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Recap / Re Boot S 2 E 1 Infected

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Megabyte infiltrates the Principle Office disguised as an upgrade, and begins to put Mainframe under his control. Bob and Dot must find a way to defeat the virus before all of Mainframe is destroyed.

This episode has examples of

  • Eye Lights Out: Megabyte's eyes start to dim as he is being crushed by Dot. They light back up when he gets his second wind.
  • The Famine: Enzo and the other citizens of Mainframe are suffering from this due to the system being shut down improperly. Phong instructing the Mainframers to prepare for a power down implies that the system shutting down isn't harmful by itself, but with Megabyte in control the Mainframers can't access the energy they need to live and start starving to death.
  • Greed: Phong's suggestion to Bob is to take advantage of Megabyte's greed. During the climax when he's able to do so, Bob mocks Megabyte for it.
  • "Hey, You!" Haymaker: As Megabyte gloats to Enzo, "the new and improved" Dot arrives.
    Dot: [tapping Megabyte's shoulder] Excuse me.
    Megabyte: Dot?
    [Megabyte turns around and sees Dot in a large exo-skeleton suit right before she swats him away]
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: Megabyte is beaten when Bob uses Megabyte's greed to trick the virus into an erasure chamber.
  • Mighty Roar: Megabyte when Bob and Dot escape.
  • Oh, Crap!: Bob when Glitch runs out of power.
  • Properly Paranoid: Hexadecimal agreed to team-up with Megabyte on this one, but she knows better than to trust him. She warns she'll be watching him and, after the vid window closes, Megabyte suggests she watch very closely.
  • Raised Hand of Survival: After the chamber is ejected from the Principal Office and lands by the Tor, the door opens and Megabyte's hand emerges.
  • Sadist: Megabyte quite delights at the mass panic he causes by ordering Mainframe be erased. Hexadecimal is quite amused by it, too.
  • Shut Up, Kirk!:
    Phong: You cannot infect me, virus!
    Megabyte: How true, but I can copy your read-only memory.
  • Taking You with Me: Bob tricks Megabyte into entering the chamber that Mainframe uses to delete viruses. Unfortunately, Megabyte still has control of the Principal Office's codes. He threatens to use them to blow up Mainframe if he's destroyed, forcing Bob to eject him from the Principal Office.
  • Trojan Horse: Megabyte fakes a new upgrade being downloaded into the system so he can sneak into the Principle Office.
  • Villain Respect: Megabyte admits to Phong that his foes certainly fight bravely to the bitter end.
  • Villain Team-Up: Megabyte was able to pull off his deception with Hexadecimal's powers. They had a deal of dividing Mainframe up equally, though Megabyte is fully prepared to betray her at the first opportunity.
  • Wham Line:
    Hexadecimal: Now, you wouldn't be attempting to erase me... would you?!
    Megabyte: Oh, come now. Would that be any way to treat family?
