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Recap / Disenchantment S 4 E 5 The Pitter Patter Of Little Feet

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With Cloyd and Becky gone, Bean and Zog decide to rule Dreamland together, but things go south when Zog's ventriloquist dummy Freckles drives a wedge between the two. Meanwhile, Cloyd and Becky plot their next move


  • Animate Inanimate Object: Freckles the dummy was secretly alive the whole time. He convinces Sorcerio to "bring him to life" with his magic so he doesn't have to hide it anymore.
  • Beautiful Singing Voice: Zog, as a teen, had one, until he secretly smoked one of his dad's cigars and it made his voice raspy.
  • Borrowed Catchphrase: Zog uses the Jester's "oh, no!" as he falls into the ocean, right down to the same inflection.
  • Brick Joke:
    • The episode begins right where the last one ended, with Cloyd and Becky still running from the angry mob, and Cloyd still nursing the head wound Jerry gave him.
    • Before going after Freckles, Bean instructs Zog not to fetch Turbish and Mertz. He does so anyway.
  • The Dog Bites Back: Jerry is more willing to back-talk Odval than he was Cloyd and Becky.
  • Dream Within a Dream: Twice; first, Zog wakes up from a nightmare and takes a walk with Freckles, but then comes across child-versions of himself and his brother Yog and realizes he is still dreaming. Later, when Bean tries to save Zog from falling into the ocean, Zog assures her this is just a dream, and is proven right.
  • Faking the Dead: Cloyd and Becky apparently flee with the escape pod from The Compensator, so when Bean shoots it down she believes them to be dead. In reality, they were never in the escape pod to begin with.
  • False Friend: Freckles, who does everything he can to turn Zog against Bean and is secretly in league with Cloyd and Becky.
  • Help, I'm Stuck!: As Bean follows Freckles, Cloyd and Becky into the deepest bowels beneath the castle, the hallways get narrower and narrower until eventually Bean gets stuck when trying to squeeze through a small door.
  • I Resemble That Remark!: When Jerry asks an innocent question, Odval tells him as an unpaid intern he's lucky he's not beaten. Jerry points out they do beat him, to which Odval replies that for that, he's going to beat him.
  • Let's Split Up, Gang!: An accidental case brought about by Turbish and Mertz being stupid. Immediately after Zog tells them to follow him, they both go separate ways.
  • Lightning Can Do Anything: Subverted; Sorcerio uses lightning to try and bring Freckles to live, and believes it worked, but Freckles was secretly alive the whole time so the lightning didn't do anything.
  • Parental Favoritism: King Xog preferred Yog to Zog. His advice to them was to tell Yog he was "already perfect", and scold Zog for letting him down.
  • The Roast: Freckles organizes one for Zog, who actually agrees.
  • Ruling Couple: Well, father and daughter in this case; Bean and Zog decide to share the throne of Dreamland.
  • Shout-Out:
    • Freckles being "brought to life" by Sorcerio is a huge one to Frankenstein's Monster, complete with Sorcerio shouting "it's alive" upon seeing Freckles moving on it's own.
    • In Zog's dream, he imagines Lady Ligonberry declaring "either his testicles go or I do", a paraphrase of something Oscar Wilde once said.
  • This Is Gonna Suck: Freckles has this reaction when he realizes he's about to be zapped by lightning.
  • Un Evil Laugh: Cloyd's returns, while he and Becky laugh at having faked their death. His goes on until Becky glowers at him to shut up.
