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Recap / Oz S 1 E 8 A Game Of Checkers

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"Now let's get organized!"

Directed by Jean De Segonzac

Written by Tom Fontana

Tropes for the episode:

  • Because You Were Nice to Me: Beecher shows no hesitation in protecting Ryan from the Muslim gang. This is likely to repay him for the kindness Ryan showed to him when both were new inmates in Oz.
  • Blatant Lies: McManus's claims he would forgive Schillinger if he were in Beecher's position.
  • Bystander Syndrome: Alvarez doesn't lift a finger to help Mukada when he's beaten by other inmates.
  • Call-Back: Beecher remembers that Adebisi stole his watch and refuses to untie him because of this.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: Rebadow is in prison for killing a man who mocked his designs for a building.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: It's revealed that Schillinger was sent to Oz after attacking a drug dealer who was selling to his kids. Now all he wants is to make his parole so he can help them with their drug addiction.
  • Honor Before Reason: McManus surrenders himself as a hostage despite knowing it will put him at the mercy of Scott Ross who obviously wants to kill him.
  • Jerkass: Hunt starts insulting McManus and blaming him for the riot, when he really should accept that he knew there'd be risks when he signed up for the job.
  • Lack of Empathy: Both O'Reily and Adebisi are apathetic to the survival of the injured guard.
  • Murder Is the Best Solution: Despite Glynn and McManus telling him that the prisoner's demands are reasonable and that the best way to end things without bloodshed would be to simply meet them, Devlin decides to send in the National Guard, knowing prisoners and possibly even hostages will die as a result.
  • Noble Demon: Alvarez and Said prove to be far more compassionate than the other riot leaders, and O'Reily ends up defusing several points of tension between factions.
  • Pet the Dog:
    • Vahue does try to save Dobbins, though only after desperate pleading from Hill.
    • Alvarez really wants to get a doctor for the injured guard and tries to treat him himself when the other inmates vote against it.
  • Pay Evil unto Evil: Alvarez beats Mineo badly for making a joke about his son's death.
  • Sadist: Adebisi is in prison for killing a policeman out of pure cruelty.
  • Voice of Reason: Strangely enough, Ryan is this, as he defuses several situations between the Aryans and homeboys during the riot.
  • You Bastard!: During his narration, Hill chides the audience for having forgotten that for all that they are mistreated and abused, the prisoners are still violent criminals. It's immediately followed by a scene of Alvarez, who up to this point had been treated sympathetically, brutally beating a guard being held captive.
