow of the aristocracy not out of moral reasons, but to institute his own Reign of Terror. Robespierre helps kick off the revolution that leads to much rioting, chaos, and bloodshed, then immediately institutes the "Committee of Public Safety" to host phony trials where hundreds of people are executed for any and all association to the aristocracy. Declaring his intent to "purge all vice" from France, Robespierre orders the executions with smug glee, and even when he is implored by his more righteous ally Danton to spare multiple innocent people, Robespierre feigns agreement, only to order them beheaded anyway.
    • The Marquis de Praille is the most reprehensible example of the decadent French aristocracy. Showing the kind of man he is by fatally running over a small child, de Praille flicks a coin at the child's devastated parents without a hint of empathy. The Marquis stuffs his face in lavish feasts while hundreds of starving peasants teem outside his gates, and when a young, virginal woman catches his eye, the Marquis abducts her so that he may rape her, leaving her blind sister alone on the streets of Paris. When the one noble with a conscience attempts to stop the Marquis' rape, de Praille attempts to strike him down.
  • Heartwarming Moments: Henriette and Louise's relationship. For a good chunk of the movie, neither of them knows that Louise was adopted, so they love each other like sisters.
    • The Chevalier de Vaudrey's Establishing Character Moment of buying bread for the starving peasants. Danton even notes that "things would be different" if more aristocrats were like him.
  • Nightmare Fuel / Nausea Fuel: The scene where a peasant complains to the countess about all the misfortunes that have happened to him, and we are treated to a flashback where his father, having "wronged" the count, has molten lead poured into his veins! Ugh!
