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WMG / Grej

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Ingsoc will unperson Inversive Realist, or, given that they're not so different for reasons outlined below, unrealize him
  • Inversive tends to say stuff along the lines of "It's a good thing that ___. That means it's a bad thing that ___." He contradicts himself all the time, and the definition of doublethink is holding two contradictory beliefs at the same time.
  • Inversive also believes that the more you aim for utopia, the closer you get to dystopia. By that logic, the more you aim for dystopia, the closer you get to utopia. Which ideology believes that Dystopia Justifies the Means?
    • Utopia is dystopia. Dystopia is utopia.
  • Inversive and Ingsoc both have British accents. Egoist also has one, and Ingsoc has implied that he and Egoist are not so different.
Potential future ideologies
  • THETInote  - a foil to Nazbol in terms of being a mixture of hyper-authoritarianism and egoism, believing his own ego is eternal and constantly trying to become the immortal ruler of all humanity. Unlike Nazbol who idolizes Nazi and Tankie who want nothing to do with him, Ingsoc and Egoism's disgust for him is completely mutual, with THETI thinking both are "cucks". Commonly seen running backwards on a treadmill. (Anti-treadmill, get it?)
  • Post-Humanism - a foil to Transhumanism as a mechanical being with the goal of elevating humanity to machinehood. Only instead of just upgrading humanity to be free from the human condition, it wishes for the complete annihilation of humanity via upgrade. Transhumanism turning into Post-Humanism in Centricide 8 part 2 doesn't even rule this one out, as he wouldn't be the first Grej character to share a name with a Jreg one.
  • Primalism - a foil to Anarcho-Primitivism in wishing to return humanity to an era before agriculture. Primalism however views sentience as the point where humanity was led astray, and tries to reduce humans to their base primal instincts.
  • Fordism - a foil to Homonationalism in being an Oddball Doppelgänger of an authoritarian ideology (Nazi for Homonationalist, Ingsoc for Fordism) who indulges in something contrary to the spirit of said ideology. In Fordism's case, he likes to subjugate people by distracting them with near-literal Sex, Drugs, and Rock & Roll.
  • FALGSCnote  - a foil to Posadism as they are both far-left transhumanist ideologies who believe that a specific global event (automation for FALGSC, and nuclear war for Posadism) will lead to a communist utopia. They both also think that space-traveling civilizations must be communistic.

Censure Authoritarian is Alive
  • In Jreg Centricide 6 Identity a major plot twist is that Christian Conservative is alive despite Nazi having murdered him in Centricide 3: Socialists, Conservatives, Progressives and Libertarians. Considering Egoism sparing Post-Left and warning him to escape in Realicide 3: Censurists, Utopiaries, Anti-Vaxxers and Post-Lefties was clearly based on Ancap sparing Libertarian in the equivalent Centricide it’s logical to assume that one of the Characters murdered in it survived. Considering that Darwinism cannibalized Ahospice and that Grej doesn’t trust Ing Soc, it’s possible that Censurist is alive and that Ing Soc has a plan for him.
