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Trivia / No Matter How I Look at It, It's You Guys' Fault I'm Not Popular!

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  • Actor-Inspired Element: When the creators of the manga learned that Tomoko would be voiced by Izumi Kitta, of whom they were already fans, they rewrote her lines to be even more perverted just so they could make one of their favorite actresses say hilariously offensive things.
  • Executive Meddling:
    • Tomoko's character design was originally meant to be taller, with smaller sanpaku eyes; however, the publisher asked for a cuter design. Arguably a positive example, since making Tomoko scrawnier and giving her oversized eyes ended up complimenting her characterization by making her look sickly and stunted.
    • Yuu-chan wasn't originally a part of the manga, however the publishers thought it was too depressing for Tomoko to have no friends. Again, this was arguably a positive example, as Yuu has turned into a character foil who amplifies Tomoko's social maladjustment.
  • No Export for You:
    • The OVA, which had limited release,note  has yet to be officially localized anywhere outside Japan.
    • Outside of the first chapter being included at the end of Volume 5 of the Yen Press release, there is no English version for the prequel-spinoff, TomoMote.
  • Portmanteau Series Nickname: The title is often contracted to WataMote.
  • Technology Marches On: One gag sticks out in particular, as it relies upon Tomoko confusing the headphone and microphone jacks on her computer. It wasn't much later that computers started using a common jack for both, to accommodate headsets with a single plug.
  • What Could Have Been: According to the Japanese Wikipedia at least, the authors originally planned for Tomoko to not have a single friend. The editor found this premise too depressing and asked the authors to introduce a friend for Tomoko, which is why Yuu was created. Also, Tomoko's design (see Executive Meddling).
  • Write Who You Know:
    • The series is based on the authors' own experiences, so much so that one of them decided not to have Tomoko be bullied because it would have made the whole thing too personal.
    • One of the more popular fan-theories is that some of the supporting cast are stand-ins for the authors and/or people they know. Tomoko is Iko (the writer), Yuri is Niko (the artist), Hina post-anime is Izumi Kitta, etc.
