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WMG / The Amazing Spider-Man (2022)

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Beware of unmarked spoilers. These include spoilers for unreleased comics, taken from Marvel press releases and other promotional material.

The entire run has faced editorial and executive meddling
With how much of a mess the run has come off as and with certain storylines seemingly ending without any explanation, it wouldn't be hard to see this as the product of editorial interference. Whatever Peter did six months ago to make everyone angry at him, was probably originally planned to be way worse, but after fan backlash, the creators backtracked. Especially considering the Spider-Man Office's history of meddling (especially after Nick Spencer's ending to his run was meddled with) and the fact that Disney folded Marvel Entertainment, which dealt with the comics, in 2023, this is not too much of a stretch.

Paul will become the villain of the remaining run
Paul will become jealous of MJ and Peter's growing connection and will seek to bring the kids back using magic or other powers, leading to MJ and Peter teaming up to fight him. Once Paul's defeated, this will result in him leaving, either via death or defeat. Considering the Jackpot Run pitched at Marvel, this could be a likely way to ease the next writer in without having to include any relationship drama.

Mary Jane's new "Family"
Is there anyone else finding it odd about MJ's new husband and kids? For one, she seemed to move on awfully fast when their previous break-up seemed to have her stay single for some time. There's also the fact the husband's name starts with a "p" and his daughter looks way too much like MJ as a child, which seems to hint at something. In the first issue MJ answers the phone while in a closet, telling Peter not to call her again - and in the third, Paul shows up to confront him about the phone calls, which seems a bit overdramatic if nothing else. It feels like this is all going to tie into whatever happened six months earlier that led to Peter being estranged from everyone.

Confirmed: How Mary Jane met Paul and her children are tied directly to what Peter did six months ago, and all is revealed in the story arc running through Amazing Spider-Man #20-26.

Mary Jane and Paul will be through after Dark Web, and MJ will allow Felicia to move in with her
A chat Zeb Wells had with the host of the Amazing Spider-Talk podcast indicates that Peter and MJ will deal with their problems sometime during the crossover event 'Dark Web'. At C2E2 2022, Marvel EIC CB Cebulski also confirmed that there would be a spin-off title (Mary Jane & Black Cat) launching in December. Given Cebulski's comments that Mary Jane will remain the love of Peter's life, but will not always be able to work things out with him, it's possible that Mary Jane will reconcile with Peter as a friend and somehow move on from Paul, instead striking up a partnership with Felicia Hardy, with the two moving in together as besties and getting involved in a lot of madcap adventures

Jossed: Mary Jane was caught up in an adventure in Limbo during the events of Dark Web, so not be in any position to fall out with Paul or the kids. The events that caused her to break from Peter will reportedly be revealed in future issues shortly after Dark Web.

Peter and Mary Jane will reconcile and become parents to Paul's kids
One gets the feeling the kids are going to stick around much longer than Paul will. It is hoped Marvel may want MJ and Peter to be parents to her kids, but that they don't want to commit Peter and MJ to each other just yet. MJ will look after the kids with both Peter and presumably Felicia's help, but will retain her independence from Peter for a while longer, ultimately falling in love with him again. Then, just when it looks like we'll get the two raising a family together as a committed couple, the true parents of her kids resurface to take them back, and Peter and MJ are left once more on their own but have gained considerable experience parenting kids, so they 'grow' and progress without Marvel having them marry or have kids of their own again... and then it's left to the next writer if Peter and MJ stay together or not

Jossed: The kids were created by Rabin and disposed of when he no longer had a use for them.

What Peter did was... bring Mary Jane back to life
In Amazing Spider-Man #10, Peter reveals to the Celestial Progenitor that he had lost someone a while ago and did everything in his power to bring 'her' back, but his unethical tactics were frowned upon in the superhero community and they refused to aid him. Peter turned to Norman, and while Norman tried his best, ultimately Peter didn't get quite what he wanted out of the deal. The person he lost may be Mary Jane, and bringing her back could have somehow meant altering her personal timeline, supplying her with children and an existing relationship.

Jossed: Amazing Spider-Man #23-24 reveals that Peter was hurrying to get back to MJ, who was stuck in another dimension, and in his haste burned basically all his bridges except with Norman Osborn.

What Peter did was... try to bring his daughter back
One of the running themes of this run appears to be the ultimate in responsibility for Mary Jane: raising children. In Amazing Spider-Man #10, Peter confesses he lost someone a while back, and enlisted Norman to help get 'her' back. We are led to believe it is a former love, but suppose he is referring to his daughter May Parker, who was lost to him and MJ at the end of the 1990s Clone Saga due to the actions of Norman Osborn? This would explain why Norman did his best to help, why Mary Jane is so involved with children in this run, and why the mini-series The Lost Hunt focuses on a pregnant and married Mary Jane living with Peter in Portland during the height of the Clone Saga, to remind readers that the two were once expecting a child. The preview pages for Norman's upcoming Gold Goblin mini-series also reveals a list of people Norman feels he must atone for harming, and among the names on the list is 'the baby'

Jossed: It's revealed that this has nothing to do with baby May Parker, as the conflict is with Wayeb' and Benjamin Rabin.

Mysterio is behind everything... again!
In the letters pages of Amazing Spider-Man #10, Nick Lowe reveals we will be learning more of both Mysterio and Mary Jane. Considering Mysterio was responsible for altering Mary Jane's memories of her friend Gwen Stacy, convincing her that she had a romance with Norman Osborn, it's entirely possible Mysterio has again manipulated MJ into believing she has another relationship and children. But how does Paul factor into this? Is he a crony for Mysterio? Or a hallucination? Have we seen Paul or the kids interacting with anyone besides Peter or MJ?

Considering how contrived it is for MJ to want nothing to do with Peter and not even try to repair their relationship in favor of dating Paul (and how one of their kids happens to resemble her), and how hell-bent Mephisto is on making sure Peter and MJ stay apart and suffer, it's not too out-of-the-question for Mephisto to be pulling the strings once again after One More Day and taking advantage of the Noodle Incident that estranged Peter from everyone to manipulate MJ by either seducing her as Paul or using Paul to seduce her (depending on which makes more sense). If this is true, their children would most likely be simulacrums conjured by Mephisto to spite Spider-Man even more.

Jossed: Paul is the son of Benjamin Rabin.

Peter and Felicia's rekindled romance will be short-lived
Shortly after Mary Jane made it clear to Peter she does not wish to interact with him, Peter sought to take his mind off of his soul mate by reconnecting with the 'other woman' in his life, Felicia Hardy, aka the Black Cat. After Felicia helped mend Peter's broken heart with a birthday kiss, the two have since made arrangements to start dating in the future, beginning with an outing to a spa in a story written by Joe Kelly. However, in the opening issue of Mary Jane/Black Cat, while checking in on MJ, Felicia is seen mulling over how things have changed between her and Peter, and wondering if she ever truly learns from her experiences as at one point she had told Mary Jane she wasn't interested in Peter. During the spa adventure, after finding Mary Jane and Paul are present, Felicia resigns herself to the reality Peter is not over MJ.

Confirmed, in Amazing Spider-Man #31, Felicia breaks things off with Peter, admitting that they've been merely going through the motions with no real goals to achieve in their relationship. She wishes Peter well.

Paul is a time displaced Peter Parker and the Spider-Marriage has been restored
Marvel could probably stand to rip off the plot of Bender's Big Score when it comes to the Paul and MJ relationship.

What if Paul is a time displaced double of Peter? Mary Jane is in on what's happened and doesn't want Peter around her in case he susses out the truth?

While Amazing Spider-Man #22 appears to confirm that Paul is a separate character altogether, we still do not know his last name, and he confesses to MJ during #25 that he 'should have told her...' something. This could be Paul confessing to MJ that he is in reality Peter Parker among a number of interpretations to be had from the scene. In the final pages of #25, we see a possible fantasy or flashback/flash forward sequence which appears to see Peter beating up Paul in front of a shocked Mary Jane, a retcon of a similar sequence many issues ago where Paul did the same thing to Peter. Paul and Peter having the same fantasy could be the biggest indicator yet of both somehow being the same person.

Jossed: Paul is the son of Benjamin Rabin, and those 'fantasies' of him and Peter decking one another were flashbacks.

What Peter did was... choose saving MJ over millions of complete strangers
Amazing Spider-Man #21 recently revealed that Ben Rabin attacked Peter and MJ at the end of the Beyond arc and marked the former for vengeance and the latter for sacrifice. What if Peter's Very Bad Thing was because Rabin forced Peter into a sadistic choice between giving up MJ or giving up a large number of complete strangers to avert the return of Wayeb' and Peter chose MJ? Pretty sick way of getting the whole world against you in my opinion.

Jossed: Amazing Spider-Man #23-24 reveals that Peter was hurrying to get back to MJ, who was stuck in another dimension, and in his haste burned basically all his bridges except with Norman Osborn.

Paul is not Peter Parker, but is still from the future - and will be erased when the timeline is averted
Amazing Spider-Man #22's preview hints at an armed stranger saving Peter and MJ, trapped in the future, from a rampaging demon dinosaur. Fans have speculated that this is Paul, and MJ will end up trapped with him for several years in the future while Peter is returned to the present. Having experience in combat, this explains why Paul insisted he would find MJ after he took the kids to safety. MJ and Paul fell in love while Peter was absent and MJ either adopted the kids or the kids are biologically hers with Paul. If Peter defeats Rabin and thwarts the future from coming to pass, Paul and his children's lives will be entirely rewritten and they may even cease to exist, ending his relationship with MJ and possibly driving a further wedge between her and Peter for the foreseeable future.

Jossed: Paul is the son of Benjamin Rabin

Mary Jane will die in Amazing Spider-Man #25-26
It is billed as the most shocking issue of Amazing Spider-Man in 50 years and is set to release on the 50th anniversary of Gwen Stacy's death, which happened in Amazing Spider-Man #121. The covers for these issues also look like the covers for Spider-Man: Blue and Amazing Spider-Man #121 respectively.

Jossed. In the wake of a Content Leak, Marvel have officially announced that the big death will actually be Kamala Khan, Ms. Marvel. Kamala actually sacrifices herself while taking the form of Mary Jane to fool Rabin, using her rarely used shapeshifting powers.

Mary Jane will be killed by her own power
Mary Jane & Black Cat reveals that MJ has a bracelet that grants her random powers based on the result of a slot reel. A jackpot granted her limited reality warping powers, but she admits that she doesn't know what getting 3 skulls will do, and she wasn't in a hurry to find out. She will get 3 skulls in Amazing Spider-Man #25-26 and it will give her a power that will result in her unavoidable death.

Jossed: While Mary Jane makes use of her bracelet's powers against Rabin, she does not draw three skulls.

Mary Jane getting three skulls on her bracelet will kill her family
Peter can't get back together with MJ if she still has her family, so the most expedient way to get rid of them without a retcon is to kill them all outright with her power, just to add more tragedy to Spider-Man's story. And this way, MJ will need a lot of time to process her grief before she could even begin to think of rekindling her relationship with Peter, which should take enough time for him and Felicia to break up.

Partially Jossed: The kids exist because Rabin made them in order to track MJ. After he finds her, he no longer needs them, so they cease to exist.

Mary Jane and Peter will lose their feelings for one another
Mary Jane dying is too predictable. Instead, her bracelet will cause MJ and Peter to lose their romantic feelings for one another after getting 3 skulls, possibly by rewriting reality itself, seemingly ending any and all chance of them ever getting together again permanently...or until the run ends, which is more likely.

Paul and his children will get revealed as demons - or working for and/or created by demons
Its been established that not only are Peter and Mary Jane's connection been reinforced by Mephisto's actions to keep them apart but that he's actively interfering. Paul will turn out to be just that. While Rabin served Wayeb', Paul's "god" is none other than Mephisto himself. Brainwashing and creating fake children, if not being outright demons themselves, would certainly fit in here. It is also possible that the children, being constructs of Rabin, will transform into demons when Benjamin returns and will turn on their parents as part of the sacrificial ceremony that Mary Jane is marked for.

Jossed: Paul is the son of an evil being, but is repentant and trying to make up for his sins. The children were created as mystical chains by Rabin to bind him to Mary Jane, and when their purpose was served, he erased them.

Mary Jane's marriage and children with Paul are a result of her powers
She got the three skulls back then which messed with her and Paul's memories into thinking more time had passed than it did and that they got "married" and had kids and forgot she got the three skulls. Given the reality warping aspects, the skulls represent the "death" of the wielder's current reality and will be based on their repressed desires. For Paul and the kids, it was her desire for some form of normalcy beyond the superheroics of the world. Eventually MJ will be dissatisfied with the life she now has, realizing the one she would have wanted some form of life like that with is Peter and she will get the three skulls once more and her and Paul's memories restored and their kids removed from existence.

Jossed: While Paul uses a mix of magic and technology to create Mary Jane's bracelet, he is real, though it is implied the children are constructs of Rabin, which is confirmed in ASM#26. Mary Jane and Paul's marriage was also walked back on in the letters pages, with Nick Lowe admitting there was an editorial blunder.

May Parker will die in Issue #26
Mary Jane dying is a Red Herring because it's too obvious. Since MJ's determined to cut Peter out of her life, May is the one whose death would hurt Peter the most.

Jossed: An interview with Dan Slott revealed he had plans for stories in his own ongoing Spider-Man title that involved Aunt May. note  In the wake of the Content Leak, Marvel have announced that the big death will actually be Kamala Khan, Ms. Marvel. Aunt May does not even appear in Amazing Spider-Man #26.

It's all just a dream.
No, seriously. That's the big plot twist. Everything that happened is just a dream. Maybe a result of MJ's powers or however they end up explaining it, but it's just a dream. That's how they'll justify the Black Cat love interest thing and Peter and MJ being apart. We're just seeing things from the perspective of the medium. If it can work for the newspaper strip continuity, it can work here.

Issue #26 will have a Retcon even worse than OMD
Instead of someone dying, the tragedy that will happen is something, possibly Mary Jane's bracelet, rewriting reality so that Peter and MJ were never a couple, with only Peter remembering the reality before the Retcon. As such, MJ will simply see Peter as a family friend at best or a creepy stalker at worst. To make it even worse, it could also make it so that MJ and Paul met normally in this new timeline, fell in love, and then had kids without any involvement from Wayeb' or Benjamin Rabin. This is what will force Peter to finally give up on Mary Jane, seemingly forever, although it may just be temporary as Zeb Wells believes that Spider-Man comics should always run in cycles and he sees the ending as Peter being happy with Mary Jane.

Jossed: Nothing other than Kamala's death and further truths about Mary Jane's family life are explored in this issue.

MJ's slot machine powers, bracelet and inconsistencies come from Paul and the kids come from the powers/bracelet
Pretty straight forward. Paul's actually a bad guy, gave Mary Jane the bracelet so she could "defend herself" when it came with the added bonus and messing with her head and creating the children as part of it's reality warping nature. This explains why she would give up on Peter despite knowing that Pete knew she was alive but trapped and he'd do everything he could to bring her home, the "temporal dilation" that somehow didn't affect her age or that of Paul who had been in the pocket universe longer (really, no time passed it was all in her head), the daughter's unexplained name change, everything. Basically, Mary Jane was both mentally and during her "relationship" with Paul physically raped too and she'll realize this when the bracelet is destroyed with the kids disappearing as well. This would also unfortunately become an another obstacle between Peter and Mary Jane as the latter would have to take time to deal with the trauma of such a realization while the former will have felt useless in protecting the woman he loves... again as it is the anniversary of Gwen's death(at least in our universe). And in all likelihood, it'd be Rabin that will expose this and Paul's dirty little secret of having been his partner in crime or something akin to a Big Bad Duumvirate. And the reason this is most likely? Mary Jane is explicitly stated to be the endgame, resetting the relationship makes no sense. Killing her off wouldn't work, that's why she was spared and One More Day was done instead. The most tragic/shocking story wouldn't be something we'd naturally expect like a memory wipe or death would be so they'd have to go for something that would get audience's sympathy for her that they drove into the ground back.

Confirmed (Paul and the bracelet) and Jossed (the kids): Paul created the bracelet and warned Mary Jane of its inconsistent powers, but the kids were creations of Benjamin Rabin.

Paul isn't actually Mephisto or something like that
He's actually Skip Westcott. After being arrested for molesting a younger Peter Parker, Skip broke out and started going by his middle name Paul as he plotted his revenge on Peter for rejecting his advances. After discovering that he's now Spider-Man, Paul decided that the only way to do that was to essentially ruin his little Einstein's life in the worst ways possible, starting with stealing Mary Jane.

Jossed: Paul is the son of Benjamin Rabin

Robbie Robertson will die in Amazing Spider-Man #26
One of the earliest storylines in Zeb's ASM run so far has been the engagement of Randy Robertson and Janice Linchon. Their wedding occurs later in the year with Peter acting as best man. One extra layer of tragedy could be that Randy no longer has his father around to witness his special day and it would weigh heavily on Peter's mind as he might even be partially responsible for it, thus Robbie is a candidate for the potential death as it would fit more thematically with Zeb's overall arcs

Jossed. In the wake of the Content Leak, Marvel have announced that the big death will actually be Kamala Khan, Ms. Marvel. Robbie does not even appear in ASM#26.

Mary Jane is 'cursed' by Rabin and will fall in love with Peter again after Amazing Spider-Man #26
It is revealed in Amazing Spider-Man #25 that Benjamin Rabin requested to his gods in the alternate dimension that Mary Jane be burdened with 'chains' that she would, in time, come to accept. This explains why Mary Jane, already marked for sacrifice, is so hostile towards Peter and seemingly lost faith in him ever returning for wasn't of her own doing, she was brainwashed and 'worn down' by Mystical means. When Rabin is defeated, with the possibility Paul and the Kids will be erased as the altered timeline no longer comes to be, Mary Jane's true feelings for Peter will slowly resurface, leading to a resurgent love triangle unfolding between her, Peter, and Felicia, with MJ likely winning by run's end.

Semi-Confirmed: Mary Jane's family life was a direct result of Rabin binding her to chains of his own creation, which are revealed to be the children. Rabin erases them from existence once they have served their purpose. It remains to be seen if Mary Jane and Paul's relationship without the family will survive.

Mary Jane and Paul never 'Got Busy'
During the montage in Amazing Spider-Man #25 which highlights Mary Jane and Paul as they connect emotionally and look after their family, there is a panel with Paul sitting on the edge of a bed looking sad, he says "I should have told you..." but we have no idea what this entails. Notably, throughout the montage, despite some moments of intimacy, Mary Jane and Paul are never shown to kiss.

Peter will accidentally kill the kids in Issue #26
The only way for a tragedy to happen without MJ dying is for Peter to do something he will regret for the rest of his life, just like what happened in The Night Gwen Stacy Died. Peter will defeat Rabin, but this has the side effect of killing Owen and Romy via Ret-Gone. To make it worse, this makes it so that only Peter remembers them existing, so now he feels absolutely guilty for killing MJ's kids, and he can never tell anyone about it out of shame. This will also cause Peter to try and cut MJ out of his life since he can't even bring himself to look at her anymore, with MJ not understanding why he's acting this way, severely straining whatever relationship they may have after the Retcon.

Jossed: Rabin was responsible for the creation of the kids, binding them to Mary Jane so he would remain close to her and be able to complete his sacrificial ritual. When their purpose is served, he cuts them loose, and they cease to exist.

Mary Jane is only with Paul due to pity and emotional blackmail
From the emotional reading of the scenes in Amazing Spider-Man #25, and everything we've had to read leading up to it over a year, it became clearer that Mary Jane was only staying with Paul out of pity and her concerns were more for how leaving him would affect her family, aka the 'chains' with which she was burdened with. MJ was not suddenly going to be the first person Paul sees when he wakes up that tells him to his face she's going back to Peter right away. No woman, (brainwashed or not in MJ's case), would do that, even if her older romantic feelings are resurfacing, she had responsibilities. Now that the kids are gone, time will tell if Mary Jane and Paul have anything left in common as time goes on.

Confirmed: Mary Jane stays with Paul because she understands him the same way she understands Peter, that he is trying to do good despite his overwhelming guilt, she feels 'responsible' for him, which is not always the same thing as a romantic attachment.

Peter punching Paul is a Flash Forward to Amazing Spider-Man #26
In the final pages of Amazing Spider-Man #25, shortly after Mary Jane told Peter that she would be staying with Paul and her family, a narrator (Rabin) talks over sequences of Peter heading off to work and Aunt May sorting bills. One of the sequences appears to be a possible fantasy Peter has of beating up Paul in front of a shocked Mary Jane, a retcon of a similar sequence many issues ago where Paul does the same thing to Peter. Back when the mystery box was still fresh, fans assumed this was a flashback to whatever it was that Peter did to anger Mary Jane...but what if this wasn't a fantasy? What if it is a preview of things to come? More specifically, Amazing Spider-Man #26, just after the mysterious and hyped 'death' of a major character, Paul may be responsible for the death and is repentant about it, so confesses his part in it to Peter, only for Peter to deck him. Mary Jane is shown in Peter's arms when it happens, so that means she could be safe, so who else could elicit a vigorous reaction from Peter? What if Paul is responsible for Aunt May's death? The narration from Rabin talks 'cost' when the panel of Aunt May checking the bills is highlighted , and the part at the end where it says 'and then there is acceptance'... could be referring not to Peter accepting he's lost MJ as a love interest, but accepting Aunt May's death, and Paul having something to do with it would certainly push MJ back into Peter's arms.

Jossed: Issue 26 reveals Peter punching Paul and vice versa occurred in flashbacks set prior to the very beginning of Wells' run.

MJ getting three skulls is not what we think it is...
So at no point does anyone know or say what three skulls mean and its assumed to mean death, but what if it means death in a metaphorical sense? What if three skulls is a one-time use Story-Breaker Power that lets MJ do anything including be immortal for a short time but at the cost of the death of "current self" like the person who she is none dies and MJ will be reverted back to who she was when first arriving in the alternate dimension or even right before Rabin arrived.

This would create a Swapped Roles situation with MJ being the one who suddenly finds herself with her true love with someone else as well as apparently married with two children she doesn't know or remember. Meanwhile, Peter finds himself in MJ's shoes where he's (attempted) to make a life without her and chooses to try and move on.

Captain America will die in Amazing Spider-Man #26
Zeb Wells has been told to stay away from conventions, that fans would be mad at him....but what if it wasn't because he was killing off any iconic Spider-Man character...but one of the most iconic Marvel heroes of all? Steve Rogers has made a few guest appearances throughout this storyline, and is one of the featured faces on the cover of Amazing Spider-Man #26. The mysterious Marvel one-shot "Fallen Friend" has variant covers by Steve's current artist, and his book, Sentinel of Liberty, was recently cancelled.

Jossed: Two weeks before the issue was to be released Marvel responded to a Content Leak with an official announcement that the character being killed off is Kamala Khan, aka Ms. Marvel, and the Fallen Friend issue focuses on her.

Paul will be revealed to be Evil All Along
I feel that the backstory for him is something along the lines that he and Rabin were partners and were working together towards joint-godhood only for the Scribble Man to betray him out of greed and left him in the pocket dimension. I feel the thing that will leave the fans 'very angry' is the reveal of this towards the very end of the issue and no one but the audience will know it, meaning they are forced to watch as this bad guy gets with Spider-Man's girl like how they had to watch no one figure out Doc Ock had stolen Spider-Man's body until after he got it back.

Jossed: While Paul is revealed to be the son of an evil being and even contributed to the destruction of his world, he feels guilt and shame for his actions and has tried to make amends ever since. He told Mary Jane all of this later in their relationship and MJ understood, having shared a life with another man burdened with guilt in Peter.

Kamala's death will the catalyst for MJ and Paul breaking up
I feel that the guilt Mary Jane feels because Rabin was after her will eat her up and because There Are No Therapists, she'll have difficulty processing it. Meanwhile, Paul will actually go the opposite route and not feel guilty at all even though his working with Rabin is what led him to becoming the Scribble Man in the first place. This will lead to the two of them fighting and eventually breaking up.

Kamala will be almost immediately resurrected by Cyclops, and it'll be revealed she has the X gene.
Cyclops was her teammate in the Champions and will put her on priority for the Krakoan Resurrection protocols. The Classified book in the August solicitations will be about Kamala's rebirth... as a mutant.

Confirmed: During the Fall of X, Kamala is revived by the Five before the Hellfire Gala, and the classified book was revealed as a mini-series called Ms. Marvel: The New Mutant, which is co-written by the actress who plays Kamala in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Peter and MJ will be even more estranged from one another
As a result of the tragedies and reveals that happen in Issue #26, Peter and MJ will find it difficult to stay in the same room, talk over the phone, or even mention each other's names. The only time they would even willingly interact now is if third parties force them to, like Robbie's wedding. This will also cut her and Paul out of the supporting cast until the wedding event itself.

Jossed: Shortly after the loss of her children, Mary Jane begins to reconnect with Peter as a friend and it makes her the happiest she'd been in a while. When making her debut as the superhero Jackpot, Mary Jane also reveals she finally understands Peter's mantra of great power and responsibility.

Peter's grief over losing Kamala will end his relationship with Felicia
The preview pages for Amazing Spider-Man#27 reveal Peter is pent up with frustration, rage and grief over Kamala's death, so much so that Felicia makes the foolhardy decision to manipulate The Shocker into committing a crime just to snap Peter out of his funk and to have fun. Peter tells Felicia in no uncertain terms that a job like his should be taken seriously. With Felicia seemingly too caught up in having fun and not being able to understand the place Peter is in, it will lead to her realizing he's cramping her style and will break things off with him.

Confirmed: In the pages of Spider-Man #9 by Dan Slott, during a dinner with Norman, Jameson and The Robertsons, Robbie suggests Peter hook up with one of the bridesmaids at his son Randy's wedding, an idea Aunt May fully supports. Considering May knew Peter was dating Felicia when they went on their spa vacation, it's possible Peter and Felicia have already parted ways and he is free to pursue other interests. In Amazing Spider-Man #31 the two indeed break up, as Felicia believes there are no set goals in their relationship and they have simply been going through the motions.

All roads lead to the reunion of Peter and Mary Jane
Kamala Khan calls Mary Jane "Spider-Man's girlfriend" in Amazing Spider-Man#26, MJ denies it in precisely the same way a tsundre in an anime would, her kids are erased from existence, her relationship with Paul remains as vague as ever and may now no longer survive without a family to take care of, and despite the current writer's preference for Peter and Felicia, it is on record that C.B Cebulski, Marvel's current Editor in Chief, understands that the fans want Peter and Mary Jane together. So it's all likely the run will end with Peter and Felicia broken up, something will happen to Paul, and Peter and MJ will mend their relationship and their rare love will be restored...bring on the next character assassin with a sledgehammer!

Kamala Khan will return to life eventually
Come on. She has a movie coming out later in the year. It's obvious that she isn't going to stay dead. This is the Marvel Universe after all.

Confirmed: Marvel announces the return of Ms. Marvel in Ms. Marvel: The New Mutant.

Sin-corrupted Peter will kill Paul
Peter needs to feel even more guilty after he's purged of Norman's sins. The easiest way for this to happen is if he kills someone, and Paul is the most expendable character in the current run due to being hated by the fans. This will also cause further estrangement between Peter and MJ, just to make Peter even more miserable.

Jossed: Peter is purged of the sins by Norman before he can take a single life, let alone Paul's, and his relationship with MJ appears to be getting better as a result.
