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Recap / J-WITCH S1 E25, "The Precious Mask"

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When the third Oni Mask is discovered in a Heatherfield museum, everyone is shocked when it lands on an unexpected host — Blunk. Meanwhile, the girls adopt a stray dog.

  • Bound and Gagged: When Will is captured, the Bat Khan use shadow ropes to tie her up. Then Miranda covers her mouth with webbing so that she can't say the magic words and assume her Guardian form.
  • Crazy-Prepared: It's revealed that Jade's been keeping the Horse Talisman at the shop, partially because of Caleb's chi magic mishaps.
  • Cuteness Proximity: All the girls instantly fall in love with Scruffy when they find him.
  • Didn't See That Coming: Hay Lin says this when first seeing Miranda's spider form.
  • Dire Beast: Scruffy uses the Monkey Talisman to turn himself into a dire wolf while fighting Cedric.
  • For Want Of A Nail:
    • Blunk is the one who ends up with the Bat-Khan mask, not Scruffy.
    • Miranda ends up fighting the heroes, when in canon she only really became involved in the direct conflict in the Season 2 timeframe.
  • Greed: Blunk's natural desire for shining objects increases under the Bat Khan mask's influence and Tarakudo's encouragement to the point that he orders the Bat Khan to steal for him every shining thing in Heatherfield.
  • Groin Attack: When Wong approaches Will while trying to drain the Heart of Kandrakar, she kicks him in the crotch.
  • Heroes Love Dogs: When Scruffy first appears, J-WITCH and Alchemy immediately become fond of him and insist on keeping him.
  • In Spite of a Nail: Despite the Noble Animals arc being Adapted Out, Jade still ends up finding and adopting Scruffy.
  • Jaw Drop: Everyone reacts this way when the mask ends up on Blunk, of all people.
  • Mythology Gag:
    • Scruffy is introduced in this chapter, which deals with the Bat Khan mask, the same one he wore in canon.
    • Wong still uses the vampiric mouths in his hands to drain powerful magic, though instead of trying to drain the Talismans' magic out of Jade or the Noble Animals, he tries to drain the Heart's magic from Will.
  • Primal Stance: While Blunk wears the Bat Khan mask, he's hunchbacked and walks on all four limbs.
  • Puppy-Dog Eyes: All the girls direct these towards Jackie when they once again ask if they can keep Scruffy.
  • That's Gotta Hurt: When Will gives Wong a Groin Attack, Tarakudo winces and remarks it's going to leave a mark.
