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Tear Jerker / Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow

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  • The bad ending easily counts. History Repeats doesn't even begin to cover it. In the same vein, Julius Mode, while an awesome call-back to Dracula's Curse, can just as easily be considered this, since this mode is a hypothetical scenario of what would happen if the aforementioned bad ending was canon instead of the good ending.
    • If Julius is the one to land the final blow against Dracula!Soma, he apologizes to his former friend for being unable to save him.
      • Or, if you're feeling particularly cruel, you can make Alucard land the final blow, forcing him to kill his father for the third time.
    • To twist the knife, listen carefully to Dracula!Soma's roar upon entering his second phase. Very carefully. Sounds like a heavily distorted "Ha...kuba...", doesn't it? He's still grieving for her. And he dies completely unaware of the truth.
    • Even worse? Consider this ending path when interacting with Yoko during some of the visits to her shop. A first time playthrough would have all her playful teasing and prodding about Soma's feelings for Mina seem innocent enough, but it takes on a far darker tone when it comes to light that in many ways, she's the tipping point for whether Soma will lose himself to the powers within him or not on a repeat playthrough... suddenly a slightly comical scene isn't so funny anymore...
