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Tropers / Lordyoshi 01

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I'm only slightly insane.
— My personal motto.

How do I describe myself? Well for one I am an editor that got sucked into TvTropes years ago when I was simply using google search for something. I value simple things; laying in bed, eating good food, reading hentai, playing video games, reading hentai, reading manga, reading hentai, watching television, reading hentai, playing children's card games, reading hentai, playing real card games, reading hentai, playing Dungeons And Dragons, reading hentai, well you get the picture.

I am an expert gamer, having a great knowledge of:

  • Pokemon: I know more about pokemon than most people should, having played it since Red came out in America.
  • World Of Warcraft: I know more about this than anyone should without being paid for it. I'm a massive lore buff when it comes to the Warcraft series and I have bought and read many of their novels and comics... and manga too.
  • Yu Gi Oh: Sadly I know a great deal about this children's card game having played it for years before my realization of how broken it is to be able to win any game by buying the best cards. Then I took up playing again when I couldn't get anyone to play Magic The Gathering at my high school, and I was once again taken aback from how broken the game still is. Even so I know a lot about the gameplay and can teach anyone to play it.
  • Magic The Gathering: I learned how to play this a few years after learning how to play the previous game. I might not know much about deck building, or strategy, and have terrible luck, and having never done well in a single tournament. I know this game's mechanics pretty much in and out from years of study and go to tournaments frequently.
  • Super Mario Bros: God I love this series, having that fat plumber raise me since I could hold a controller. I've played at more than half of the western released games from this series, and I don't regret a single one.

About me, more personally, I am usually calm, but quick to anger when my buttons get pushed. I don't like fighting and I'm quite nice... usually. I am slightly insane though, and I can get really weird really quick.

Aditional notes: I'm also a DM for my Dungeons And Dragons group, a fanfic writer, and a bit of a porn enthusiast.

Tropes assosiated with me
