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Recap / Jane the Virgin - "Chapter Seventy One"

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Jane the Roadtripper

Jane: Maybe I'm not cut out to be a writer.
Rafael: That is just your doubts and your fears talking. You have to keep writing. You are a writer.

Jane's book tour takes an unexpected turn at the first stop, leaving her, Xo and Alba wondering what to do; Rafael and Rogelio's attempt to take care of Mateo while Jane is away hits a snag but brings them together.

Tropes in this episode:

  • As Herself: Iyanla Vanzant.
  • Attending Your Own Funeral: Anezka shows up in disguise at her funeral; she faked her death to see who cared about her.
  • Big Damn Kiss: Jane and Rafael finally kiss (again).
  • Cliffhanger: Seeing as this is the Mid-Season finale, the following happens:
    • Anezka falls to her death after finding out that Petra has been pretending to be nice to her, with the strongly hinted possibility that Petra pushed her.
    • Xo and Rogelio go to couples therapy.
    • Jane and Rafael get back together.
    • Alba rejects Jorge's marriage proposal.
  • Disney Villain Death: Anezka falls onto the coffin from the balcony.
  • Faking the Dead: Anezka faked her own death to see who truly cared about her.
  • From the Mouths of Babes: Anezka finds out how Petra really feels about her from Ellie and Anna.
  • Homoerotic Subtext: Rafael tucking Rogelio in bed after falling ill.
  • Love-Obstructing Parents: Rogelio's misjudgement of Rafael's character returns as a sick Rogelio tells Rafael he worries that Rafael and Jane will get back together. Rogelio states that Rafael was a playboy when they met in 2014, which is not true as Rafael was married and, after his divorce, got into a serious relationship with Jane. Rogelio states that he's held onto this untrue perception of Rafael since then, which would be a Retcon given that there were episodes dedicated to them becoming close in Season 3, which was years prior in the current timeline.
  • Not Quite Dead: Anezka faked her suicide. Subverted as she actually ends up dead by the episode's end.
  • Road Trip Plot: Jane goes on a road-trip with Alba and Xiomara for her book tour.
  • Rule of Three: Rafael tells Jane to be brave for her writing thrice; Jane gave Adam three chances to back out of their relationship; and the episode's A- and B- plots are about the trios of Alba/Xo/Jane and Rogelio/Rafael/Mateo.
  • Shout-Out: To Game of Thrones, which Anezka has been bingeing.
  • Sick Episode: Mateo falls ill and Rogelio and Rafael take care of him. Then Rogelio falls ill too.
  • Wrong Genre Savvy: Anezka thinks she's Sansa in Game of Thrones — the underestimated ingenue who becomes cunning and powerful. She's actually more like Ned.
