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Recap / The Outer Limits (1963) S 2 E 9 "'I, Robot'"

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"The story of the year: The state versus Adam Link, first all-functional robot. Thinks, talks, acts, accused of murder!"

The Control Voice: God looked upon his world and called it good, but Man was not content. He looked for ways to make it better and built machines to do the work. But in vain we build the world, unless the builder also grows.

A robot is put on trial for the murder of his creator.

The Control Voice: Out of every disaster, a little progress is made. Man will build more robots, and learn how to make them better. And, given enough time, he may learn how to do the same for himself.

This episode got a remake in The Outer Limits (1995).

"I, Tropebot":''

  • Bittersweet Ending: Adam proves his worthiness, but only by a Heroic Sacrifice.
  • Bookends: The episode begins and ends with Adam saving the life of the same little girl.
  • Courtroom Episode: The story is about a sentient robot on trial for the murder of its creator.
  • Death by Adaptation: In the original short story on which the episode is based, Adam risks his life to save the little girl, causing his accusers to have a change of heart, but survives and goes on to have many other adventures.
  • Gender Flip: In this episode, Dr. Charles Link's closest living relative is his niece Nina. In the 1939 short story "The Trial of Adam Link, Robot" by Eando Binder on which it is based, his closest relative is his nephew Tom.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: When Adam is destroyed while saving the little girl, it proves that he was a good robot after all.
  • Snark-to-Snark Combat: The exchanges between Thurman Cutler (Adam Link's attorney) and Judson Ellis (a cynical reporter covering the robot's murder trial) often turn into this.
  • Tragic Robot: Poor Adam! Things keep going From Bad to Worse to him throughout the story, and the fearful villagers don't realize he meant well all along until after he's destroyed.
  • What Measure Is a Non-Human?: The Driving Question of the story.
