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Tropers / Rae Mina

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Describing Raemina here.

Raemina is a lady. And a mighty fine one at that. She's working on a college education, and in the meantime spends a lot of her time indoors playing video games, guitar, or writing. Her favorite games tend to be JRPGs, although she hasn't played enough to call herself an fanatic. Except for the Tales Series. Which is awesome.

So awesome in fact that she's developing a fanfic sequel of Tales Of Vesperia. She's been collecting tropes for it elsewhere, and might end up putting it here for some more publicity. Said fanfic can be found here.

As a note, She is NOT blonde. Her hair is a VERY light brown. The rest of her family has black-brown hair, so by default she's obviously not a blonde! No matter what my- Er, I mean- her friends that she's had from sixth grade say otherwise...

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