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Tear Jerker / Open Season

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Is this where I belong?...

For Open Season:

  • The montage where Boog is airlifted back to the mountains, which ends with Beth hugging him and saying goodbye, with Paul Westerberg's "Good Day" playing. According to the DVD Commentary, Westerberg originally wrote the song for a friend who had died.
  • Beth tranquilizing Boog. She saw that Shaw was planning to shoot Boog and, for all she knew, Boog had gone feral. To protect him, she did what she thought was necessary and she clearly didn’t enjoy doing it.
  • Boog losing his stuffed teddy bear Dinkleman in the flood. He does retrieve it back later on in the movie from Shaw.
  • After escaping the flood, the animals accuse Boog of dooming the entire forest. Elliot defends Boog, only for Boog to blame the whole mess on him and disown him for lying to him about knowing the way to Timberline. And Boog storms off, leaving Elliot hurt.
    Reilly: [furiously glares at Boog] You! You did this!
    (All the forest animals approach Boog with contempt)
    Boog: What'd I do?
    Reilly: You dragged us down to the hunting grounds!
    Maria: Yeah! Where are we gonna hide?!
    Serge: We're sitting ducks out here!
    Buddy: And it's open season!
    Elliot: [wades through the crowd quieting them] All right, all right. That's enough. Guys, it's not his fault.
    Boog: Oh, you're right, Elliot. It's your fault!
    Elliot: My fault?
    Boog: Yeah! If it weren't for you, I'd be home right now! None of this would've ever happened! You said you knew the way back, but you lied!
    Elliot: I... no. Okay. Okay, maybe... I thought if you hung out with me, then maybe you would like me.
    Boog: Oh, man! I trusted you, Elliot!
    Elliot: I'm sorry, Boog. We're still partners, right?
    Boog: You know, Elliot, I'm better off alone. (Elliot slumps)
    Buddy: What about us?
    Crowd: Yeah. Yeah, what about us?
    Boog: "Us?" There's no us! You're not my problem. (to Elliot) And you? We're done. (Boog turns his back on Elliot and begins to leave)
    Elliot: But... Boog, wait!
    Boog: Done!
    • The following montage of Westerberg's "I Belong" playing (albeit with Pete Yorn performing the song) afterward doesn't help.
  • Boog and Beth saying goodbye. The fact that she never reappears in the franchise afterwards means it's unlikely that they'll ever see each other again.

For Open Season 2:

For Open Season 3:

For Open Season: Scared Silly:
