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Trivia / Little Clowns of Happytown

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  • Children Voicing Children: Big Top and Blooper were voiced by young boys.
  • Colbert Bump: The show was relatively obscure until The Mysterious Mr. Enter made a video about it, and it's gotten a lot of notoriety over its overly cutesy, Sweetness Aversion nature and lack of nuance when tackling certain subjects like disabilities.
  • Creator Backlash: Screenwriter Buzz Dixon worked on the show, and was so appalled by the amount of Executive Meddling in regards to writing any sort of conflict or comic violence, resulting in the show's saccharine nature, that he referred to the show as an abomination in the eyes of God and man in this article.
  • Executive Meddling: It's no surprise this show spawned from the minds of Q5, hired that season by ABC to defang their already-soft kids lineup, which resulted in The Real Ghostbusters becoming far less scary.
  • Keep Circulating the Tapes: Only six episodes were released on DVD, and those six are the only ones that can be accessed in English. Three episodes haven't resurfaced, and the rest of the episodes exist in either Korean, Arabic, or Russian.
  • The Other Darrin: Awful B. Bad had two voice actors for some reason: Charlie Adler and Pat Fraley.
