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Video Game / Samurai Warrior: The Battles of Usagi Yojimbo

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Samurai Warrior: The Battles of Usagi Yojimbo is an Action Game developed by Beam Software and published by Firebird Software for Amstrad CPC, Commodore 64, and ZX Spectrum in 1988. Based on the Usagi Yojimbo comics, you control the eponymous rabbit who has to battle the forces of evil to protect the land, but he also needs to follow the way of bushido and treat others honorably, otherwise his karma will drop and he'll potentially end his life. You have to switch between a standard walking mode and a battle mode depending on the situation.

This game provides examples of:

  • Cash Gate: There are times when Usagi is asked to pay a toll to pass, but it's possible to kill the one who asks in a battle and even gain karma due to their negative affliation.
  • Character Portrait: Usagi's portrait can be seen in a corner (its exact placement depends on the version). It changes expression based on what Usagi's doing (walking normally, preparing to battle, eating, etc.)
  • Karma Meter: A karma counter is always present in the game. You raise it by performing honorable actions (giving peasants money, bowing to officials, and taking part in duels with fellow samurai), and have it drop by doing the opposite. Letting it fall to zero leads Usagi to commit seppuku.
  • Life Meter: Both Usagi and the enemy have a ten-segment life meter displayed at the bottom.
  • Palette Swap: A bunch of NPCs have the same sprites as others, just with different colors. Some even look just like Usagi.
  • Stalactite Spite: An ice cave has falling stalactites that start falling once Usagi's in close proximity.
  • Victory by First Blood: Other samurai may challenge Usagi to a duel to first blood. The winner is the one who manages to score a decent hit first.
  • A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing: Some peasants turn out to be enemy ninja in disguise, dropping it and getting ready to kill him as soon as he walks away.
