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Tear Jerker / Healin' Good♡Pretty Cure

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Episode 1

  • We get a brief flashback of Nodoka being at the hospital, which contextualizes her desire to help others in a more sympathetic light. She knows what it feels like to be helpless, and now that she's free to roam around as she pleases, she wants to repay the kindness that was shown to her by helping others.
  • Her sheer excitement after her first fight as Cure Grace at being able to run around and jump without tiring is also rather heart-touching in hindsight. Given her illness, she probably never had much opportunity to move her body to her heart's content.

Episode 2

  • In this episode, we learn that Nodoka was wheelchair-bound as a child and that for her, going outside was a special treat.
  • The scene where Nodoka apologizes to Rabirin that follows the one above, where both of them start getting emotional over hurting each other's feelings.

Episode 8

  • Chiyu falling into a Heroic BSoD after failing a high jump. That feeling of hitting that wall, and just feeling tilted when you can't seem to overcome it, hits close to home to a lot of people trying to improve any kind of skill or simply challenging oneself.
  • Nodoka, Hinata and Pegitan getting concerned about her overworking herself when she keeps practising her high jump nonstop. It's to the point where it's a problematic obsession and is certainly not okay.

Episode 9

  • Cure Sparkle breaking down, when she realized she rushed ahead into things without telling the others. The fact that Shindoine keeps guilt-tripping the poor lass does not help either.

Episode 10

  • Cure Grace apologizing to Rabirin for her reckless behaviour during their fight, which almost led to her defeat and making Latte sick.

Episode 13

  • Hinata's talk about possibly quitting the Precures which worries everyone, especially Nyatoran.
    • Her backstory of her not being able to keep up with or be as good as her older siblings.

Episode 15

  • The pain Nodoka and Rabirin are in when Rabirin becomes embarrassed about holding the Daruma doll and throws it away. The split between them prevents Nodoka from becoming Cure Grace, so Latte has to force Nodoka and Rabirin to talk and apologize.

Episode 18

  • Everyone's concern about Hinata being replaced as Cure Sparkle when Nyatoran falls in love with a human girl.
  • Nyatoran's heartbreak when he finds out the girl he loves is already engaged to be married.

Episode 22

  • Asumi's sadness when Latte starts to distance herself from her. The shock causes her to become transparent.

Episode 28

  • The Reveal that Nodoka's sickness was caused by a Mega-Byogen that ended up becoming Daruizen.
    • Nodoka feels guilty of spawning in Daruizen, to the point where she decides to deal with it herself. This burden carries over to the next episode.

Episode 33

  • The sense of helplessness Nodoka's doctor was feeling after Nodoka was cured after being badly sick for a long time and how the letter she wrote to him heavily impacted him and inspired him to quit his job to become a medical researcher. This also doubles as a heartwarming moment.

Episode 36

  • The tension between Hinata and her old friend was pretty upsetting when they couldn't find anything to talk about.
    • This is taken up to eleven when she learns her friend is jealous of her hanging out with Nodoka, Chiyu and Asumi.

Episode 40

  • Hinata blaming herself for King Guaiwaru's formation and attack, believing she always fails at the end.
    • The tone of her voice while trying to battle King Guaiwaru earlier is also enough to invoke sympathy. She's hurt by his revelation and one can interpret it as Hinata venting her frustration in her fight, only to get overpowered by the foe.

Episode 42

  • For Daruizen's fans, his death scene can be heart wrenching, especially considering he looks so defeated. It's quite the Alas, Poor Villain moment.

Episode 44

  • The scene where the Cures have to say goodbye to Asumi and their animal partners as they go back to the Healing Garden. The girls also avoid crying to not upset them even more.
