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Trivia / Yotsuba&!

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  • Channel Hop: The English distribution rights for Yotsuba&! were transferred from ADV Films to Yen Press in 2009, following ADV's bankruptcy and dissolution. This resulted in the first five volumes receiving new prints with a different translation team.
  • Died During Production: A translator for the Yen Press English adaptation passed away during a hiatus before it was time to translate volume 11, so a new translator had to come in.
  • Doing It for the Art: The inconsistent schedule for Yotsuba&!'s chapter releases is not due to Schedule Slip, but rather the intended result of Azuma's authoring method. He deliberately chooses to not to update the series all that frequently nor consistently, and he has implied multiple times that he only writes the series for his own amusement. Azuma has also been known to take long breaks between chapters so he can focus on other things, such as conventions. Because of this, what he does put to paper is always purposeful and skillfully executed.
  • Keep Circulating the Tapes: Not the series itself, but ADV Manga's translation of the first five volumes have been out of print ever since they went defunct, with Yen Press deciding to make an entirely new translation for their editions instead. The difference isn't massive, but those who want to compare the two, or simply prefer the older translation, may have to look a bit.
  • No Adaptations Allowed: Kiyohiko Azama has not allowed it to be adapted into an anime, citing a belief that it's not well-suited to an animated format. However, there have been instrumental albums, animated commercials, and an anime spin-off.
  • Pilot Episode: A oneshot called Try!Try!Try! Among other differences, Fuuka has a ponytail in it.
  • Referenced by...: Questionable Content: Marigold has Yotsuba&! and Osaka posters in her room.
  • Schedule Slip:
    • Chapter 61 was put on hold due to the impending tenth anniversary celebrations for Azuma's previous work, Azumanga Daioh, which included a George Lucas Altered Version of that manga with redrawn and additional strips. In light of this, Azuma published an illustration of Tomo Takino from Azumanga Daioh telling a dejected Yotsuba to take a break, accompanied by an apology for the delay.
    • Translation-wise: ADV Manga had plans to translate vol. 6, with their translation of vol. 5 even saying it'd be released in 2008. However, it missed that date due to ADV going through financial issues, and vol. 6 wouldn't get released until the license was transferred over to Yen Press in 2009.
  • Word of God:
    • Despite its immense popularity, Azuma has stated himself that he doesn't intend the series to ever be adapted into an anime. This is because he thinks the simple nature of the manga won't come across well in an anime format. It doesn't stop many readers from asking about or nagging for an anime adaptation.
    • On a God Never Said That note, he's rejected rumours that the lack of anime is due to him being unhappy with Azumanga Daioh's adaptation and having friction between some staff. However he's said that "it's not good to have two people competing for control of an anime production", which does imply he prefers to have his own control over Yotsuba&!.
