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Recap / Happy Heroes S 1 E 10

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Chinese episode title: 活力夏令营 ("Huólì xiàlìngyíng")
English translation: "Luxurious Summer Tour"

The Supermen and Doctor H. go to a four-star hotel. The "hotel" turns out to be a simple camping trip led by the cheapskate Mr. Lightbulb.

This episode contains the following tropes:

  • Bears Are Bad News: Big M. is attacked by a bear twice. First, the bear notices Big M. has bread with him and goes after the food. Then, at the end of the episode, the same bear chases after the fish he is carrying.
  • Big Honking Traffic Jam: The Supermen attempt to summon their Car Knights to deal with the rice cooker that has been brought to life by Big M.'s Black Jewel. The Car Knights don't appear because they're stuck in a traffic jam with lots of honking drivers.
  • Camping Episode: Much to the chagrin of the Supermen and Doctor H., the supposed visit to a hotel is nothing more than a cheap camping trip.
  • Exit, Pursued by a Bear: The episode ends with Big M. being chased by a bear who wants to eat his fish.
  • Idiot Crows: One flies by when Smart S. asks where to plug in the rice cooker... outside, where there are no electrical outlets.
  • Onion Tears: Everyone fawns over how good the food from the rice cooker is and even start tearing up over it... or not. It's actually from Sweet S. chopping some onions.
  • Shout-Out: Big M. says that nobody can save the Supermen, "not even Superman". A robot in a Superman costume then appears flying with a balloon tied around him; Little M. promptly pops the balloon.
  • Very False Advertising: The Taj Mahal-looking hotel the gang sees in a pamphlet does exist, but it's a little model that's exactly the size of the one depicted in the ad. It's called a "four-star hotel" because there's a group of four stars that can be seen in the night sky over it.
