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Tear Jerker / Ginger Snaps

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.
  • Brigitte killing Ginger at the end of the first movie. Even worse is Brigitte's reaction.
    Brigitte: I'm not dying in this room with you!
  • Throughout the first movie, Ginger and Brigitte's relationship continuously falls apart. At the beginning they were the best friends they could have and by the end Brigitte stabs her in the heart.
    • Here is one example of their arguments.
      Brigitte: You want me? Then stop hurting everybody else and take me, take me!
      Ginger: I don't want you! I don't even know you!
    • And another
      Ginger: We're almost not even related anymore.
    • And another:
      Ginger: I said I'd die for you!
      Brigitte: No, you said you'd die with me because you had nothing better to do.
  • The scene where Brigitte and Sam finish making the monkshood cure, and he reveals that he knew she was lying about who was really infected.
    Sam: Understand, you may kill her trying to save her.
    Brigitte: What?
    Sam: It's for Ginger, isn't it? …Look, worst case scenario, you put her out of her misery. Just as long as you're prepared for that, and I mean sure.
  • The scene where Brigitte infects herself with the werewolf curse in an attempt to reason with Ginger to take the cure. This becomes even more heartbreaking after you've seen the sequel, knowing that Brigitte's final attempt to save Ginger was all in vain, and she ultimately doomed herself, as well.
    Brigitte: You wrecked everything for me that isn't about you! (cuts both her and Ginger's palms, then holds her hand, mixing their blood and ultimately infecting herself) Now I am you.
  • Sam's death.
  • Trina tearfully confronting Brigitte about her dog at first, and then Sam. It's implied Sam took her virginity and then dropped her. Even though Trina is painted as an antagonist it’s still sad to see a teenage girl reeling from the idea of her virginity being lost to someone who didn't even care.
    Trina: (holding her dog's leash) Give me back my dog.
    Brigitte: Trina, I don’t have your dog.
    Trina: Ginger took him, I saw her! …You know, I feel sorry for you. He doesn't like you. He's a cherry hound. He's into virgins.
    Brigitte: Trina, you're bleeding. Go home.
    Trina: If you are so fucking smart, you won't give him the satisfaction. Somebody, just once, shouldn't give that fucker the satisfaction!
  • As quirky and a bit of a Cloud Cuckoo Lander that she is, you can't help but feel bad for Pamela after she discovers Trina's body, which leads to this moment between her and Brigitte.
    Pamela: You've done a terrible thing. But... my tiny babies... now, it's one thing if you leave, it's almost normal, but no one's gonna take you from me. First thing tomorrow, I'll let the house fill up with gas, and I'll light a match.
    Brigitte: What?
    Pamela: We'll start fresh. Just us girls. It'll be fun.
    Brigitte: ...What about Dad?
    Pamela: He'll just blame me. They all will...
    Brigitte: ...This isn't your fault, Mom.
    Pamela: (clearly on the verge of tears) ...Yes, it is...
  • The Deleted Scene in which Pamela makes the ultimate sacrifice for her daughters at the Halloween party by telling the cops that SHE murdered Trina, giving Brigitte and Ginger time to escape.
    Brigitte: Mom!
    Pamela: (sadly) Run. Run!
    • Made even sadder knowing that this would be the last time Pamela saw Ginger alive…
